Ancient History Quizzes

Take a Random Ancient History Quiz
Try to name all 24 Greek letters.
Guess the Greek and Roman names of the Olympian gods.
Beat the clock to decode these randomly-generated Roman Numerals.
Guess the name of each selected Greek letter.
Name these famous figures from Greek Mythology.
Can you name the modern-day countries whose territory was part of the Roman Empire in 117 AD?
Guessing planets isn't going to help for this one.
Name all of the present-day countries whose territory Alexander the Great controlled at least 20% of.
Can you translate these ancient Greek words into English?
How many Roman emperors can you name?
Can you name these 101 gods, people, creatures, places, and objects from Greek mythology?
558,628 Letters of the Greek Alphabet
443,435 Olympian Gods Quiz
373,328 Roman Numeral Decoding Quiz
283,546 Name that Greek Letter
163,073 Figures from Greek Mythology
108,808 Roman to Greek God
105,177 Modern-Day Countries of the Roman Empire on a Map
97,915 Modern Countries Conquered by Alexander the Great
91,132 Ancient Greek Words
89,250 Roman Emperors
83,301 101 Figures from Greek Mythology
79,382 Things with Names from Classical Mythology
79,128 Biggest Roman Empire Countries
78,580 Greek Mythology General Knowledge #1
72,363 Famous Ancient Romans
69,710 Ancient Roman Trivia #1
65,164 Count in Roman Numerals - 30 Second Sprint
64,945 The 7 Wonders of the Ancient World
64,056 Countries in the Byzantine Empire
62,827 Biggest Cities once in the Roman Empire
61,829 Ancient Greek Trivia
53,894 Roman History Vocabulary
51,887 Greek Mythology General Knowledge #2
47,963 Word Chain - Greek and Roman Mythology
46,882 Geography of the Roman Empire
45,062 Two Letter Roman Numerals
44,745 Countries Settled by the Ancient Greeks
44,072 10 Plagues of Egypt
39,746 Languages of the Roman Empire with a Map
39,462 Roman Names for Places
37,804 Largest Cities in Alexander's Empire
37,334 Ancient Greece - Multiple Choice
34,531 Ancient Roman Trivia #2
33,566 Ancient Civilizations
32,548 Mythology A-Z
31,465 The Life of Julius Caesar
30,503 Events in Ancient History
28,885 The Trojan War
28,815 Geography of Ancient Greece
27,228 Ancient Rome - True or False?
25,503 Byzantine History
25,002 Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
23,644 Roman History by Picture
22,770 Click Quiz: Roman to Greek Gods
18,001 Ancient History - Tile Select
17,894Greek Gods and Goddesses
17,884 Most-Mentioned Characters in the Iliad
17,157 Largest Cities once part of the Byzantine Empire
17,086 The Life of Alexander the Great
15,215 Ancient Greek Inventions
15,145Greek Gods
14,637 Famous Ancient Greek People
12,149 The Stone Age
10,936 The 3rd Millennium BC
10,783 The 2nd Millennium BC
9,861Count in Roman Numerals - One Minute Sprint
8,318 Seven Hills of Rome
8,175Greek And Roman Gods
8,130Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Emperors
6,624Greek, Roman and Norse Gods
6,157100 Biggest Cities in the Roman Empire with a Map
6,120Modern-Day Countries of the Byzantine Empire with a Map
5,818Gods and Goddesses of Greek Mythology
5,722Random Letters of the Greek Alphabet
5,612Ancient Greek States in 300 B.C. with a Map
5,593Languages of Alexander the Great's Empire with a Map
5,135Greek mythology multiple choice
5,087Countries of the Roman Empire
4,579Geography - The Roman Empire today
4,307Greek Mythology
4,275Greek Gods and Godesses
4,081Ancient Geography
3,725Roman History
3,410Provinces of the Later Roman Empire with a Map
3,315Count in Roman Numerals - Two Minute Sprint
3,229Roman Numerals Quiz
3,191Provinces of the Byzantine Empire with a Map
3,166Oldest Capital Cities of Countries
3,161Most famous Gods of the Greek Myths
3,120Languages of the Byzantine Empire with a Map
3,106Greek Mythology
2,859Roman Numerals
2,652Greco-Roman Titans
2,643Greek and Roman Gods
2,474Regions of Ancient Greece (with a map)
2,403Major and Minor Greek Gods
2,367Provinces (Themes) of the Byzantine Empire in 1025 AD with a Map
2,266All Greek Gods and Monsters (Titans Included)
2,255Egyptian Gods Quiz
