1950s Music Quizzes

Take a Random 1950s Music Quiz
Before there were hipsters, there were hippies.
Can you guess these facts about the late great Elvis?
28,193 Music by Year, 1950–1969
19,609 A Quiz About Elvis Presley
1,988#1 Hits of the 1950s
1,893Click the Elvis Presley Song Title Ending
1,663Lyrics - Can't Help Falling in Love With You - Elvis Presley
1,407Songs By Elvis Presley On The 500 Greatest Songs Of All Time List
1,217Elvis Songs
1,045Hound Dog by Elvis Presley - Lyrics
920Is Elvis Still Alive?
840Elvis Presley Songs Quiz
639Elvis Movies!
612Elvis Presley Suspicious Minds Lyrics
540Elvis Presley Songs - Sudden Death
501Elvis test
498Elvis Presley songs by lyrics
4851950's Rock and Roll
445Elvis Presley greatest hits
399Elvis Songs by Picture
348Top 1950s Rock N Roll Pioneers
310Who Did That 1950s Song #1
295Elvis Presley - Heartbreak Hotel - Lyrics
254Combined Song Titles - One Word Links Both (1950's & 60's)
229Photo Quiz: 1950's Rock'n'Roll
212Song Titles: Missing Names - 50's/60's Rock and Roll
209Place Names in ELVIS PRESLEY Song Titles
1911950s Albums
191Picture Quiz: American Music Greats 1930's -1950's
176Songs By Artist: Elvis Presley
175Elvis Presley Singles
171Elvis Presley Famous Songs
166Number-ones of the 1950s
131'If I Can Dream' by Elvis Presley Missing Lyrics Quiz
104Elvis Presley Discography
103Stand by Me Lyrics
95Top 10 Elvis Presley Songs by Plays
77music trivia: 1957 songs and artists
68music trivia: 1958 songs and artists
66music trivia: 1959 songs and artists
64music trivia: 1956 songs and artists
61music trivia: 1955 songs and artists
54Title in the Lyrics - Elvis Presley Songs
45'The Wonder of You' Missing Lyrics Quiz
43Elvis Presley Albums Tile Select
42Songs With American Place Names - 1950's
42Elvis Presley Songs by Synonyms
36The Elvis Presley Quiz
22Songs from the First Line(s) - 1956
20Songs from the First Line(s) - 1959
20Songs from the First Line(s) - 1958
19Songs from the First Line(s) - 1957
19Song Titles: Fill In The Missing Word - Geographical Features 50s&60s
17Every Billboard #1 Hit of the 1950s
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