Happy to see Angela's Ashes and Pippi Longstocking. A nice change from the usual fare. Got 'em all with 2:08 left. Lord of the Flies threw me for a moment. Kept trying to figure out how Superman could travel with rings.
Emm... "The Lord of the Rings" is the name of a book. Tolkien wrote it as a single book, intended it to be published in a single volume, and has been published this way in multiple occasions.
I really liked this quiz, but I think that it would be even better if you allowed more time because I had to complete it in two plays and still then didn't finish. I like to sit and think about what the answer could be.
If the king is the monarch his spouse is called the queen, if the queen is the monarch then her spouse won't be a king. I agree though the clue could be better phrased.
Only one stock exchange usually associated with the street where it is found.
Which biblical king? There is more than one.
What alternative to coffee? There are many.
Which Watson? There are several such actresses.
Nowhere in here is the claim made that any of these questions, on its own, implies a unique answer.