
Which City in Germany?

Try to guess each German city based on a description and the first letter of its name.
All city names are in English
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: December 13, 2019
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First submittedNovember 9, 2017
Times taken115,715
Average score70.0%
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Capital of Germany
Capital of West Germany, 1949–1990
City whose cathedral was the tallest building in the world from 1880–1884
Home to Porsche and Mercedes
Capital of Bavaria
Home to Germany's oldest University
This "Free and Hanseatic City" is the most populous on the River Elbe
Financial capital of Germany
This city doesn't actually exist
Site of Nazi rallies and tribunals
Largest German city on the Baltic Sea
Controversially firebombed by the US and UK in 1945
The royal line of this city ruled Great Britain from 1714–1901
"Big 3" Allied leaders met here in August, 1945
Westernmost city in Germany and residence of Charlemagne
Ninth-largest city in Germany. Home to Krupp.
J. S. Bach died here
This town gave its name to state in eastern Germany
The second letter of this city is ü
Karl Benz invented the automobile while working in this city
at the intersection of the Rhine and Neckar
101 Recent Comments
Level 88
Nov 9, 2017
And "Neckar", not "Necker"
Level ∞
Nov 9, 2017
Fixed both
Level 8
Feb 4, 2018
Hey quizmaster, make a hurricane quiz.
Level 69
Jul 6, 2024
Rubin Carter was falsely tried...
Level 81
Nov 9, 2017
Well done! As a Heidelberger born in Frankfurt, I laud your inclusion of both. I did have to guess Aachen...
Level 81
Feb 4, 2018
Never been to Heidelberg or Frankfurt. Didn't have to guess Aachen.
Level 88
Dec 15, 2018
Heidelberg is a beautiful city. I don't know why my ancestors left it for Pennsylvania in the early 1700s.
Level 82
Jan 18, 2021
Probably because you can't eat beauty.
Level 64
May 21, 2021
Absolutely! I lost my heart there... :D
Level 70
Dec 13, 2021
Actually, you can eat beauty..
Level 73
Nov 10, 2017
Tougher than I thought. A good few cities I remembered when I saw the answers but blanked when I was doing the quiz.....which is always useful. Lol
Level 66
Nov 10, 2017
Personally, I believe these quizzes would be better with the yellow box. I can get most by just guessing German Cities.
Level 76
Nov 11, 2017
I had the same with the Italian ones.
Level 77
Nov 11, 2017
put yellow boxes, otherwise you can just randomly type german cities and get most of them
Level 85
Nov 18, 2017
Don't put yellow boxes, otherwise I won't be able to just randomly type German cities and get most of them.
Level 79
Nov 27, 2017
Why doesnt bielefeld exist?
Level 82
Feb 4, 2018
Strange - it has over 300,000 inhabitants or are they imaginary?
Level 44
Feb 4, 2018
Yes, no one actually lives in "Bielefeld", they just want you to think that 300 000 some people live there, and if you ever meet one of these so called "inhabitants", they're either with them and are trying to trick you, or have been manipulated into believing they are from this "Bielefeld" place. :P
Level 68
Jun 19, 2018
I met one of those "inhabitants" last year. Tried my best, couldn't convince her of anything else...
Level 86
Jul 9, 2018
Have you ever met any of these supposed 300,000 inhabitants?
Level 80
Oct 28, 2019
@nonexistent Hi, could you provide some Proof that Bielefeld exists not?
Level 34
Mar 12, 2022
@JackintheBox Hi, could you provide some Proof that Bielefeld exists?
Level 64
May 21, 2021
It's a very popular spoof in Germany to ridicule the conspiracy theorists. Claiming that Bielefeld doesn't really exist. Allegedly, it's a big lie perpetrated by "Them" (with a capital T).
Level 77
Sep 4, 2021
It's a conspiracy. Or rather, it's a long-running joke. THEY want you to believe that Bielefeld exists, THEY brainwashed everyone who believes to have been there an so on. I think it was the first German internet meme. Some student came up with it in the 90s and today it's the first thing that comes to mind when Bielefeld is mentioned although it's really not that funny anymore. People there are pretty annoyed.
Level 85
Feb 4, 2018
It starts with "A". Oh, Aix-la-chapelle! Took a while to finally figure it out.
Level 58
Feb 4, 2018
My dad grew up in Heidelberg and told me all about it e.e
Level 65
Feb 4, 2018
I cannot understand why Bielefeld is not a city. During the time I lived in Detmold, BAOR with HM Forces I often visited this lively city.

