
World History Quiz for Dummies

Can you answer these 20 easy questions about world history?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: May 5, 2020
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First submittedMay 5, 2020
Times taken66,146
Average score85.0%
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What was the capital of the Soviet Union?
Who "discovered" the New World and claimed it for Spain in 1492?
Christopher Columbus
What religion was started by Muhammad?
In what city was the Colosseum constructed between 72–80 AD?
What cigar-chomping revolutionary was the leader of Cuba from 1959–2008?
Fidel Castro
In terms of dates, what does BC stand for?
Before Christ
Who painted the the "Mona Lisa"?
Leonardo da Vinci
What philosopher, also known as "Master Kong", was born in China in 551 BC?
What were Germany, Italy, Japan, and their allies known as during World War II?
The Axis Powers
What loincloth-wearing activist is often considered the "Father of the Nation" of India?
Mahatma Gandhi
On what continent did anatomically-modern humans first evolve?
What city did Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle come from?
What country colonized Vietnam, Algeria, and parts of Canada?
In what series of wars did Europeans try to recapture the Holy Land for Christianity?
The Crusades
What did Johannes Gutenberg invent in the 1400s that revolutionized the way
information was transmitted?
Printing press
What style of music was played by Louis Armstrong and Miles Davis?
What empire, founded by Genghis Khan, conquered most of Asia?
Mongol Empire
What massive landmark was built more than 4000 years ago, most likely
as a tomb for the pharaoh Khufu?
The Great Pyramid
What queen of France supposedly said "let them eat cake"?
(but really didn't)
Marie Antoinette
In what modern-day country would you find the ruins of Babylon?
Level 86
May 5, 2020
I thought the capital of the Soviet Union was Das Kapital,
Level 72
May 5, 2020
No, the capital of the Soviet Union was rubles.
Level 90
May 5, 2020
We have a couple of regular Yakov Smirnoffs here.
Level 80
May 6, 2020
The capitals are S and U.
Level 79
Jun 12, 2020
......and R, surely?
Level 81
Jul 12, 2020
@someone2018: In Soviet Russia, Capital spends You
Level 60
Nov 21, 2021
I thought it was OURCapital
Level 88
May 5, 2020
Why suddenly this series of really easy quizzes "for dummies"? Is it "site grade inflation"?
Level ∞
May 5, 2020
People search for it on Google a lot. Also, JetPunk is way too hard for normies so this series will make it slightly more accessible.
Level 74
May 6, 2020
Uh, you could make a "Jetpunk light"-badge!
Level 75
May 10, 2020
In that case you may need to change the answer to the Chinese philosopher question to "Donkey"...
Level 82
May 13, 2020
So Dummies quizzes are the gateway drug, got it. :-)
Level 82
May 13, 2020
"Normies". That's a good one. Like Muggles.
Level 81
Jul 12, 2020
You should do a series of quizzes on naked mole rats. I bet that would get some hits.
Level 57
Mar 2, 2022
I don't how I feel about you saying "normies".
Level 83
Jul 12, 2020
I got 100%. Always knew I was a dummie
Level 80
Jul 14, 2020
Level 83
Jul 14, 2020
Level 60
Jul 12, 2020
When u are not english and dont know how to write nAme of the queen of France in english :/
Level 77
Jul 15, 2020
It's actually the french spelling.
Level 50
Jul 12, 2020
Now this is more my speed
Level 59
Jul 12, 2020
There is actually an interesting theory that humans didn't evolve solely in Africa but that there also was a second location in southeast Asia.
Level 69
Sep 30, 2020
The Pyramids were built by the Goa'uld, a parasitc alien life form that occupies Human bodies to pose as their gods. They were used as landing pads for their space ships. That's like History 101, people!
Level 59
Jul 27, 2022
Someone's been watching History Channel documentaries
Level 51
Jul 27, 2022
Ancient Astronaut Theorists say yes.
Level 28
Dec 11, 2023
I love Stargate.
Level 69
Dec 11, 2023
Me too. It's actually a pretty smart show, with some episodes that touch on real philsophical questions, like personal identity, relationships between beings at different levels of development, time travel, whether it's okay to intervene in the development of other species, etc.

