
Valid Answer - World History #1

Name any valid answer that corresponds to each of these categories from world history.
Answer must correspond to the yellow box
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: August 7, 2020
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First submittedAugust 7, 2020
Times taken41,367
Average score60.0%
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Valid Answers
The four "elements" as defined by Aristotle
Fire | Air | Water | Earth
Four "great" inventions of ancient China
Compass | Gunpowder | Papermaking | Printing
Brontë sisters
Anne | Emily | Charlotte
Royal house of English monarchs
Normandy | Blois | Anjou | Plantagenet |
Lancaster | York | Tudor | Stuart | Hanover |
Saxe-Coburg and Gotha | Windsor
Countries that the U.S. declared war on prior to WWI
United Kingdom | Mexico | Spain
One of the first five Roman emperors other than Augustus
Tiberius | Caligula | Claudius | Nero
Islands where Napoleon lived
Corsica | Elba | Saint Helena
Seven kingdoms of Anglo-Saxon England
(traditional reckoning)
East Anglia | Essex | Kent | Mercia |
Northumbria | Sussex | Wessex
Female authors pen-named "George"
George Eliot | George Sand
Leo Tolstoy novels
War and Peace | Anna Karenina | Resurrection
Barbarian tribes who sacked Rome
Gauls | Visigoths | Vandals | Ostrogoths
Ports where the Barbary Pirates were based
Algiers | Rabat | Salé | Tripoli | Tunis
Modern-day countries in the New World visited
by Columbus on his first voyage
Bahamas | Cuba | Haiti | Dominican Republic
Hanseatic League cities
Lübeck | Hamburg | Gdańsk | Kaliningrad |
Tallinn | + 36 others
"Great" ancient capitals of China (other than Beijing)
Nanjing | Luoyang | Xi'an
Title of nobility carried by peers in the
British honours system
Duke | Marquess | Earl | Viscount | Baron
Five most-mentioned characters in the Iliad
Hector | Achilles | Zeus | Ajax | Agamemnon
Modern-day capitals that were, at one time, the
capital of an Islamic caliphate
Baghdad | Cairo | Damascus
Person who was Time magazine's "Man of the Year"
in the 1930s
Mohandas Gandhi | Pierre Laval | Hugh Johnson |
Franklin D. Roosevelt | Haile Selassie |
Wallis Simpson | Soong May-ling | Chiang Kai-shek |
Adolf Hitler | Joseph Stalin
Prime Minister of Israel prior to the year 1990
David Ben-Gurion | Moshe Sharett | Levi Eshkol |
Golda Meir | Yitzhak Rabin | Menachem Begin |
Yitzhak Shamir | Shimon Peres
Level 75
Aug 7, 2020
The pen name question is a little confusing. My reading was that you were asking for the names of the female authors, not the pen names.
Level 96
Aug 10, 2020
Agreed, typed Evans half a dozen times before it occurred to me to write the pen surname.
Level ∞
Aug 10, 2020
Changed it to fill-in-the-blank to remove any possible confusion.
Level 69
Dec 10, 2020
I thought you meant the names of their pens.
Level 86
Aug 7, 2020
No credit for "War: What is it Good For?"?
Level 78
Sep 8, 2020
Absolutely nothing.
Level 72
Sep 8, 2020
You know, I tried impressing someone with the trivia that Tolstoy was going to call the book that originally, and the guy got so upset at me that he tossed my electronic address book out of the car window.
Level 90
Sep 8, 2020
Yeah, I don't know if the book would have been as highly acclaimed as it was had it been published under that title. Fortunately his mistress suggested "War and Peace!" ;)
Level 62
Aug 8, 2020
Shouldn't Delhi be added to the 3rd last question? Delhi was the capital of the islamic delhi sultanate
Level 83
Aug 8, 2020
Presumably it's not included because the modern-day capital is New Delhi.
Level ∞
Aug 8, 2020
Caliphate, not sultanate.
Level 67
Sep 8, 2020
Wow, the Hanseatic League. Haven't heard that term since freshman year History class. Was able to get it just by remembering the curriculum for that class.
Level 51
Sep 8, 2020
I only remember it from playing some extremely obscure strategy PC game based around it when I was a kid
Level 66
Sep 17, 2020
Same for me. Darklands. Great game.
Level 66
Sep 8, 2020
It's still around - kind of. Part of the number plate on German cars has 1-3 letters that show where they're registered, and a lot of cities that were members have H as the first letter (HB is Hansestadt Bremen, HGW is Hansestadt Greifswald, HL is Hansestadt Lübeck, etc).

Where I live, HP stands for Kreis Bergstraße. German logic.

Level 88
Sep 8, 2020
Accept Königsburg for Hanseatic cities?
Level 72
Sep 8, 2020
It's Königsberg, not -burg.
Level 63
Sep 8, 2020
I got one question right because I watch The Last Kingdom ;)
Level 75
Sep 12, 2020
And that programme rots your brain so much that 1/20 is the best you could do?
Level 62
Feb 8, 2023
He is saying that one of the questions was gained due to that. Not all.
Level 63
Sep 8, 2020
Great quiz. I usually avoid yellow box quizzes but this was a good one.
Level 80
Sep 8, 2020
Wonder why I never saw Aristotle named as a co-creator for Avatar: The Last Airbender on Nickelodeon. I'll have to mention that to him next time I see him.
Level 65
Sep 8, 2020
Soong Mai Ling and Wallis Simpson " Person of the Year"
Level 58
Sep 8, 2020
Should accept Xian?
Level 81
Sep 9, 2020
it does
Level 65
Sep 9, 2020
Maybe add Bergen in the Hanseatic League list? The city is heavily influence by it's pseudomembership to the organization. They have a Hanseatic Museum and all
Level 45
Sep 14, 2020
I was just about to ask the same.
Level 80
Feb 6, 2023
Soong May-ling was Woman of the Year, not Man
Level 66
Feb 6, 2023
The number of times I tried "Erebus" for "Elba" is a little embarrassing.
Level 45
Feb 6, 2023
i was trying to remember the name of "corsica"
Level 67
Feb 7, 2023
I read the Hanseatic League question as "countries" and I got it with literally one second left. I tried Sweden, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and then went on a global journey to Iran through to Ethiopia oops.