Never heard of Red Dead Revolver or League of Legends but managed to get 100% anyway. I like these quizzes. I should do a few more of my own. So far I only have this one on movie title antonyms, but I'll get around to doing a synonyms one eventually, maybe for band names.
I know you have a note that says all synonyms are not exact, but goose is kind of a stretch for duck, don'tcha think? It'd be like using lion for tiger or chimpanzee for man.
sometimes it takes a while for Quizmaster to make a suggested change. I still think he should. There's no such thing as a perfect synonym, but a goose is definitely not a duck, and there are other synonyms for duck..
For that clue search was a stretch for hunt. As an avid birder who knows way too much about ornithology, my first thought was duck. Goose is general, so the equivalent would also be general. Hunt can mean to find things, but in this case the sense is to track and kill.
Shows the all-pervasiveness of popular culture - I got 17/20 and the only one I've played is asteroids, and that was when it was the latest hot new thing. Oh god I'm old...
I'd only played two of these but was able to guess most of them from the clues, and got close with a couple more - I tried Legion of Legends and Plant vs. Zombie.
definitely LoL I ve seen that a lot and I dont even play, it is not an abbreviation to sound cool or for people that are too lazy too type the full name, but a lot only know that name and not what it stands for unlike all the other ones, where abbreviations just seem made up. (ok FF might be a legit abbreviation aswell)
I cant say I have played zero games in my life (a friend loaned me an xbox for a month when I was ill, I remember zelda an banjo and kazooie, not sure if I played other ones, ow wait, beyond good and evil or something)(and I played frogger when I was young), but definitely none of these.
I got all but dance dance revolution ( no idea what the second word meant,english isnt my first language, usually I manage, but sometimes a word comes up I have never seen before) and clash of clans, I was thinking war of clans, and then thought of dozens similar names which all sounded like it could be a game name, but then time was up.
Strictly speaking, "speed" and "velocity" are not synonyms: speed is a scalar quantity (i.e. it has size but no direction) whereas velocity is a vector quantity (i.e. it has size and direction)
It's not like velocity was invented as a word specifically to fit the physics definition. In terms of non-physics conversation, they can be considered synonyms.
I've played Duck Hunt, Asteroids, and Candy Crush. Haven't paid attention to video games since circa 1993. And got 100% on this quiz. Gaming culture is everywhere......
I got all but dance dance revolution ( no idea what the second word meant,english isnt my first language, usually I manage, but sometimes a word comes up I have never seen before) and clash of clans, I was thinking war of clans, and then thought of dozens similar names which all sounded like it could be a game name, but then time was up.