Also I was very pleased to see that "Shamalamadingdong" was accepted for the second answer. Were you following my lead? I made that an acceptable type-in on one of my own quizzes...
John Woo was a little unfair. I guessed "Wood" for Ed Wood and John Woo filled in automatically. I think I would've gotten it anyway, but it might be worth changing one of them.
I did poorly as a reult of the fact that I don't watch the movies and the only directors I can name are Hitchcock, Spielberg, Cameron, Tarantino, Kubrick and Michael Bay.
That seems half the battle here. Many of these I've seen, but the director just isn't usually something that sticks in the mind for most people, including myself.
Found this one considerably harder than the first 3! It's a great memory exercise though and I wanted to beat myself once I saw the answers because at least half the ones I'd missed I should have known perfectly well.
Ugh. Coffee And Cigarettes is the most mind numbing waste of an eclectic cast ever recorded. Great talents throwing out predictable, dull lines in earnest.
Barry Levinson (Rain Man, Diner, etc.) could get some love.