Actor Filmography Quizzes
Take a Random Actor Filmography Quiz
Leonardo DiCaprio has starred in 30 movies. How many can you name?
He was my favorite white guy on "In Living Color"?
The most commercially-successful actor of his generation.
Aliens easily destroy most of the Earth's major cities, but are somehow defeated by fighter pilots and a computer hacker?
Proof that, with the right swagger, anybody can be a sex symbol.
Soap maker starts a men's club dedicated to bareknuckle fighting?
Robot from the future hunts the unborn leader of the human resistance?
Based on the description, name these famous movies that starred Robin Williams.
Matt Damon has been a very busy actor - starring in 58 movies through the end of 2023. How many can you name?
Rich corporate raider finds true love by hiring an escort?
Paranormal exterminators battle a marshmallow man?
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