Country Characteristics

A quiz series by hi111223
Quiz# TakenBest
10 Largest Countries By Area In Order81-
20 Biggest Cities in the United States in 185072-
20 Biggest Cities in the United States in 190077-
50 Countries with the Most Covid Cases43-
100 Biggest Cities in Europe125-
100 Biggest Cities in South America54-
A-Z Long Named Countries51-
Alabama ... or Albania?31-
American Countries - Sudden Death253-
American Countries With the Most Native Americans46-
Atlantic Coastline - Sudden Death52-
Biggest Cities in Canada (Extreme)22-
Biggest Cities in the Netherlands22-
Biggest Cities in the United Kingdom39-
Biggest Cities in the USA in 179040-
Biggest Trading Partners - Chile33-
Biggest Trading Partners - Malaysia29-
Born In France - Sudden Death96-
Can You Name A Country Starting with Each Letter in One Minute217-
Capitals of Canada17-
Capitals of South America Map Quiz24-
Capitals of the Countries With Multiple Capitals32-
Capitals On Jeopardy!36-
Capitals that End in IA128-
Capitals That Make Up the Least Percent of Its Countries Population59-
Cities in What Country - Tile Select51-
Countries and Biggest Cities24-
Countries by Active Dictator56-
Countries by Homophone57-
Countries by Landmarks59-
Countries by Old Name48-
Countries by Year of Independence52-
Countries by Year of Independence #240-
Countries Closest To Riyadh18-
Countries Closest to South Africa A-Z69-
Countries Larger Than Alaska286-
Countries Larger Than Greenland111-
Countries of Ancient Mesopotamia115-
Countries of the World Quiz - But The Wrong Countries Light Up725-
Countries Shapes By Their Top Half18-
Countries Smaller Than Rhode Island58-
Countries Soon to Get Google Street View Coverage9-
Countries That Border Afghanistan32-
Countries That Border Both China and India47-
Countries That Border Cyprus68-
Countries That Border Mozambique20-
Countries That Border the Guinea Sea16-
Countries That Consume the Most Chocolate57-
Countries That Consume the Most Milk117-
Countries That Drink the Most Coffee106-
Countries That Eat the Most Ice Cream47-
Countries That Eat the Most Pasta124-
Countries That Eat the Most Seafood28-
Countries That Have Banned TikTok10-
Countries that Produce the Most Cars81-
Countries that Produce the Most Cotton27-
Countries that Produce the Most Sugar38-
Countries That Speak Mandarin Without Mandarin As An Official Language40-
Countries That Spend The Most Time Watching Television38-
Countries that Use the Most Freshwater32-
Countries that Will Grow the Most by 205038-
Countries Where Google is Not Used43-
Countries Where Home School is Illegal50-
Countries Where Military Service is Mandatory101-
Countries With An A And R49-
Countries With An G and N52-
Countries With An G And S40-
Countries With An L and B34-
Countries With An M And I46-
Countries With An S And T68-
Countries with Land in the Southern Hemisphere25-
Countries With Lowest Percent of Its Population Been to the US36-
Countries with More Tourists Than People53-
Countries with Most Deaths Caused by Malaria28-
Countries With Orcas42-
Countries With Over 10 Letters In Its Name1,640-
Countries with School Shootings164-
Countries With Shrinking Populations46-
Countries With the Best Standard of Living39-
Countries With The Highest Average Elavation16-
Countries With the Highest Birth Rate62-
Countries With the Highest Fast Food Consumption Rate70-
Countries With the Highest Life Expectancy47-
Countries With the Highest Percentage of Population Been to the US64-
Countries With the Highest Smoking Rates133-
Countries With the Highest Suicide Rate69-
Countries with the Highest Urbanized Population40-
Countries with the Largest Population in 210042-
Countries With The Largest Textile Industry37-
Countries With the Least Amount of Coastline33-
Countries With the Least Strict Laws52-
Countries With the Lowest Average Elevation12-
Countries With the Lowest Birth Rate62-
Countries With the Lowest Electricity Consumption20-
Countries With the Lowest Life Expectancy29-
Countries with the Lowest Obesity Rate29-
Countries With the Lowest Smoking Rates41-
Countries With the Lowest Suicide Rate26-
Countries with the Lowest Urbanized Population15-
Countries with the Most Bird Species22-
Countries With The Most Car Accidents47-
Countries with the Most Cities with Over 1 Million People89-
Countries with the Most Deaths Caused by All Cancers19-
Countries With the Most Deaths In the 2004 Tsunami31-
Countries with the Most Deaths per Day45-
Countries With the Most Dogs59-
Countries with the Most Earthquakes92-
Countries With the Most Electricity Consumed78-
Countries with the Most Farmland66-
Countries with the Most Food Wasted38-
Countries with the Most Immigrants39-
Countries with the Most Nobel Prizes34-
Countries With The Most Of ...? Animals38-
Countries With The Most Of These Elements #120-
Countries with the Most People in Prison55-
Countries With the Most Regions32-
Countries with the Most Rivers71-
Countries with the Most Tornadoes151-
Countries with the Most Tsunamis109-
Countries With the Most UNESCO Heritage Sites43-
Countries With the Most Video Game Players23-
Countries with the Same Name as Capitals - Sudden Death265-
Countries With the Strictest Laws95-
Countries With Under 500,000 People35-
Countries with Words in Spanish28-
Countries with Words in Spanish #219-
Country Capital to Flag35-
Country Flags From 185021-
Country Flags With The Canadian Maple Leaf29-
European Countries That End in Y138-
European Countries that Speak There Own Language95-
Fastest GDP Growing Countries20-
Fastest-Growing Cities36-
First Countries in Africa to Gain Independence73-
Get Across The World In The Fewest Borders69-
Gods of Ancient Egypt28-
Guess the Country by One Word Clue #1111-
Guess the Country by One Word Clue #255-
Is This Country Bigger Than This Country - True or False33-
Is This Person From This Country?27-
Island Countries in the Pacific Ocean50-
Island Countries - Sudden Death48-
Island to Country31-
Island to Country #222-
JetPunk Countries That Aren't In United Nations22-
Kosovo or Montenegro106-
Largest and Smallest Landlocked Countries47-
Largest Country in Every Continent in Order157-
Last Countries in Africa to Gain Independence64-
Liberia... or United States20-
Liechtenstein True or False13-
Most Forested Countries in Europe31-
Most Peaceful Countries30-
Most Polluted Countries in the World124-
Most Popular Fast Food Restaurant by Country34-
Most Populated Countries when the First Person Landed on the Moon37-
Most Recent Countries40-
Musicians From What Country38-
Musicians From What Country#212-
Name A Border Of Every African Country123-
Name A City With 1 Million People In Each Country1,284-
Name a Valid African Country165-
Name a Valid Color on Different Country Flags250-
People From What Country66-
People From What Country #253-
People From What Country #325-
Presidents of the USA in the 1800s49-
Random Countries in Africa Flag Quiz32-
Random European Countries by Fact34-
Random Fast Typing - Countries85-
Random North American Capitals48-
Singapore or Ecuador70-
Smartest Countries72-
Top Ten Biggest Cities in Turkey in Population28-
USA Flag Merged With Other Countries41-
USA Or Canada - Click Quiz96-
Weird Fact to Country #149-
Where Was it Invented?51-
Where Was it Invented #224-
Which Country is the Biggest?47-
Which Isn't a Country? - Tile Select85-