2,240Roman Emperors (27 BC - 235 AD)
2,228Greek Mythology
2,1653 Letter Long Roman Numerals
2,086Seven Hills of Rome - Map Quiz
2,077Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt
2,061Roman Provinces - Map Quiz
2,007Ancient Egypt Trivia
1,979Most Populous Cities in the Roman Empire
1,947Impossible Roman History
1,872Things Named After Greek Gods
1,855Greek and Roman Mythology - Mount Olympus
1,741Category Elimination #2 - Greek Gods
1,711Greek Mythology Family Tree
1,699Provinces of the Empire of Alexander the Great with a Map
1,686Pair them up! Olympian Gods: Greek and Latin names
1,534Greek Monsters
1,523Digits of Pi - Roman Numerals
1,520Name that Greek Letter - Hard Version
1,508Egyptian mythology
1,465History of Greece Quiz
1,442A-Z of Ancient Rome
1,436Biggest Cities in The Roman Empire on a Map
1,382Cities Founded by the Roman Empire with a Map
1,354Greek Gods
1,312Roman Names of Modern Cities
1,310Mythical Creatures of Ancient Greece
1,295The Athena quiz
1,262Biggest Cities in the Byzantine Empire in 555 AD - Under Justinian I
1,225Locations of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World
1,222Classical Greek Authors
1,202ALL Colonies of the Roman Empire in 211 AD with a Map
1,188Provincial Capitals of the Roman Empire with a Map
1,169Ancient Mesopotamia
1,166Ancient Greek History by Picture
1,157Greek Mythology Trivia
1,131Ancient History Multiple Choice
1,112Trivia- Ancient Greece
1,104Capitals of the Roman Provinces on a Map
1,094Successor Countries of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD with a Map
1,090Awesome Roman Numerals Quiz
1,091Trace the Route of Odysseus on a Map
1,082Provincial Capitals of the Later Roman Empire with a Map
1,06310 Egyptians Plagues
1,060Greek and Roman Writers and their Works
1,033Historical Duos
1,031Famous Artifacts by Picture
1,003Odyssey Characters #1
992Greek Mythology Multiple Choice
990Olympian Gods Scramble
976Portraits of Roman emperors
966Groups of Things: Ancient History
963Provinces of the Western Roman Empire with a Map
960Classical and Medieval Elements (Greek, Chinese, Buddhist, Alchemy)
941Greek Gods and Goddesses (HARD)
920Egyptian, Greek and Roman gods
919History of Ancient Rome. Part I 753 BC - 509 BC
905Greek and Roman Gods
899Greek and Roman Mythology - The Underworld
901Roman Emperors by Time Proximity
885Greek Mythology by Picture
877Byzantine Empire and Present Day Countries
835Provinces of the Roman Empire
827Heirs to Rome
814Notable Roman Emperors
812Ancient Greece... or Ancient Rome?
802History of Iraq Quiz
792Animal Symbols of Greek Gods and Goddesses
782Regions of Ancient Greece
772Greek Mythology; Heroes
768Which God in Greek Mythology? Click Quiz
763Characters in Greek Mythology
760Iliad Characters
755Roman Numeral Countdown
753Greek Gods of...
742Alphabetic Roman Numerals
739The Greek Olympian Gods
734One-Digit Roman Numerals
712Provinciae Romanae in charta
710Ancient Cities - Map Quiz
701Most Famous Ancient Egyptian Pharoahs
693Top 10 most worshipped Ancient Egyptians Gods
681Letters of the Greek alphabet - in order
674Greek Mythology
6764 Letter Long Roman Numerals
670Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Emperors
657Greek to roman gods
653Category Elimination - Roman Emperors
645Gods and Goddesses of Greek mythology
639Pre-Medieval Mesopotamian Civilizations
639Really Long List of Greek Gods
638Greek Mythology Quiz
634Greek Gods, Goddesses, Demigods, Spirits, and Titans
616Roman Numerals to 100
618Biggest City of Each Roman Province with a Map
6143 letters long Roman numerals
60532 Symbols Found in Ancient Caves Throughout Europe
588Planets by Greek Name
579Roman Emperors
579Numbers Between 0 And 1667 with Unrepeated Symbols in Roman Numerals
578Odd Roman Numerals - One Minute Sprint
564Biggest Cities in the Byzantine Empire in 1025 AD - Under Basil II
563Even Roman Numerals - One Minute Sprint
555Countries in the Macedonian Empire (Alexander's Empire)
551Birthplaces of Roman and Byzantine Emperors
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