中国政区China Administrative Regions

A quiz series by Ming1461
Quiz# TakenBest
中山23+2镇(街道)All 23+2 Towns(Blocks) in Zhongshan28-
东莞28镇All 28 Towns in Dongguan79-
2023年度全国百强县Top 100 Richest Counties195-
根据省级行政区划代码写出省级行政区Answer Provinces According to the Codes182-
中国县级民族区域自治地区(简单模式)Autonomous Counties in China(Easy Mode)86-
中国县级民族区域自治地区(困难模式)Autonomous Counties in China(Hard Mode)17-
中国县级民族区域自治地区(地狱模式)Autonomous Counties in China(Hell Mode)9-
中国的民族自治州Autonomous Prefectures in China133-
中国的民族自治州首府Capitals of Autonomous Prefectures in China245-
中国的民族自治州首府(简中反客为主版)Capitals of Autonomous Prefectures in China(TC Ver)102-
请使用正确的中国地图——中国地图(省级)测验China Map Quiz415-
中国所有“单字县”Counties whose Names Are 1 Character Long in China284-
县级市所属地级行政区Prefactural Regions that County-Leveled Cities Affiliated to81-
中国地级市Prefecture-Level Cities in China47-
中国地级行政区Prefecture-Level Regions in China46-
根据省份的若干个邻居写出该省名称Provinces According to its neighbors265-
中国省级行政区(点击地图)Provinces in China(Click Map))55-
中国省级行政区全称、简称、行政中心Provinces in China Quiz701-
中国所有由本省区直辖的县级行政区Provincially Administered Counties in China316-
延庆区乡镇级行政区划Town-Leveled Regions in Yanqing District6-
省级政府都在哪?Where are Provincial Governments?45-