
WWI... or WWII?

Try to guess whether each statement applies to the First World War or the Second World War.
Based on this quiz by grace12
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: March 30, 2020
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First submittedMarch 26, 2020
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Average score77.8%
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1. The war started with an assassination
2. There was a German offensive named the Battle of the Bulge
3. Mustard gas was commonly used
4. Had the higher death toll of the two wars
5. Japan and Germany were allies
6. Mussolini was the leader of Italy
7. Manfred von Richthofen was a famous pilot
8. Zeppelins bombed London
9. Germany captured Paris
10. The war is known in Russia as "The Great Patriotic War"
11. T. E. Lawrence fought in the war
12. Germany made a proposal to Mexico that it invade the United States
13. The U.S. President at the start of the war died before it ended
14. More than 1 million French soldiers died
15. Allies delivered supplies to China using the "Burma Road"
16. Trenches were a defining feature of the war
17. Tanks were used for the first time
18. Japan invaded the Philippines
Level 86
Mar 29, 2020
It would be fun to have a quiz with a third category - "Both" - similar to several other multiple choice quizzes.
Level 84
Mar 29, 2020
and Neither
Level 87
Mar 30, 2020
Yes, it's quite easy without "Both" ;).
Level 75
Aug 20, 2022
I'm not a fan of x-or-y quizzes with 'both' as an option, it tends to lead to lazier questions.
Level 96
Mar 29, 2020
Level 72
Mar 29, 2020
Nice but I suggest to change the

Battle of Bulge to Ardennes Counteroffensive.

I think it is more known on that name. Especially in non english speaking countries...

