Countries by Continent Quizzes

Take a Random Countries by Continent Quiz
There are 45 countries that are generally considered to be part of Europe. How many can you name?
Now with a map! Name every country that is generally considered to be part of Africa.
There are 48 countries that are generally considered to be part of Asia. How many can you name?
There are 14 countries in Oceania. How many can you name?
Name the 23 countries generally considered to be part of North America.
There are 12 countries in South America. Can you name them all?
For each continent and letter, guess A country primarily located in that continent which starts with that letter.
In each continent, what are the five most-recognized country flags?
Can you click on the continent that each of these mountain tops belongs to ?
2,901,071 Countries of Europe Quiz
2,009,639 Countries of Africa
1,446,025 Countries of Asia Quiz
824,846 Countries of Oceania
817,546 Countries of North America Quiz
735,599 Countries of South America
60,700 One Country By Letter By Continent
33,267 Five Most Guessed Country Flags by Continent
24,717 Mountain Peaks by Continent - Click Quiz
13,986Name One Country In Each Continent - 15 Second Sprint
13,493Ten Biggest Countries by Continent
9,811Name Two Countries In Each Continent - 15 Second Sprint
6,129Ten Most Populated Countries by Continent
5,171One Country By Letter By Continent Map Quiz
4,655Five Countries with the Most JetPunk Users by Continent
4,490Five Least Guessed Country Flags by Continent
3,954Every Flag to Continent Click Quiz
3,817Largest Countries by Continent A-Z
3,572Shortest Country Names By Continent
3,549Fast Typing - One Country For Each Continent
2,877Five Country Flags by Continent - Tile Select Quiz
2,698Five Most Guessed Country Shapes by Continent
2,582Countries by Continent and Length
2,524Which continent is it in #1
2,522Least Populous Countries as a Percent of Their Continent
2,430Countries in Alphabetical Order by Continent
2,163Most Guessed Country by Continent
2,119Least Populous Mainland Countries by Continent
2,074Select the Countries in the Given Continent
2,071Continents in Order by Number of Countries
2,011Fast Typing - Country to Continent
1,960Last Countries Alphabetically By Continent
1,938Transcontinental Countries
1,676First Countries Alphabetically By Continent
1,650Continents by Picture
1,583Biggest JetPunk Countries as a Percent of Their Continent
1,467Most Western, Northern, Southern, and Eastern Country by Continent
1,451Fast Typing Countries A-Z In Every Continent
1,340Most Populous Countries by Continent
1,186Biggest Island Countries by Continent
1,140Longest Country Names by Continent
1,109Furthest N-E-S-W Countries by Continent
1,086Smallest Countries by Continent
1,064Newest Countries by Continent
1,061Coldest Countries by Continent
1,059Five Least Guessed Country Shapes by Continent
1,032Hottest Countries By Continent
1,014Coldest Countries By Continent
996Countries With the Most Tourists By Continent
876Richest Countries By Continent
872Northernmost Countries by Continent
870Largest Countries (by % of Continent)
825Southernmost Countries by Continent
775Countries Closest to Russia by Continent
759Countries with Longest Coastlines by Continent
723Unique Initial Letter of Countries by Continent
695Number of Countries By Continent
687Largest Countries by Continent
634Five Hottest Countries by Continent
634Which continent is it in #2
618Countries w/ Longest Borders by Continent
588Warmest Countries by Continent
581Seven Continents Quiz
555Which continent is it in #3
533Five Countries with the Most Olympics Medals by Continent
528Five Most Unstable Countries by Continent
487Highest Elevation Countries By Continent
453Countries with the Five Hottest Cities by Continent
430Five Most Nominated Countries For an Oscar by Continent
394Highest Life Expectancy Countries By Continent
351Least Densely Populated Countries By Continent
341Unique Lengths of Countries by Continent
3395 most mentioned Countries on the JetPunk Discord by Continent
322Countries of the Extreme Points of Each Continent
315Countries Closest to Los Angeles by Continent
309Least Populated Countries by Continent
302Smallest Non-Island Countries
299Smallest Population Countries by Continent
274Countries that are Big and Populated in Their Continent
261Five Countries with the Largest Exclusive Economic Zones by Continent
254World Capitals Closest to London by Continent
244Most Populated Countries and Continents - In Order
240Most Visited Countries by U.S. Presidents by Continent
235Most Densely Populated Countries by Continent
215Republics of Europe
181Poorest countries per continent
159Republics of Asia
131Five Most Urban Countries by Continent
124Five Average Most Elevated Countries by Continent
120Middle Countries Alphabetically by Continent
116Countries Furthest in the Cardinal Directions by Continent
102Five Countries on the Most Wikipedias by Continent
101Highest Ranked Nations in Football by Continent
97Countries With Highest Muslim Population by Continent
91Five Countries on the Least Wikipedias by Continent
70Hottest Countries on Each Continent
59Countries With the Highest Life Expectancy By Continent
56Least Densely Populated Countries on Each Continent
55Countries With the Most Billionaires on Each Continent
55Countries With the Lowest Homicide Rate by Continent
54Countries With the Highest Alcohol Consumption by Continent
53Countries With the Highest Homicide Rate by Continent
42Most Densely Populated Countries by Continent With Exceptions
42Countries With Territory in More Than One Continent
34Countries with the Most Covid-19 Deaths per Capita in Each Continent
31Countries With the Least Covid-19 Deaths per Capita for Each Continent
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