Christian Quizzes

Take a Random Christian Quiz
A quiz for the devil in all of us.
Try to name the countries where the majority of people are Roman Catholics.
Name the books of the Protestant Bible.
Name the countries of the world that have the highest % of Orthodox Christians.
Unless you really know your Bible, you'll be very surprised.
Can you name the countries with the largest Christian populations?
For each continent, try to guess the five countries that have the greatest number of Christians.
Jesus had 12 apostles. How many can you name?
Which countries have the greatest number of Catholics?
You'll have to be a history geek or devout Catholic to get more than a couple.
What 100 words appear most commonly in the King James Bible?
337,321 7 Deadly Sins Quiz
177,170 Catholic Countries Quiz
171,534 Books of the Protestant Bible Quiz
123,835 Most Mentioned Bible Characters Quiz
109,692 Orthodox Countries
107,728 12 Apostles of Jesus
99,868 Countries with the Most Christians
96,575 Name the Popes Quiz
93,492 Five Countries with Most Christians by Continent
93,278 Top 100 Most Common Words in the Bible
89,198 Bible Characters Quiz #1
88,353 Countries with the Most Catholics
80,161 Asian Countries with the Most Christians
79,285 Catholic Countries in Europe
77,662 Bible Characters Quiz #2
76,428 Countries of the Popes
68,320 Least Christian Countries with Exceptions
66,776 Books of the Catholic Bible Quiz
64,761 African Countries with the Most Christians
63,742 Periodic Table Elements Mentioned in the Bible
63,020 Biblical Geography
59,383 Most-Visited Countries by Popes
54,510 Bible Quotes Quiz #1
53,808 The Ten Commandments Quiz
49,407 Groups of Things - The Bible
48,424 Bible Quotes Quiz #2
46,355 Biblical Names Still Popular Today
44,101 10 Plagues of Egypt
41,961 The Bible A-Z
40,388 The Lord's Prayer Quiz
40,221 Countries Mentioned in the Bible
39,215 Bible Quotes Quiz #3
36,505 Shakespeare... or the Bible?
36,434 Vatican City Country Quiz
35,992 The Bible - Multiple Choice
35,801 Word Chain - The Bible
34,835 Life of Jesus
33,007 Countries with the Most Cathedrals
31,982 Biblical Miracles
30,586 Bible Quotes Quiz #4
29,602 U.S. States by Church Attendance
29,059 Tile Select - The Bible
25,628 Bible Stories #1
23,748 Famous Catholics Quiz
22,576 Bible Stories #2
20,713 Name the Saint
19,246 Top 11 Most Catholic U.S. States
17,710 The Bible by Picture
17,699 Animals in the Bible
17,064 Pope Facts
16,571 The Bible - Who Said That?
15,772 Life of Moses
15,392 Is That Really in the Bible?
14,112All the Books of the Bible (in order)
13,206 The Life of King David
12,042 Quotes of Jesus
11,414 Books of the Bible That are Words
11,279 Seven Heavenly Virtues
10,146Popes of the Roman Catholic Church
10,146 This and That - The Bible
9,383 Famous Mormons Quiz
7,012 Monks and Nuns
6,244The Christianity Quiz
5,946 A Quiz About Mormonism
5,881Authors of Bible Books
5,703The Ultimate Bible Characters Quiz
5,238Top 20 Most Christian Countries
4,816 Ecclesiastes - "To Every Thing There Is a Season"
4,257Name All The Catholic Saints
4,204Women of the Bible
3,807US Catholic Dioceses Map Quiz
3,663The Lord of the Rings or the Bible?
3,644Least Catholic Countries
3,606Tribes of Israel Map Quiz
3,447Bible Character's Wives - Very Hard
3,432Rulers of France, England, Spain, Rome and Popes
3,360Most Common Words in the Bible (1-250)
3,157 Click the Deadly Sin
3,138Top 20 Most Famous Books of the Bible
3,128Most common pope names
2,923Books of the New Testament
2,776Municipalities of Vatican City with a Map
2,690Women in the Bible
2,555Majority Christian Countries on a Map
2,487Asian Countries with the Highest Percentage of Christians
2,329Countries Closest to Vatican City
2,263Countries with the Worst Persecution of Christians
2,198Books of The Bible Old Testament
2,101Countries that Beat Vatican City
2,091Star Wars, Bible or Both ?
