1990s Movie Quizzes

Take a Random 1990s Movie Quiz
Use the clues to name the highest-grossing movies from the 1990s.
You can't handle this quiz!
Can you name these classic 1990s movies from a silhouette?
Based on the tagline, name the 1990s movie.
Based on the co-stars, name the movie.
Can you name the top ten actors and actresses for each year of the 1990s, as voted by movie exhibitors?
Can you guess these 1990s movies from a description of their plot?
97,978 Highest Grossing 1990s Movies
90,134 1990s Movie Quotes
69,953 1990s Movie Silhouettes
37,419 1990s Movie Taglines Quiz
31,739 1990s Movie Co-Stars
29,355 Top Box Office Stars of the 1990s
25,069 1990s Movies by Plot
2,401Forrest Gump Ultimate Trivia
2,300Best Fight Club Movie Quotes Quiz
1,618Movie Quotes from the 90's
1,2661990s Movies
1,149Rules of Fight Club
1,0901990s Oscar Best Actor Nominees
1,076Titanic trivia quiz
942Forrest Gump Movie Quiz
9231990s Oscar Best Actress Nominees
868Pulp Fiction Cast
750Scream (1996) Trivia
742Home Alone Quiz
675Pulp Fiction Quiz
670Home alone characters by picture
563Cities Destroyed in Independence Day
552Ultimate Titanic Quiz
463Pulp Fiction Characters
40190s Movie Franchises by Picture
3381990's Movies by Hint
302The Matrix Characters by Picture
300The Terminator quiz
2541990s Oscar Best Supporting Actor Nominees
230Complete the Movie Title (1999)
221Complete the Movie Title (1997)
203Complete the Movie Title (1990)
2011990s Movies by IMDb Description
1961990s Best Picture Oscar Nominees - Multiple Choice
196Complete the Movie Title (1996)
195Complete the Movie Title (1993)
193Complete the Movie Title (1998)
191Complete the Movie Title (1992)
184Complete the Movie Title (1995)
180Complete the Movie Title (1994)
1701990's British Films: Screenshots
170Complete the Movie Title (1991)
1711994 Films by Picture
158The 1990s Movies Picture Quiz
149Fight Club the Novel Multiple Choice
142All 1990's Animated Disney Movies
118Famous Actors in "Magnolia"
37All 1990's Disney Animated Movies
34Movie Trivia: 1999
29Home Alone - Somewhere in My Memory Lyrics
Child Directories
Parent Directories