Dante placed those who tried to remain neutral during critical times and who neither Heaven nor Hell would accept ("Now Heaven expels them, not to mar its splendor, and Hell rejects them, lest the wicked of heart take some glory over them.") in the ante-Hell, outside of Hell proper. They spent eternity aimlessly racing this way or the other being pursued by wasps--a good description of traffic on an ordinary day in Rome.
You should allow "Vain" as an answer to the ROYGBIV. British schoolchildren were (are?) taught the mnemonic "RICHARD OF YORK GAINED BATTLES IN VAIN" to remember the rainbow colours. I never thought you were looking for the actual colour, VIOLET!!
I get this complaint (obviously multiple people have it) but it's the same for PEMDAS or MVEMJSUN(P) ... there are numerous iterations of these mnemonics but they are each used to remember a concept ... the concept is obviously the answer.
What about "Read Out Your Good Book In Verse" or "Respect Others, You Grow By Including Variety." I personally learned it as a name "Roy G. Biv."
Vegan doesn't accept vegetarian? WHY ON EARTH? Im kind of mad because i would have got 100% too... Anyway...HOLY COW PLEASE FIX THIS SO IT ACCEPTS VEGETARIAN!
IllegalD, from your level I can see that you haven't been on the site very long, so here's a piece of advice. Check you facts before commenting. You'll save yourself a lot of embarrassment if you do.
The answer is correct, but initially my thought were the same. Might be a matter of wording, or because english isnt my language. But reading "eats no animals products" translated in my mind to eats no meat. But indeed milk and eggs are "produce" of the animals, so it IS correct. just at first glance and quick translation it seems it is asked, about who doesnt eat parts of animals.
If it was written as eats nothing an animal produces, or even doesnt eat any products OF animals. (or anything produced by animals) The mistake wouldnt be made. (cause meat is considered a product, eventhough it is not produced by and animal)
Sifhraven What do you mean meat is not produced by an animal? All meat comes from animals (well, except the cultured meat they've been working on recently, I suppose, if you don't consider coming from just some cells of an animal as coming from an animal)
Producing is making, manufacturing. Not being made of.
If something is being produced you can take it and more could be produced. You can't cut off all the meat of an animal and expect it to grow it back so you can harvest it again..
If they would "produce" meat, you would only ever need a few animals,
Maybe change the vegan clue because purchasing/wearing something made of leather, for instance, is against veganism. It's more of a lifestyle than a dietary thing.
Perhaps "person who does not use animal products"
or maybe consumes since that applies to eating, using, and purchasing
I mean yeah technically ... but dietary veganism is still veganism? Philosophical vegans (or "moral" vegans) oppose animal products in all forms but it's a mess and so many arbitrary "rules" that have no agreed-upon line across all vegans. Consumes would be a nice middle ground though - despite most people equating veganism with diet.
I misread "George Washington's home state" as "George Washington's home estate" and was confused as to how I was spelling Vernon (as in Mount Vernon) incorrectly. It pays to read well, kids
Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.
What about "Read Out Your Good Book In Verse" or "Respect Others, You Grow By Including Variety." I personally learned it as a name "Roy G. Biv."
If it was written as eats nothing an animal produces, or even doesnt eat any products OF animals. (or anything produced by animals) The mistake wouldnt be made. (cause meat is considered a product, eventhough it is not produced by and animal)
If something is being produced you can take it and more could be produced. You can't cut off all the meat of an animal and expect it to grow it back so you can harvest it again..
If they would "produce" meat, you would only ever need a few animals,
Perhaps "person who does not use animal products"
or maybe consumes since that applies to eating, using, and purchasing