Quiz | # Taken | Best |
特色地名用字——“氵”专辑 | 36 | - |
特色地名用字——植物专辑 | 31 | - |
特色地名用字——全部对应省份 | 23 | - |
这些部首都有哪些字?#1 What are the words in the capitals of these ministries? | 43 | - |
特色地名用字——随机10个对应省份 | 78 | - |
越南15大姓氏 Top 15 Vietnamese surnames | 208 | - |
韩国20大姓氏 Top 20 Korean surnames | 614 | - |
日本前100姓氏 Top 100 Japanese surnames | 115 | - |
这些明朝藩王名字是不是化学名词?Are these Ming names vassal kings chemical terms? | 219 | - |
县级地名难读字 北方部分 Difficult characters in county-level names (northern) | 46 | - |
县级地名难读字 南方部分 Difficult characters in county-level names (southern) | 53 | - |
寻找孑孓游戏 Find the bugs! | 119 | - |
眼力挑战 - 孑孓扫雷 Find the bugs! - sudden death | 87 | - |
日语对一周七天的叫法 Japanese names for the seven days of the week | 293 | - |
中国各年代男女新生儿使用最多的名字 Most used names for newborn boys and girls in China | 87 | - |
青铜器常见难字读音 Pronunciation of common difficult characters on bronze ware | 19 | - |
常用汉字top40 Top 40 frequently used Chinese characters | 1,026 | - |
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