Science and Math

A quiz series by interopia
Various scientific-themed quizzes, including physics, engineering, chemistry, biology, zoology, pathology, psychology, and more! Also math!
Quiz# TakenPointsBest
Animals: Largest Predators in Each U.S. State22,7830-
Animals: Vertebrate...or Invertebrate?31--
Animals with Most Rabies Cases in the USA669--
Basic Positive and Negative Emotions769--
Bird... or Fish?1,089--
Branches and Areas of Mathematics311--
Cannabis Strains: Sativa... or Indica?83--
Causes of Death on Mount Everest4,703--
Citrus Fruits by Picture322--
Click on the Fish (Sudden Death)2,308--
Click the Amphibians (Sudden Death)94--
Composition of Seawater (Elements) 🌊228--
Composition of the Human Body (Compounds/Molecules)337--
Composition of the Universe771--
Diseases: Contagious... or Not?1,226--
Diseases: Deadliest Infectious Diseases by Country1,010--
Diseases, Disorders, Conditions, or Syndromes Named After People322--
Diseases Eliminated from the US282--
Diseases that are Eradicated or Eradicable388--
Diseases the WHO has Declared Emergencies for 🦠1,254--
Diseases: Virus... or Bacteria?33,2680-
Drugs: Stimulant, Depressant, or Hallucinogen?703--
Drugs that are Painkillers (Analgesic/Anesthetic Medicines)584--
Electronic Symbols of Circuit Diagrams in Engineering by Picture457--
Elements Plants Need to Grow (Minerals/Nutrients)167--
Essential Vitamins and Minerals (Micronutrients)867--
Famous Complexes in Psychology489--
Famous "Effects" in Science and Psychology402--
Famous Laws and Principles Named After People309--
Famous Syndromes (Medical and Otherwise)879--
First 12 Elements Discovered365--
Fish... or Not a Fish?37,3990-
Four Fundamental Forces (Interactions) of Nature and Physics500--
Freud's Five Psychosexual Development Stages175--
Freud's Three Parts of the Psyche446--
Fun Fungus Fungi Kingdom Quiz 🍄159--
Heaviest Whales 🐋268--
Identify the Snakes by Picture2,896--
Insect Groups/Orders 🪲 (Click Quiz)692--
Insect... or Not an Insect?1,218--
Insects that are "Flies" by Picture147--
Locations of Deepest Places on Earth105--
Marsupials and Monotremes by Picture223--
Metals of Antiquity (Sudden Death)145--
Most Abundant Elements in the Solar System317--
Most Abundant Metals in Earth's Crust and the Solar System1,105--
Name that Gas! (Elements and Compounds in Chemistry)2,130--
Name that Liquid! (Elements, Compounds, Mixtures in Chemistry)437--
Name the Changes of State of Matter (Phase Transitions)255--
Name the Insect (by Order)66--
Name the Metal Alloy1,439--
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Terminology283--
Natural and Artificial Sweeteners (Food and Nutrition)102--
Numbers... Prime or Composite?29--
Probes Leaving the Solar System43--
Psychedelics, Hallucinogens, Entheogens (Drugs)729--
Recommended Childhood Vaccines for Americans13,4910-
Regular Convex Polyhedrons (by Picture)202--
Regular Convex Polyhedrons (Platonic Solids)127--
Reptile... or Amphibian?1,114--
Skin Conditions (Yay!)504--
States of Matter (Phases of Matter)291--
The 7 Groups of Dogs302--
The Four Types of...521--
The Four Venomous (aka "Poisonous") Snakes of the USA427--
The “New Big Five” Animals105--
The Three Types of...1,103--
The Two Types of...486--
Trees by Picture of Leaf70--
Types of Cancer by Awareness Ribbon Color202--
Types of Fungus and Fungi by Picture134--
Types of Jellyfish by Picture168--
Types of Planets562--
Vitamins: Water-Soluble or Fat-Soluble?126--
Words for Numbers212--
Worms by Picture19--