It's just sad that Ancient-Aliens-Morons think it's a documentary!

Level 54
Mar 31, 2024
We were talking about conspiracy theories in geography class last week, and someone brought this up. Our geography teacher is chill and has the same sense of humor as a lot of the people in my class, so things like this happen often.
Level 82
Oct 21, 2020
I got a quiz in a Christmas cracker that was harder than this. Nice one QM.
Level 60
Oct 27, 2020
Da Vinky?
Level 53
Nov 19, 2020
I seriously almost put "Leonardo DiCaprio" for the mona lisa question.
Level 44
Dec 1, 2020
I wrote in Da Vinky?
Level 64
Jul 27, 2022
Rex Harrison, as an art collector in a Red Skelton skit, went goofy and called a da Vinci a da Winki.
Level 66
Jul 13, 2021
Please accept "Crusade" without the "the". Thanks!
Level 77
Jul 26, 2021
allow Kong Fuzi? i’m pretty sure i’ve seen it written like that before
Level 71
Dec 9, 2023
Yeah, I think Confucius should have Kongzi and Kong Fuzi as type-ins. Maybe even 孔子 and 孔夫子, though maybe not since it's an English-language quiz.
Level 52
Feb 15, 2024
Yeah; in Chinese, we would call him 孔子 Pinyin: Kóngzi, so Kongzi should work.
Level 66
Apr 8, 2022
Accept Mary Antoinette for Marie Antoinette
Level 56
Jun 16, 2022
First names are not even necessary for these quizzes - just use Antoinette
Level 77
Jul 27, 2022
Actually, Antoinette is her (second) first name. As European nobility of that time, she had no last name in the modern sense.
Level 69
Dec 11, 2023
Please, PLEASE, stop accepting just "Marie". She's called Marie-Antoinette, it's one first name, not always hyphenated, but both elements are necessary. I'd have no issue with you accepting Mary Antwanet, or any other misspelling, but just accepting "Marie" makes no sense whatsoever.
Level 41
May 19, 2022
Please accept "Printer" for "Printing Press"?
Level 60
Jul 27, 2022
That would be like accepting automobile for a wheelbarrow...
Level 77
Jul 27, 2022
Johannes Gutenberg, inventor of the HP LaserJet
Level 47
Jul 27, 2022
Why do Americans think Islam started by Muhammad? NO IT DID NOT. Even Muhammad's mother has been a Muslimah before Muhammad (pbuh) was becoming a prophet. And He became prophet when he was 40. Bruh.
Level 67
Jul 27, 2022
Google "Who founded Islam?" and see what happens.
Level 54
Mar 31, 2024
Islam was started by Muhammad. He didn’t like how the people of Mecca were living. One night on Mount Hira, the Angel Jibril came to him and gave him the 96th surah of the Qu’ran. This was the beginning. He then went back to Mecca and told his wife, who immediately converted. He then had more revelations in the following couple of years and he converted more people, starting to preach.

I don’t know how you say Muhammad wasn’t the founder.

Level 66
Jul 27, 2022
Obligatory pedantic: Gutenberg didn't invent the printing press. The printing press was invented in many different countries, and many years years before his contribution. He invented the moveable type, which greatly eased the printing process. Prior to that, each printing plate had to be either carved out of wood, by hand, or cast out of metal.
Level 58
Jan 27, 2025
Even that is a little questionable, since movable type was invented in East Asia before Gutenberg. Did he reinvent it? Maybe, but he also could have taken the idea from elsewhere.
Level 62
Feb 24, 2023
Shouldn't Press count?
Level 48
Dec 10, 2023
Please, accept "bookprint" or "letterpress" for Gutenberg.
Level 78
Dec 11, 2023