Uncurable STD that was almost always fatal until the invention of the "cocktail"
Virus whose first major outbreak started in December 2019 in Wuhan, China
Virus similar to the above which killed 299 people in Hong Kong in the early 2000s
Hemorrhagic fever that broke out in West Africa in 2014
Causes cold sores
Herpes simplex
Virus that can cause babies to be born with small heads
Caused by animal bites, it is nearly always fatal unless quickly treated by a vaccine
The only infectious disease to be eliminated in humans
Group of five unrelated viruses (A, B, C, D, and E) which cause liver problems
Jonas Salk created the vaccine for this paralytic disease in 1955. It may be eradicated by the end of the decade.
Nickname of the flu that killed about 3% of the world's population in 1918–19
Spanish Flu
Mosquito-borne tropical virus that strikes at least 50 million people yearly, killing about 25,000
Dengue Fever
Another mosquito-borne tropical virus. Far less common than the above, it has a much higher mortality rate (about 15%).
Yellow Fever
Also called H5N1, this virus has caused much worry but not much loss of life
Bird Flu
STD that is usually benign but can cause warts and also cervical cancer. At least 25% of adults are infected.
This childhood illness was once nearly eradicated in the first world due to vaccines, but is having a small resurgence.
Causes painful swelling of the salivary glands
Along with the two above, this virus is prevented by the MMR vaccine
Nearly everybody over the age of 30 had it as a child. As an adult, it can re-emerge as shingles.
Chicken Pox
Mosquito-borne infection named for a river in Africa
West Nile
If you had chicken pox vaccination, there is a very small chance that you could get shingles.
The only way to definitely avoid shingles is to have never, ever had chicken pox virus in your system.
credit: XKCD
a resurgence among anti-vaxxers" Thank god we don't have so many anti-vaxxers in Estonia!
Only missed Bird Flu, Yellow Fever and HPV.
Shouldn't West Nile be Renamed West Nile Virus?
Only issue is the Yellow Fever question. The overall fatality rate is much lower than 15%, roughly 3-5%. CDC uses estimates that say around 15% if those infected develop severe symptoms, leading to a much a higher fatality rate among that group~30-60%.
If you accept only HPV, then you should also accept only SARS-COV2 and not coronavirus.
SARS is also a coronavirus, and so are many other viruses that cause flu.
It's true that, in most circumstances, listening to experts is the right path. But in this case, some experts seem to have been deliberately lying in order to deceive the public. It's concerning how many people who should have known better pushed a flawed zoogenic origin theory, and even tried to personally attack the people who supported the lab leak theory. Politics really is the mind-killer.