Level 87
Mar 29, 2020
In the United States, it is definitely more commonly known as the Battle of the Bulge. Can't speak for other countries.
Level 62
Apr 1, 2021
Commonly known as the Battle of the Bulge in the UK as well
Level 48
Jan 25, 2022
in French speaking countries it is Ardennes counteroffensive
Level 90
Mar 29, 2020
The name Ardennes was more famous as a World War 1 battlefield for U.S. soldiers.
Level 56
Jan 19, 2021
The famous World War I forest was the Argonne.
Level 59
Jan 22, 2021
The Ardennes is famous for Germany going around the Maginot line in it.
Level 59
Jun 11, 2020
I would say it's about 50:50 in czech.
Level 62
Jun 11, 2020
Battle of the Bulge in the UK
Level 44
Jun 14, 2020
Never heard of the Battle of Bulge before, Ardennes Counteroffense is commonly known in Germany
Level 58
Jun 16, 2020
Always known as the Battle of the Bulge in the UK and the USA.
Level 57
May 28, 2024
I think "always" is a bit of an exaggeration. I'd say it's not far off 50-50 between "Ardennes offensive" and "Battle of the Bulge" in the UK.
Level 37
Sep 9, 2021
Or, just use both names?
Level 57
Jun 6, 2022
We call it the Battle of the Bulge in Canada, too.
Level 78
Mar 29, 2020
The war did not start with an assassination. The war started when Austria-Hungary attacked Serbia in 28 july, one month after the assassination in Sarajevo.
Level ∞
Mar 29, 2020
He didn't die from the gunshot. He died from loss of oxygen to the brain. :P
Level 87
Mar 30, 2020
I agree with KoljiVriVoda. The war could still have been avoided after the assassination. It's when the diplomatic negotiations failed that the war began.
Level 70
Mar 30, 2020
Did they or rather: did they failed by purpose? There was basically every year a new local war in the one or the other part of the declining Ottoman empire. None of them let to a world war. Not even when France seized Morocco against all international treaties. The Great Powers always refused to go to war, this time apparently only Britain and Germany tried to mediate.
Level 59
Jan 22, 2021
Yeah, I've heard that Austria wanted them to fail and demanded impossible things from Serbia. Haven't seen the list, though, so I don't know.
Level 70
Mar 29, 2020
Technically, the Austrian-Serbian war started on July 28th, as one of the many local conflicts of that decade. WW1 started when the great powers decided to clash, that is de facto on July 31st with the Russian general mobilisation and de jure on August 1st or August 3rd with the German declarations of war towards Russia and France, respectively.
Level 78
Mar 30, 2020
So, the WW II did not start when Germany attacked Poland, with that logic?
Level 87
Mar 30, 2020
Well, WWI began with the war between Serbia and Austria-Hungary, but WWII began with the war between Japan and China in 1937 imo (and following the same logic).
Level 78
Mar 30, 2020
Arp2600 Time distance between 1937 and 1939 is far bigger than everithing that happened in the summer of 1914.
Level 70
Mar 30, 2020
Let it be September 1st or September 3rd 1939, this conflict was exclusively located in Europe in these days (as was the Japan-China conflict in Asia). And also with a lot of major countries still neutral (Soviet Union, USA, Italy,...). Italy joining the war spread it to Northern Africa but arguably only the German attack on the Soviet Union and/or Pearl Harbour made this really a world war. There was quite some time between September 1939 and June 1941 for diplomacy keeping this conflict localised. (I am not arguing that it would be smart to cooperate with the Nazis, but yes official framing/wording is somewhat flawed.)
Level 25
Jun 12, 2020
There isn't an official date for WW2, as there are many times when it could've started. most agree 1939 but you could argue it was when germany annexed parts of czechoslovakia or anschluss happened, or if you really want to stretch it it could be when japan (maybe) staged a train bombing to have an excuse to attack manchuria or when they fought with russia for sakhalin
Level 59
Jan 22, 2021
Well, to me Japan fighting China was a separate war that got absorbed into WWII later. And annexing land peacefully, regardless of the coercion involved, isn't war in my opinion.
Level 25
Jun 12, 2020
Technically the war started after serbia rejected the austro-hugarian ultimatum but it can be argued that that ultimatum was purposely made too unreasonable so the austro-hungarians had the excuse to increase their national pride by going to war
Level 57
Aug 20, 2022
Sure, but the assassination was the major event that precipitated the conflict.
Level 67
May 28, 2024
Yeah, this is what matters. War--especially wars involving multiple countries--are really complicated, and it's impossible to point to one single moment as the cause of a war, but it's generally understood that the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was the tipping point and set off the subsequent events that ended in the war.
Level 85
Mar 29, 2020
German(y) made a proposal to Mexico that it invade the United States.
Level ∞
Mar 30, 2020
Level 37
Sep 9, 2021
Don't some sources say that this was a fabrication by the British to get the US involved on their side so they can have an easier time?
Level 31
Jun 11, 2020
I had 14/18 ... coincidence ?
Level 82
Jun 11, 2020
how strange, I got 39/45...
Level 37
Sep 9, 2021
I hope you actually did though!
Level 79
Jun 11, 2020
I think it'd be more accurate to say that the war started "because" of an assassination. As a history teacher, I'd never want a student of mine to say that the war started with an assassination because wars are started with attacks or formal declarations.
Level 25
Jun 12, 2020
it didn't start with the assasination, that assasination just provoked the austro hungarians into war
Level 44
Jun 14, 2020
that's literally what he says
Level 37
Sep 9, 2021
I agree - the assassination of the Archduke was the trigger for a war that was built upon decades of tension and minor conflict.
Level 38
Dec 7, 2020
alle correct
Level 37
Sep 9, 2021
Level 59
Jan 22, 2021
OH! Lawrence of Arabia. I didn't recognize the name there.
Level 37
Sep 9, 2021
Oh no! I recognised the name, but I was still like 'wait, was he WWI or WWII?'
Level 37
Sep 9, 2021
So happy, I've never done this quiz before!


You scored 18/18 = 100%

13.1% of test takers also scored 100%

The average score is 14

Your high score is 18

Your fastest time is 1:18

Level 66
Nov 28, 2021
Only 50% of people got the one where Germany asked Mexico to invade the USA? Really? Im suprised
Level 49
Aug 20, 2022
I mixed up WW1 and WW2 and was really confused, then Oversimplified memories came back to me and pick WW1
Level 58
May 20, 2022
Ulta-easy for anyone who studied history, even with a rudimentary course in high school.
Level 16
May 31, 2022
Got all of em
Level 40
Jun 16, 2023
I almost got all of them, I forgot how many French died.
Level 67
May 28, 2024
I was sure the Zimmermann Telegram was World War II. Hmph. Humbling. Otherwise, I missed the question regarding French soldiers. Seems fairly obvious in retrospect, but I know WWII had way more deaths overall and clicked without really thinking it through.
Level 44
May 29, 2024
I felt the same way. I also thought that it was during WW2, well, guess I understand why I am failing History rn LOL.
Level 42
Aug 22, 2024
Aren't both wars known as the Great Patriotic War in Russia??
Level 55
Sep 11, 2024
Link to grace14's quiz doesn't work.
Level 45
Dec 28, 2024
I feel like the question about Japan and Germany being allies was a little misleading. Yes they were on the same team in WW2 but that team was Not The Allies (but also I recognize 95% of people got that one right, just sharing why I was tripped up)