Wikipedia: Bielefeld is a city in the Ostwestfalen-Lippe Region in the north-east of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. With a population of 336,352, it is also the most populous city in the Regierungsbezirk Detmold.

Level 73
Feb 6, 2018
It's an "inside" joke (if you can call it that when at least 80 million people know about it). Don't take it so seriously. ;)
Level 26
Dec 23, 2018
ask any german: no one's ever been to bielefeld or met someone from there. so it can't actually exist, right?
Level 64
May 3, 2020
I had never heard of Bielefeld. I've been in Germany all of eight days in my life, more than 20 years ago, and I spent time in six states but didn't get far enough north or east in Nordrhein-Westfalen to see Bielefeld (I got precisely as far as Langenfeld, halfway between Köln and Düsseldorf). I had never heard of the "Bielefeld conspiracy". Cute addition, and I'm glad to learn of it now. Thanks.
Level 84
Feb 4, 2018
THANK YOU for including Bielefeld! Good chuckle.
Level 81
Feb 4, 2018
I only missed Kiel. Is this the part where I brag about what an impossible feat this was to achieve because I'm not German? Or is the USA the only country on Earth considered to be a black hole from whence no knowledge can escape?
Level 78
Jun 4, 2018
Stoopid American who doesn't know the world famous city of Kiel... get back to Los Santos, New Jersey City, George Washington, D.C. or wherever you're from.
Level 80
Oct 28, 2019
Some implicit bragging from kal there ;)
Level 81
May 9, 2020
I was hoping to express annoyance more than pride.
Level 92
Oct 5, 2020
^^Were you also hoping to express arrogance and disdain? Because you definitely succeeded at that.
Level 82
Jan 18, 2021
It's a gift that keeps on giving.
Level 81
Mar 23, 2021
cole: no I was not expressing arrogance at all. But if you frequently see this in comments made by others, and, worse, feel the need to observe this publicly, you are expressing your own insecurities and feelings of inadequacy. You, too, Ecce. Glad we could have this talk.
Level 35
Feb 12, 2018
Surely I'm not the only one who initially wrote "Nurmengard" before realising that that was the HP version of *Nuremberg -.-

If I am then more Potterheads need to take this quiz and join the dope team :)

Level 57
May 9, 2020
Level 37
Mar 4, 2018
got 8 im ok with that
Level 81
Mar 27, 2018
Four-fifths of quiz takers clearly haven't been taken in by the Bielefeld conspiracy.
Level 41
Jun 4, 2018
I'm a German teacher in the USA, I have trouble remembering how to spell Nürnberg for English speakers. I also have to take a few moments to remember that Köln is Cologne. However I've been retired for 7 years and I have far too much trouble remembering the Map of Germany. Curses on growing old.
Level 86
Jun 11, 2018
Most make peace with growing old, when confronted by the alternative...
Level 66
Jun 14, 2018
Thanks- I had fun learning about Bielefeld (if it even exists). He he he
Level 41
Jun 30, 2018
Germany badge done. :)
Level 18
Jul 13, 2018
I typed Pottsdam and then tried hard to think of another German city that starts with P instead of thinking about my spelling.
Level 55
Aug 12, 2018
I always thought it's "Postdam", so the same happened to me.
Level 67
Aug 29, 2018
I did the same. Tried Pottsdam several times. never thought to change the spelling, especially as jetpunk is usually so lax on spelling.
Level 74
May 9, 2020
Another here who tried Pottsdam and then gave up. I think I was merging it in my mind with Rotterdam. Still, surprised the spelling was so strict.
Level 50
Jul 19, 2018
Duesseldorf should be accepted for Düsseldorf too, Thanks
Level ∞
Jul 21, 2018
Level 60
Oct 29, 2021
That is at least better than "Dusseldorf", since "dussel" is a german word that means something like "dimwit" and "Dorf" means "village", so it becomes "Dimwitvillage", wich sounds a bit unflattering...
Level 72
Dec 18, 2018
Hadnt heard of the bottom 6, amazed if some not from Germany (or having lived there, or being a geography teacher/ germanologist etc) got all of them on their first try. Actually, that the more obscure ones got reasonable scores anyway
Level 78
Jan 24, 2020
Heidelberg is a beautiful city.
Level 74
May 9, 2020
My husband's aunt by marriage was from there and she loved and missed the city, but when I think of her I think of Nuremberg because every year at Christmas she gave the family a large, decorated metallic tin full of lebkuchen.
Level 80
Feb 29, 2020
If Bielefeld exists not, why is it included in this quiz, which apparently relates to cities that in fact do exist?
Level 74
May 9, 2020
Nice try, lizard.
Level 85
Mar 18, 2020
This city doesn't actually exist: Bielefeld

