small cluster of buildings: Block? Neighborhood? What Rome was before and after Augustus: A city? Marginalized ethnic area: 'hood? Still, got most of these including those above except for #3. For 14 I tried Barangay because that's the word they use in the Philippines.
Being a commonwealth and being a territory are not mutually exclusive; for instance, states such as Pennsylvania and Massachusetts are also commonwealths. Puerto Rico is indeed a territory, as are Guam and American Samoa, as you mentioned – as well as the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Northern Marianas.
The mandatory pedantic gripe; suburb can be within commuting distance, or actually part of a city (main usage in Australia, but also a common usage around the rest of the world). Parishes are far more associated with ecclesiastical governance than Louisiana; the page for parishes on Wikipedia doesn't even mention it. Puerto Rico working would unincorporated territory would be a good idea. Canada wasn't really a dominion so much as called a dominion. It used the name back in its founding, and the usage just dropped out, it wasn't a formal process or step. Exurb seems to be a minority usage; Wikipedia page "A commuter town may also be known as an exurb ... or a bedroom community ... bedroom town or bedroom suburb ... a dormitory town or dormitory suburb, or ... a dormitory village ... . Tried rejiggings of commuter town quite a few times. Counties can be part of states or not, states can be divided into counties or not; Mexican states go municipalities, Hungary goes counties directly.
Hong Kong was a British Overseas Territory before 1997. Territory should therefore be an acceptable answer. Please accept Quarter for Local Area within a city
For some reason I tried that too... but to be fair I don't think Hong Kong was ever categorized as a 'protectorate' (though I'm happy to be proven wrong).