I know this is just for fun but a lot of these are not body parts. In fact most are not single parts or organs, etc. but collections of parts, tissues, fluids and so forth.
For me it was hard to get past moral. I had managed the rest quite fast, which gave me a minute or so to try and type as many variations as possible until it clicked.
Presumably anything longer would be more challenging, anything shorter and it would practically be the original word. I guess the point of this quiz is to be able to unscramble lots of words quickly, not spend a lot of time unscrambling just a few.
Took me a while to realize I was staring at "i's" for a certain word. Makes everything harder to read anyway.
But maybe that was exactly the point?
But I can think of better ways to make a quiz more difficult. (it is like using very light yellow on a white background, it doesnt make the quiz itself harder, but it does make it harder to take it. Rather have a higher difficulty
Why shouldn't it be in capitals? It's pretty common practice to do so in word scrambles like this, because it generally makes things clearer. The difference between "I" and "L," for instance, is more pronounced than between "i" and "l." Or in lower-case you run into problems like "rn" looking like "m," while in capitals the difference between "RN" and "M" is quite clear.
even as a non native english speaker (I'm sure there is an error there, or better way to phrase it... my sentence I mean) I found it pretty easy. had 2:20 to spare.
The th and double ll (for skull) and other things in the english language that arent written as they sound (extra letters) do make it harder, but that is the fun bit. :)
So? Just because paraplegics exist doesn't mean the ankle isn't a body part. Just because newborns and my dad exist doesn't mean teeth aren't body parts. Admittedly, those are lower percentages than ovaries, but still. Roughly half of the human population has ovaries, so I think they fully count as body parts.
made it hard the fact is uses specific medical names then just generic names for the area. i am not going to guess Belly when it's using words like aorta, Tibia and Uvula am i!!
I think you are splitting hairs here.
Took me a while to realize I was staring at "i's" for a certain word. Makes everything harder to read anyway.
But maybe that was exactly the point?
But I can think of better ways to make a quiz more difficult. (it is like using very light yellow on a white background, it doesnt make the quiz itself harder, but it does make it harder to take it. Rather have a higher difficulty
The th and double ll (for skull) and other things in the english language that arent written as they sound (extra letters) do make it harder, but that is the fun bit. :)
I wish they could see me now.
Also, which cheek - um, never mind.