I SIE what you did there.

Level 71
May 9, 2020
Technically, for "this city doesn't exist," almost any combination of letters starting with 'B' is a correct answer. That being said, I was happy to learn something new by researching Bielefeld.
Level 81
May 10, 2020
But there is only one city in Germany that doesn't exist. Other cities that don't exist are not in Germany. Most of them are not anywhere.
Level 32
May 11, 2020
Another city that starts with "Dü" is Düren, even closer to the city of "A" than the accepted answer.
Level 78
May 12, 2020
Is it really a city though, at 90 000 souls?
Level 74
May 17, 2020
In Germany, there is no distinction between cities and towns. Düren has the same status as Düsseldorf (besides Düsseldorf being a state capital).
Level 78
Jul 20, 2020
The quiz asks for a city, not for a Stadt (or a Großstadt, Kleinstadt...)
Level 74
Sep 5, 2020
I don't understand what you are saying. The word Stadt means both city and town.
Level 78
Jun 25, 2022
If the quiz was in German and asked for a "Stadt", Düren would be correct. But it is not. The question is about a "city", therefore the definition of a city should be met, regardless of whether the people living there have the same definition in their language.
Level 47
Jul 6, 2024
Duren is definitely a city - depending on your definition ;)

If the definition used for this quiz is "A city is a human settlement with a population exceeding 100.000", then you would be right.

@Quizmaster: Maybe one should put a definition in the description.

Level 74
Jun 25, 2022
I see, fate has brought us here again, two years later. But I still don't get your point. Both Düren and Düsseldorf fulfill definitions of towns and cities. It's just not a sensible distinction in a country, that does not institutionally distinguish these two.
Level 48
May 15, 2020
id like to make a "survey": who here knows the city of Ludwigshafen?
Level 48
Jun 8, 2021
me, you can learn a lot clicking random on wikipedia :)
Level 50
Jun 25, 2022
Finally found some one else who uses the random button on Wikipedia!
Level 62
Jun 25, 2022
I've heard of it - have seen it on the map before.
Level 42
Aug 14, 2023
I know it as Helmut Kohl's hometown.
Level 54
Jul 6, 2024
ive been there iirc
Level 43
Jul 13, 2020
I always thought that the Potsdam Conference was in July 1945. When I checked it I discovered it was from 17 July to 2 August 1945. It threw me for a second.
Level 65
Sep 1, 2020
There surely must be something remarkable in Düsseldorf, other than an umlaut.
Level 58
Sep 4, 2021
They indeed have. They host the Eurovision Song Contest in 2011!
Level 68
Oct 25, 2020
I'm Belgian living in Germany. I loved the Bielefeld question.

