Is there a version where you have to unscramble the anagram of the capital city, then your answer has to be the country that the city is capital of? So RPSIA would be France.
how come everytime I play this I get Jakarta as one of them. not complaining cuz it makes my life a little easier lmao. (Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia incase you did not know)
Damn! This was the hardest quiz I've ever done. Tried at least 20 times, slowly getting better and better and finally I made it 20/20! A whole saturday night just for that badge :D
Apparently I'm terrible at this. Took me 21 minutes in untimed, and I got the last few fast by going over the map in my head. Luckily I had two with diacritics, which are dead giveaways.
Pro tip to make this quiz much easier for anyone that is trying to get the random geography badge and is stuck on this quiz: First off, don't click start quiz until you have figured out each capital city. The best way to find each capital city is to search up capital cities by the amount of letters in the scrambles that you are given (I personally suggest using the website "bestforpuzzles" to find the lists of capital cities). Then use Ctrl+F on whichever website you choose to look for letters that are in the scrambles that you have. Use some form of notepad, whether it be online or physical, to write down each capital city as you figure them out. By doing this, you should be able to easily find all 20 capitals in 15-20 minutes maximum. Hopefully this helps!
I'm getting something odd on this quiz causing me to get black diamonds with question marks on them as letters. Also when these show it seems to prevent me from starting the quiz and opening the comments.
Please remove Bloemfontein since ist NOT the Capital of South Africa anymore. I tried this Quiz for soooo Long and IT IS Frustrating to get 19/20 because of a mistake in the quiz
I do think either reducing the need to 15/20 for the badge or making all of the scrambles start with the first letter would make this badge so much easier
Cotonou is not the capital of Benin, technically Porto-Novo is the actual official capital, I understand that there is two but it might be worth seeing what everyone else thinks.
This is not only one of the most difficult quizzes on this site, but also one of the least fun to play. Requiring the user to get a perfect 20/20 to get progression for the random badge is ridiculous and you must be psychotic to enjoy this quiz.
It only took three tries because I had all Europe, South America, Central America, and very obvious (Beijing, Tokyo) Asia capitals the third time. None I didn’t know, and I only know about a hundred.
... this time
Really gotta love those randomized quizzes, especially with anagrams <3
Also me: well hello there Ulaanbaatar!
Hence, it is very long and what else has similar letters and is that long
2. I got Tegucigalpa as it is
h m m i w o n d e r w h a t t h o s e a r e s u p p o s e d t o b e
i j u s t c a n t s e e m t o f i g u r e o u t
This quiz is very very difficult.
I don't think i'm playing this quiz for the year.
aadhk - dhaka
adbaasiml - islamabad
labvrzzliae - brazzaville
smkni - minsk
lmaain - manila
iapa - apia
koepsj - skopje
rainoah - honairu
uosel - seoul
mhtdkuaan - kathmandu
arearcnb - canberra
pasri - paris
liunvis - vilnius
dnonlon - london
onaniusc - asuncion
arhrea - harare
scracaa - caracas
ieniavnte - vientiane
amuksyoroosu - yamoussoukro
eranth - tehran
hope this helps!