I only know it is because China censored Fight Club's ending so that a wall of text abruptly ends the movie saying that the police successfully foiled the plot and sent Tyler to the "lunatic asylum". The book's author joked when he found out that the censored ending actually made it closer to the book's ending (where the plot also fails).
Yann Martell in turn was "inspired" by Moacyr Scliar's "Max e os felinos" (Max and the cats). Those quote marks in inspired cannot be stressed enough, tough.
Argh I thought this quiz was gonna be tricksier. I guessed that Colour Purple was originally a play but it looks like the quiz is simply "Original or not?".
Would be fun to have a few other mediums here, like how Whiplash was based on a short film.
I was on the fence with Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, because of Helter Skelter. I know the movie is about a bunch of different things, other then the Manson Family but I got suckered into choosing Based on a Book.
Knew 11/15 and guessed the rest right, mostly by assuming that in these type of quizzes usually have more or less the same number of questions for each answer.
Would be fun to have a few other mediums here, like how Whiplash was based on a short film.