中国省份统计 China provinces statistics

A quiz series by uoiu
Quiz# TakenBest
中国人均电商销量最高的省区 China provinces with highest E-commerce sales per capita59-
中国人均农业增加值最高的省区 China provinces with largest agriculture per capita32-
中国人均玉米产量最多的省区 China provinces with largest corn yield per capita36-
中国人均油菜籽产量最多的省区 China provinces with largest rapeseed yield per capita26-
中国人均稻谷产量最多的省区 China provinces with largest roce yield per capita72-
中国人均茶叶产量最多的省区 China provinces with largest tea yield per capita153-
中国人均西瓜产量最多的省区 China provinces with largest watermelon yield per capita62-
中国人均小麦产量最多的省区 China provinces with largest wheat yield per capita43-
中国每万人运动员最多的省区 China provinces with most athletes per capita48-
中国人均购买彩票最多的省区 China provinces with most lottery purchase39-
中国人均博物馆最多的省区 China provinces with most museums per capita70-
中国人均交通事故最多的省区 China provinces with most traffic accidents per capita61-
China Provinces with most/least foreign visitor per capita32-
中国没有内河码头泊位(生产用)的省级行政区 China provinces without inland berth37-
人均GDP高于所有邻居的省区 Provinces with higher GDP/capita than all neighbours152-
中国人均GDP最高/低的省区 Provinces with highest/lowest GDP249-
人均GDP低于所有邻居的省区 Provinces with lower GDP/capita than all neighbours94-
中国各省GDP排名 Ranking of provinces in China by GDP142-
中国各省人均GDP排名 Ranking of provinces in China by GDP per capita64-
中国各省/亚洲各国GDP混合top20 China provinces or asian countries gdp top20253-
中国吃得最荤/素的省区 Most meaty/vegetarian provinces185-
中国人均生活用水最多/少的省区 Provinces consume most/least domestic water per capita37-
中国县级行政区平均人口最多/少的省区 Provinces having the most/least pop per Counties52-
中国离婚率最高/低的省区 Provinces with highest/lowest divorce rates59-
中国森林覆盖率最高/低的省区 Provinces with highest/lowest forest cover rates151-
中国小学生师比最高/低的省区 Provinces with highest/lowest student teacher ratio37-
中国城镇平均工资最高/低的省区 Provinces with hingest/lowest average urban salary83-
中国出生率最高/低的省区 Provinces with hingest/lowest birth rate77-
中国城镇居民消费水平最高/低的省区 Provinces with hingest/lowest urban consumption38-
中国人均瓜果产量最多的省区 Provinces with largest melons & fruits yield per capita74-
中国人均预期寿命最长与最短的省区 Provinces with longest & shortest life expectencies130-
中国人均城市轨道交通里程最长的省区 Provinces with longest Urban rail transit per capita93-
中国人均接待外国游客最多/少的省区 Provinces with most/least foreign visitor per capita109-
中国人均高速公路最多/少的省区 Provinces with most/least highway per capita63-
中国人均医疗床位最多/少的省区 Provinces with most/least medical beds per capita44-
中国人均铁路里程最长/短的省区 Provinces with most/least Railway mileage per capita118-
中国人均水资源最多/少的省区 Provinces with most/least water resources per capita101-
中国各省面积排名 Ranking of provinces in China by area201-
各行政区划代码对应省级行政区 The provines corresponding to administrative code21-
中国各省/欧洲各国面积混合top20 China provinces or european countries area top25217-
中国各省/世界各国粗钢产量混合top30 China provinces/world countries steel production52-