中国市县区划 Chinese cities and counties

A quiz series by uoiunion
Quiz# TakenBest
临近地级行政区挑战#1 Neighbouring prefecture-level divisions #1214-
临近地级行政区挑战#2 Neighbouring prefecture-level divisions #269-
临近地级行政区挑战#3 Neighbouring prefecture-level divisions #384-
驻地最靠东的20个县级行政区 The 20 easternmost county-level administrative regions21-
驻地最靠东的20个地级行政区 The 20 easternmost prefecture-level regions43-
驻地最靠北的20个县级行政区 The 20 northernmost county-level administrative regions25-
驻地最靠北的20个地级行政区 The 20 northernmost prefecture-level regions39-
驻地最靠南的20个县级行政区 The 20 southernmost county-level administrative regions28-
驻地最靠南的20个地级行政区 The 20 southernmost prefecture-level regions44-
驻地最靠西的20个县级行政区 The 20 westernmost county-level administrative regions20-
驻地最靠西的20个地级行政区 The 20 westernmost prefecture-level regions36-
驻地最靠近30°N的41个地级行政区 41 prefecture regions closest to 30°N30-
驻地最靠近30°N的41个地级行政区 严格黄框版 41 prefecture regions closest to 30°N - Hard8-
随机30个县级行政区在哪个省?Where are the 30 random counties located?1,328-
随机30个县区在哪个地级行政区?Where are the 30 random counties located?3,236-
驻地最靠近40°N的21个地级行政区 21 prefecture regions closest to 40°N32-
驻地最靠近40°N的21个地级行政区 严格黄框版 21 prefecture regions closest to 40°N - Hard6-
2021~2023年县级以上行政区划变更情况 Changes in county level divisions 2021~202329-
2024中国行政区划变更十大事件 10 Administrative Division Changes in China in 202422-
华南华中各省会下辖县级行政区 County-level divisions of provincial capitals38-
华东各省会下辖县级行政区 County-level divisions of provincial capitals57-
华北东北各省会下辖县级行政区 County-level divisions of provincial capitals38-
西北各省会下辖县级行政区 County-level divisions of provincial capitals36-
西南各省会下辖县级行政区 County-level divisions of provincial capitals40-
各省答对率最高/低的县级行政区 华东部分 Most famous/unknown counties in East China26-
各省答对率最高/低的县级行政区 华北部分 Most famous/unknown counties in East China13-
各省答对率最高/低的县级行政区 东北部分 Most famous/unknown counties in Northeast China13-
各省答对率最高/低的县级行政区 西北部分 Most famous/unknown counties in Northwest China12-
各省答对率最高/低的县级行政区 中南部分 Most famous/unknown counties in South China15-
各省答对率最高/低的县级行政区 西南部分 Most famous/unknown counties in Southwest China12-
各省答对率最高/低的县级行政区 Most famous/unknown county-level regions in China18-