2,062Children of Jacob - Bible
2,022Countries Where the Bible is Banned
1,833First 200 Words of The Bible
1,743Words That Only Appear Once in the Bible
1,716Five Countries with Most Catholics by Continent
1,700Original 12 Apostles/Disciples of Jesus - Bible
1,646Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) - Bible
1,586Catholicism in Europe
1,505A Quiz About Christianity
1,505Biblical People Whose Names Begin with J
1,486Countries with a Majority Protestant Christian Population
1,439Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
1,435First 10 Books of the Bible
1,398Books of the Catholic Old Testament
1,381Pope, Pasta, Emperor, or Serie A Team - An Italy Click Quiz
1,381Bible Trivia
1,363Countries with the Most L.D.S Temples
1,322Books of the Bible - Sudden Death
1,315Early Christian History
1,296Majority Christian Countries - Sudden Death
1,278Difficult Bible quiz
1,265Birthplaces of Roman Catholic Popes since 1000 A.D.
1,232Bible Characters
1,187The First Words of the Bible
1,182Countries with Largest Orthodox Population
1,163From Abraham to Jesus
1,142Biggest Cities in Vatican City
1,140Books of the Bible
1,127Books of the Book of Mormon
1,124Christian Denominations Quiz
1,120Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12) - BIble
1,113Longest Books of the Bible
1,071Top 10 States with Highest Percent Mormon
1,06310 Egyptians Plagues
996Top 20 Most Famous Popes' Names
991Books of the Orthodox Bible
983Countries with the Largest Christian Population
982Armor of God - Bible
953Top 15 Most Catholic States
946The Bible: A Question for Every Book
946Unscramble Bible Names
934Bible Name Chain
926New Testament Bible Books
915Provinces of the Papal States with a Map
907Top 100 Most Common Words in the Book of Mormon
904Bible Story Time
885African Countries with the Highest Percentage of Christians
863Five Countries with Least Christians by Continent
861Churches by picture
857Roman Catholic Solemnities (Major Feast Days)
849Quotes of Bible Characters 4
848The Most Christian Countries in Africa
834Biblical People Whose Names Begin with A
831The Nicene Creed
812Countries of the Bible
809U.S. Catholic Jesuit Colleges and Universities
808Amazing Grace Lyrics
800Bible Verses Quiz
792Hymn Titles
778Biggest Cities in Vatican City
769Have you read your Bible?
760First 100 Words of the Bible
760Parts of a Church on a Floor Plan
759Five Most Christian Countries by Continent
758Orthodox Christianity in Europe
756Countries with the Most Christians (%)
724Heroes of Faith (mentioned in Hebrews 11) - Bible
713Catholic… or Protestant?
701LDS Prophets (Mormon)
697Monastery Quiz
695Paul the Apostle's Journeys on a Map
696Shakespeare or the Bible?
674Nations Represented by the College of Cardinals
670Oldest People In the Bible
657Biblical People Whose Names Begin with B
654Bible Characters - Genesis
649Christian Majority Countries
635Countries with a Majority Orthodox Christian Population
634Biblical People Whose Names Begin with M
623Bible - Book of Genesis Trivia
618Top 15 Most East Orthodox Countries
615LDS (Mormon) Temples
611Roman Catholic Terminology
607Languages the Pope Tweets in
604English Cathedrals by Picture
601Quotes of Bible Characters 3
599Kings of Israel and Judah In Biblical Times
597Majority Catholic Countries of the EU
593Biblical People Whose Names Begin with D
593Modern-Day U.S. States of Deseret on a Map
586Popes by First Two Letters - Two Minute Sprint
581Countries by Number of Catholic Saints
572States with the Most L.D.S Temples
568Most Catholic US Cities
551Saint Names - Sudden Death
528Obscure Bible Characters
526The 12 Tribes of Israel with a Map
523Books of the Bible with 4 letters
523Number of cardinals by country
522Bible Decoder
522Biblical People Whose Names Begin with E
518Countries with the Most Mormons
516The Most Christian Countries in Asia
514"J" Books of the Bible
508Top five Middle Eastern countries with the highest percent of Christians
506Bible - Book of Exodus Trivia
502Languages Most Similar to Latin
Child Directories
Parent Directories
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