Wikipedia: "Each year in the United States, about 400 cases [of typhoid fever] are reported and it is estimated that the disease occurs in about 6,000 people."
Tad more flexibility on the spelling of the two diseases (that are hard to spell) would be nice.
Genuine question for the last two, did a lot of people die from those specific injuries? I did try something along those lines but wasn't specific as to regards of the location.
The answers are directly from the game, The Oregon Trail; I suppose that's why they are specific. I just played it recently for old times' sake so I should have gotten them all, only, I reached Willamette Valley without losing a single passenger. Worst that happened, Cap got dysentery and Bucky got a broken arm. Go figure.
Good quiz! I hadn't realized that so many people played that game (I haven't for years, but I used to love it). Quick question though: couldn't you die from being shot in that game? I know you have a source, but I clearly remember having been told that one time while hunting I had accidentally killed one of the people in my "family." I don't know, it has been a while.
Pretty sure there were more ways than this to die. But perhaps I'm thinking of Oregon Trail 2 which I played much more than the original. It's also possible that I'm thinking of all the books I've read, too.
Genuine question for the last two, did a lot of people die from those specific injuries? I did try something along those lines but wasn't specific as to regards of the location.
specific. I also tried: gunshot, arrow, cut, infection, child birth and a whole litany of other things.