I had a car crash a few years ago and went to the hospital in Bielefeld (it was closest from where I got my accident), and that's how I learned about this 'conspiracy'.. How could I be in the hospital in Bielefeld, that city doesn't exist :D

Level 72
Nov 2, 2020
Two theories:

1) You were not actually in Bielefeld and everything was made to make you think you were.

2) Nice try, alien.

Level 51
Nov 6, 2020
I got stumped on Heidelberg,

But I got the rest

Level 66
Dec 14, 2020
Why is Bielefeld here as a "fake country" but also in the biggest city's game under the same badge?
Level 37
Mar 6, 2021
It's a joke, of course the city of Bielefeld exists.

It's a tongue-in-cheek conspiracy theory and one of the oldest German memes, stretching back to the end of the 80s even.

Level 22
Mar 3, 2021
i got the germany badge by playing this
Level 64
Mar 23, 2021
I spent about a week in Germany with a short visit to Bielefeld. It was only 10 years later that I learned about the Bielefeld conspiracy from Tom Scott. I wonder where I actually was......
Level 66
Jul 31, 2021
I've met someone from Bielefeld. Until now, never heard of the joke that Bielefeld doesn't exist. Doesn't it hurt the feelings of people from Bielefeld? Or are they glad that this joke made their city famous (in which case the joke's on them, I guess)?
Level 71
Mar 21, 2022
Don't think the Bielefeld clue really belongs on this quiz.
Level 50
Jun 25, 2022
But what other clue would they use for Bielefeld?
Level 21
May 22, 2022

Capital of West Germany, 1949–1990



This city's cathedral was the tallest building in the world from 1880–1884



Home to Porsche and Mercedes



Capital of Bavaria



Home to Germany's oldest University



This "Free and Hanseatic City" is the most populous on the River Elbe



Financial capital of Germany



This city doesn't actually exist



Site of Nazi rallies and tribunals



Largest German city on the Baltic Sea



Controversially firebombed by the US and UK in 1945



The royal line of this city ruled Great Britain from 1714–1901



"Big 3" Allied leaders met here in August, 1945



Westernmost city in Germany and residence of Charlemagne



Ninth-largest city in Germany. Home to Krupp.



J.S. Bach died in this city



This town gave its name to state in eastern Germany



The second letter of this city is ü



Karl Benz invented the a

Level 82
Jul 4, 2022
I don't understand the need to do this viviann. Am I missing something?
Level 71
May 13, 2023
To cheat i guess
Level 46
May 26, 2022
bielefield existis
Level 54
Jun 27, 2022
It's a joke online, just like Wyoming for the USA and Acre for Brazil.
Level 74
Jul 6, 2024
Go watch "Dog Day Afternoon" and report back. There will be a test.
Level 58
Jun 27, 2022
You can come up with a better question than "ü" as a second letter for Düsseldorf.
Level 74
Jul 6, 2024
How about "famous for the custom of turning cartwheels"? On further reflection, maybe not.
Level 62
Feb 19, 2023
From UK got 12/20, knew those 12 well but should have got Leipzig & Brandenburg too. Haven't heard of the other 6 cities.
Level 96
Nov 20, 2023
Well, technically,the house of Hannover still reigns the UK, they just changed their name, din't they?
Level 19
Apr 3, 2024
Bielefeld existiert du Trottelchen
Level 54
Jul 6, 2024
Dürnau, Dürrenbüchig, Dürrn, Dürmentingen, Dürnbach, Dürnsricht, Dürrlauingen, Dürrnhaar, Dürrwangen, Düdelsheim, Dümmer, Düdenbüttel, Düring, Düshorn, Dünsen, Düring, Dünnerholz, Dünschede, Dünstekoven, Dürboslar, Düren, Dürscheid, Dürscheven, Dürwiß, Düssel, Düsseldorf, Düngenheim, Düppenweiler, Dürrhennersdorf, Dürrröhrsdorf and Dürrweitzschen should also be accepted
Level 36
Jul 6, 2024
The city beginning with



Home of Krupp

Is only the tenth largest city. The ninth largest city is Dortmund.