Drinking Quizzes

Take a Random Drinking Quiz
Try to name the twenty countries that produce the most wine.
Name the countries with the highest per-capita alcohol consumption.
Try to guess which countries produce the most beer. You might be surprised!
For each selected beer, guess the country of origin.
Can you name the countries that produce the most wine per capita? 🍷🍷🍷
Can you name the countries that produce the most beer per capita? 🍺🍺🍺
For each selected beverage, name the country in which it originated.
We give you the cocktails. You tell us the ingredients.
In which countries does the average person drink the most wine in a given year?
Can you guess the most common pub names in the United Kingdom?
Try to guess whether each grape varietal produces a red wine or a white wine.
189,417 Countries by Alcohol Consumption
175,774 Countries that Produce the Most Wine
111,735 Countries that Produce the Most Beer
73,019 Beers by Country Quiz
63,932 Best Selling Beers in the U.S.
56,969 Top 10 Countries in Beer Production per Capita
56,896 Top 15 Countries in Wine Production per Capita
55,894 Drinks by Country
48,797 Top Cocktail Ingredients
41,298 Cocktail Shopping List Quiz
39,921 Synonyms of Drunk
34,877 Word Scramble - Beers
29,660 Name That Cocktail Quiz
24,706 Countries which Drink the Most Wine
17,256 100 Most Popular Pub Names in the UK
17,154Synonyms for Bar Quiz
14,802 Red Wine... or White?
9,964 The Wonderful World of Wine
9,095Common Wine Varietals
6,341Drinks by Picture 🥤
5,470Top 10 States in Consumption of Alcohol
4,597Wines by Country
3,839Beer in 10 languages
3,351Alcoholic Drinks and the Raw Ingredients for Each
3,131Indian Food and Drink (by Picture)
2,631TOP 20 Countries in Beer Consumption
2,422Most popular beer brands in the UK
1,982Alcoholic Beverages A to Z
1,425100 Most Common Pub Names in the UK
1,384Alcohol recognition
1,347Most Widely-Consumed Drinks in the World (Easy)
1,341Cocktails - Sudden Death
1,325Top Five Countries By Beverage Production
1,302Most common pub names in England
1,263Beer Drinking Countries
1,138Top ten wine consuming countries
1,064🇳🇱🍺 Dutch Beer - Sudden Death
1,062French Wine Regions
1,049🇧🇪🍺 Belgian Beer - Sudden Death
1,026Potent Potables - Sudden Death
1,025Food and Drink that are an Acquired Taste (by Picture)
1,019Biggest Beer-Buying Holidays in the US
1,019Most Popular UK Pub Names - Picture Quiz
952Coke… or Pepsi? 🥤
876Ingredients of Six Basic Mixed Drinks (Cocktails)
867Countries where Wine is the most consumed alcoholic beverage
859Celebrity Alcohol Deaths
833U.S. States that Drink Drive the Most
808Most Famous Wine Varietals
736Best-selling beers in Europe
651U.S. States that Drink Drive the Most - with a Map
647Countries by beer consumption per capita
610U.S. States with Dry Counties
593Top Coffee-Exporting Countries
574Malt Whisky Distilleries in Scotland
54310 Biggest Selling Beer Brands Globally
519The beer quiz
427TOP 10 Biggest Wine Producers
421Coca-Cola (Coke) Ingredients
416Some of the World's Best-Selling Whiskey/Whisky Brands
369🇩🇪🍺 German Beer - Sudden Death
362Italian wines by region
361🇬🇧🍺 British Beer - Sudden Death
358Energy Drinks by Clue
345Beers by Country
343Liqueur Flavours
330Famous film cocktails
320Countries That Drink the Most Wine
318Where's that beer from?
316Top 20 Beer Drinking Countries
298🇺🇸🍺 American Beer - Sudden Death
282Beer, Sausage, Emperor, or Bundesliga Team - A Germany Click Quiz
280International wine regions
278The Nine Classic International Varieties of Wine
2775 most alcoholic countries by continent.
273US States with the 50 Drunkest Counties
268Most popular German Beer Brands
249Most Popular Beers by Country
240TOP 10 Countries in: Beer Production
239Champagne Bottle Sizes
229Food and Drink: Keto... or Not?
221Wine Bottle Sizes (with an SVG image)
21015 Countries That Drink the Most Wine, per capita
196Beer and Beer Brewing Multiple Choice
195Global beers A to Z
188Best-Selling Beers in the World
188Biggest importers of Belgian Beer
187Top 10 UK Beer Brands
187Countries that Drink the Most Wine per Capita
182Top 10 Countries that produce most Wine
178French Wine regions - Click Map
172French Wine Regions
162Top 10 Beer Consumers
160German Beer Trivia
156Top 10 Countries that Produce the Most Wine
137Top 50 Craft Beer Breweries in the United States
132Food and Drink of Fictional Characters
128Countries with Highest Per Capita Wine Consumption
124Beer Brands by Wikipedia Description
121Main Ingredients in Beer
119Top Wine Producing Countries
116French Wine
116Countries where alcohol is illegal
114Which Countries Consume Most Beer Per Capita
109Wines of Italy
99Countries that drink the least wine per capita
97Countries That Drink the Most Beer
89Biggest europian beer consuming countries per capita
87Trappist beer
84Countries that Export the Most Liquor
79Countries with the most alcohol consumption
74The Largest Beer Companies
72Name the 20 most important wine countries in the world - Wine Quiz 1
71Wine Varietals
65Beers of the world
65London's Oldest Pubs
64⛪🍺 Trappist Beer - Sudden Death
60Victorian (Australia) Wine Regions
59Ultimate Beer Quiz
54Countries With the Highest Alcohol Consumption by Continent
52Countries that drink the most soda
51Brazilian Beers
51Countries that Import the Most Liquor
43States with the Most Dry Counties (Alcohol Sale Bans) 🚫
36Ultimate Wine Quiz
34Beer connoisseur? #1
32Ultimate Vodka Quiz
32Trappist Beers
31Wine Regions of Canada
29Countries where there is no minimum drinking age
27Trappist beers around the world
26Every RedBull Flavour.
26Trappist beers
16Napa Valley Wine Regions
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