British Politics Quizzes

Take a Random British Politics Quiz
Hey look, there's a new Prime Minister again!
Can you answer these questions that might appear on the Life in the UK Test required to become a British citizen?
There are 650 constituencies served by an MP in the UK House of Commons. How many can you name, with the help of a map?
Can you guess the first names that the Prime Ministers of the the United Kingdom were born with?
For each clue, guess the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom who it applies to.
367,100 Prime Ministers of the UK
53,958 British Citizenship Test
22,988 All UK Parliament Constituencies on a Map
12,921 First Names of UK Prime Ministers
8,589 The Margaret Thatcher Premiership
7,549 British Prime Ministers by Clue
5,109UK Citizenship Test
4,009All UK Parliament Constituencies
3,753UK Prime Ministers Since WW2
3,147Political Parties in the UK
3,091UK constituencies on a map (new boundaries)
2,911British Prime Ministers by Picture
2,654Prime Ministers of the UK - One Minute Sprint
2,338Top 20 Most Famous British Prime Ministers (2014)
2,309British Politics
1,961Current British Members of Parliament
1,739Prime Ministers of the UK (after 1900)
1,723The Brexit Quiz - Multiple Choice
1,679British Prime Minister Trivia
1,513British Labour Party leaders
1,458Queen Elizabeth's Prime Ministers
1,450Name a Valid British Prime Minister
1,376British Prime Ministers' First Names
1,345British Members of Parliament (MPs)
1,301Current UK Cabinet
1,278UK Cabinet Quiz (Current)
1,228Major Parties of Northern Ireland
1,178British Cabinet Posts
1,098Current UK Members of Parliament 2018: UK Politics
997UK Politics Party Leaders (1900-Present)
940Insane Moments in British Politics
936UK General Election 2010 Parties
927Random 20 UK Prime Ministers
869UK Parliament Constituencies: England (no greater London)
827UK General Election 2015
728Most Guessed British Prime Ministers
695Capital Cities of Constituent Countries of the UK
665Every Political Party Ever: The British House of Commons
657UK Chancellors
610British Prime Ministers - Sudden Death
603UK Political Parties
592British Politics Review of 2016
548UK Prime Ministers by Picture
538UK Chancellors of the Exchequer
527Brexit A-Z
516British Prime Ministers by interesting fact
501Margaret Thatcher
477British Labour Party Leaders NEVER Prime Minister
425British Foreign Secretaries
420Pub, Prime Minister, University or Premier League - A UK Click Quiz
419Greatest Prime Ministers of Great Britain
371Fill in the British Prime Ministers
348Labour Party MPs 2015
348British Prime Ministers Turned into Cartoon Characters
338Shortest Serving Modern UK Prime Ministers
267Prime Ministers of Great Britain
237Contenders for UK Prime Minister
236British Prime Ministers of the 20th Century (by Picture)
22945 Questions for 45 Days of Liz Truss
207British Prime Ministers
206Prime Ministers of United Kingdom
205All UK Cabinet Ministers under Boris Johnson (2019-2022)
196British Prime ministers Quiz
181Prime Ministers During the Reign of Charles III
179Every UK Prime Minister
176UK Prime Ministers - full name
157UK Labour Party Prime Ministers
155Prime Ministerial First Names
151Fill in the Scottish First Ministers
148UK Parliament Constituencies: Northern Ireland
143All UK Cabinet Ministers under Tony Blair (1997-2007)
140King Charles III's Prime Ministers
130All UK Cabinet Ministers under David Cameron (2010-2016)
126All UK Cabinet Ministers under Liz Truss (2022)
117Top UK Universities
117Children of British Prime Ministers
114All UK Cabinet Ministers under Theresa May (2016-2019)
110Last Five Holders of the UK Great Offices of State
95Living British Prime Ministers
90Queen Elizabeth II's Prime Ministers
81UK Great Offices of State
80British Prime Ministers
77British Prime Ministers (Basics)
77Birthplaces of UK Prime Ministers
70Parties of Northern Ireland 2017-2022
69All UK Cabinet Ministers under Gordon Brown (2007-2010)
62Parties in Northern Ireland
62Name Dropping #6: British Prime Ministers
52Northern Ireland Heads of Government
49Parliamentary Constituencies Held by British PMs
48Current Holders of the UK Great Offices of State
47Prime Ministers of the UK by length of tenure
35British Prime Ministers by their first name
26Countries with a President and a Prime Minister
24First Ministers of Scotland
2Prime Ministers of the UK in Alphabetical Order
Child Directories
Parent Directories