
Word Chain - Greek and Roman Mythology

Guess these figures from Greek and Roman mythology. The last letter of each answer is the same as the first letter of the next answer.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: December 4, 2018
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First submittedJuly 12, 2017
Times taken48,315
Average score61.9%
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Jupiter's father
Roman god of the sea
She was condemned to be speechless, except
to repeat what someone just said
Bow hunter who Zeus made into a constellation
Term for a minor female deity
Strongman who completed 12 labors
Condemned to roll a boulder uphill forever
Sea monster. Counterpart of Charybdis
Greek goddess of wisdom
Greek goddess of beauty
She was abducted by Zeus - who appeared
in the form of a white bull
God of music and light
Accidentally married his mother
Sun god of the late Roman Empire:
___ Invictus
Roman personification of the moon
Greek god of war
Being that lured sailors to their deaths
Greek goddess of victory
Greek goddess of discord
Group abducted by the ancient Romans:
The ______ Women
Greek version of Cupid
Level 66
Jul 14, 2017
I was wondering was Uranus wasn't working for Jupiter's father? I was ONE planet off!!!!!
Level 85
Jul 17, 2017
Plus, Uranus is Greek, not Roman. The Roman name is Caelus.
Level 87
Sep 17, 2017
That's not really true. The Romans were heavily influenced by the Greek, from the first century BC. Thus I think that Caelus has been replaced by (or merged with) Uranus. Anyway, that name is a latin transcription of Ouranos. All planets have been given Roman names by the way (except in Greek).
Level 34
Aug 25, 2020
No that is true. I can't reply to Arp2600, but Latin spellings and Roman equivalents are different. Ouranos is the Greek Transliteration, Uranus is just using the Latin spelling. Caelus is the ROMAN EQUIVALENT. Uranus is not Roman. Caelus is.
Level 25
May 7, 2021
Uranus is Jupiter's grandfather
Level 53
Oct 16, 2017
I never understood why they called the planet "Uranus" instead of "Ouranos". It's not that much harder to pronounce...
Level 74
Dec 28, 2017
The name was suggested by a German fellow, and in German, the U is pronounced like Ou. Why that was the variant to sustain? Good question. It problably just made more sense then 'George' or 'Herschel', which were other suggestions at the time.
Level 34
Aug 25, 2020
George was not a suggestion. Georgium Sidus was.
Level 78
Dec 28, 2017
are the Sabine Women really mythology? I would have guessed a made up story but that doesn't make it mythology
Level 78
Dec 28, 2017
The Sabines were a real neighboring tribe of the Romans, so their inclusion in the list seems odd to me too.
Level 79
Dec 28, 2017
Thanks, 7 Brides for 7 Brothers, the answer on that one!
Level 62
Dec 28, 2017
If memory serves, much of Roman history before the Gallic sack in the 4th century B.C. has no historical evidence because the records were destroyed. So really, much of early Roman history is handed down from myths, the abduction of the Sabine Woman included.
Level 78
Dec 29, 2017
EZPZ, at least for a Latin student and mythology nerd ;)
Level 28
Jul 14, 2018
Isn't Jupiter's dad Kronos? In Greek mythology Zeus is the son of Chronos, so I thought the same would be true for Roman mythology.
Level 69
Sep 26, 2018
Kronos (not Chronos, the personification of time. Different guy altogether) is Zeus’s father in Greek mythology. Saturn is the Roman equivalent of Kronos, so you’d say that instead of Kronos when asked about Jupiter, as opposed to Zeus.
Level 47
Feb 21, 2019
I remembered Europa as the clock hit 0
Level 28
Feb 17, 2021


You scored 14/21 = 67%

This beats or equals 59.4% of test takers

The average score is 13

Your high score is 15

Level 48
Sep 1, 2021
Lol, I'm used to Greek names, so had a hard time :) Good quiz tho!
Level 45
Apr 9, 2022
Isn't Diana the moon person too
Level 28
May 12, 2022
She's the Roman goddess of the moon, luna is the Roman personification of the moon.
Level 85
Jan 6, 2023
Level 26
Sep 22, 2022
Artemis turned Orion into a constellation after he was slain by a scorpion, not Zeus.
Level 19
Jan 3, 2023
Level 78
Feb 2, 2023
It depends on the source you're looking at. Sometimes Artemis does it, but more often Zeus does (though usually at Artemis' request). His death isn't consistent either: sometimes the scorpion is sent by Gaia (because Orion claimed he could kill any animal of the earth), sometimes it was sent by Apollo (because he was jealous that Orion had gained Artemis' favor), and sometimes it was sent by Artemis herself (because Orion was too boastful about his hunting ability.) At least one version omits the scorpion entirely, and has Apollo tricking Artemis into shooting Orion ("Bet you can't hit that thing out there in the water!")
Level 68
Jan 2, 2023
enjoyable but very hard
Level 19
Jan 3, 2023
First try:


Second try:

1:31 - 100%

Great Quiz

Level 62
Nov 30, 2023
that is maths
Level 64
Jan 3, 2023
I think the clue for Oedipus could be a tad bit better phrased as “cursed to murder his father and marry his mother”
Level 62
Nov 30, 2023
thank you, percy jackson
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