Europe Quizzes - Page 2

Take a Random Europe Quiz
84,844 Countries Invaded by the USSR
84,631 European Geography By Letter - V
84,384 Regions of Spain Quiz
84,352 Title in the Lyrics #2 - The Beatles
84,093 European Capitals - Sudden Death
83,715 European Capitals by Map
83,712 Flags of Countries that Border Germany
83,580 Nordic Cities Map Quiz
83,475 European Cities by Clue
83,476 European Geography By Letter - F
83,225 Spain Cities Map Quiz
83,097 Official and Regional Languages of Europe on a Map
82,753 Countries that have Won the Most Eurovisions
82,711 50 Busiest Air Routes from London
81,283 Parts of the United Kingdom
81,236 Top 10 Most Remote European Capitals
80,747 Name a Valid European Country #2
80,708 European Diaspora - Top 11 Countries
80,668 Most Mentioned Enemies of Russia
80,420 Catholic Countries in Europe
80,397 Greek Mythology General Knowledge #1
80,363 Countries Bordering Serbia
80,288 Italy Multiple Choice
80,223 Things with Names from Classical Mythology
80,004 Biggest Roman Empire Countries
79,665 Countries "Ruled" by King Charles III
79,464 British Groups of Things
79,042 United Kingdom A-Z
78,572 Which European Country - Multiple Choice
78,191 Satellite Images - Europe
78,024 Top 20 Football Clubs in Europe
77,795 Countries Bordering Italy
77,429 Seas of Europe
77,348 Most Guessed Cities in Europe - Not Capitals
77,208 Countries of the Popes
77,182 European Geography by Letter - W
76,588 Biggest British Empire Countries
76,284 10 Westernmost Capital Cities in Europe
75,366 Nordic Countries and Capitals
75,213 All 100k+ Cities in Europe on a Map
74,824 European Coastal Capitals
74,764 Boroughs of London
74,657 Biggest Cities in Russia
74,548 Most Guessed European Capitals
74,544 European Landmarks Map Quiz
74,457 British Places A-Z
74,180 Non-Bordering Countries Closest to Russia
73,586 Category Elimination - European Countries #1
73,501 Lord of the Rings Trivia
73,059 Secondary Names of English Football Clubs
72,960 Famous Ancient Romans
72,537 Modern Day Countries of the Spanish Empire on a Map
72,266 Soviet Union Country Quiz
72,146 European Capitals Ending in N
71,797 Which City In the United Kingdom?
71,791 Countries with Territory in the Balkans
71,230 Teams that Beat England in Football
70,860 100 Biggest Cities in Germany on a Map
70,837 Foods in a Full English Breakfast
70,680 Netherlands Country Quiz
70,299 Which City in Italy?
70,252 Ancient Roman Trivia #1
69,914 Click to Translate - Spanish
69,669 European Geography By Letter - T
69,542 European Cities A-Z
69,533 10 Northernmost Capital Cities in Europe
68,949 Click to Translate - French
68,669 Ten Lowest HDI Countries in Europe
68,583 25 Biggest Cities of the Soviet Union
68,507 U.S. States or European Countries by Area
68,298 All Countries that Once Bordered Germany
68,247 Monarchies of Europe
67,749 Denmark Country Quiz
67,724 Countries that Beat Germany
67,216 Wonderwall Lyrics
67,213 Count in Roman Numerals - 30 Second Sprint
67,129 Biggest Cities in Europe - Extreme
66,979 European Countries - Type the First Letter
66,475 France Immigration by Country
66,178 Europe Geography Quiz #2
66,126 Germany Immigration by Country
65,978 Most Forested European Countries
65,799 Europe Geography Quiz #1
65,769 U.S. States or European Countries by GDP
65,459 European Capitals Furthest from the Sea
65,039 Europe Geography Quiz #4
64,886 15 Most Populous Countries that Speak a Germanic Language
64,867 Countries in the Byzantine Empire
64,766 10 Southernmost Countries in Europe
64,741 Countries Closest to Metropolitan France
64,727 Most Common Surnames in the UK
64,564 Countries That Touch the Adriatic Sea
64,379 Countries of the Spanish Empire
64,353 Soccer Teams David Beckham Played For
64,312Manchester United Current Squad
63,859 Famous Italians
63,512 Most Popular Baby Boy Names in Germany
63,482 Biggest Cities once in the Roman Empire
63,154 European Geography By Letter - K
62,829 Countries that Beat France
62,793 Word Scramble - U.K. Cities
62,731 European Countries with NO Wolves
62,669 Portugal Country Quiz
62,642 Biggest Trading Partners - European Union
62,458 Countries Bordering Spain
62,369 Belgium Country Quiz
62,297 Ancient Greek Trivia
62,096 Biggest Cities in the Commonwealth of Nations
61,936 Flags of Countries That Border Russia
61,923 Lord of the Rings Characters by Screen Time
61,622 Italian Foods
61,509 Europe Geography Decoder
61,321 Category Elimination - European Geography #3
61,320 Shakespeare Quotes Quiz
60,600 British Cultural Symbols
60,561 Sweden Country Quiz
60,385 100 Biggest Cities in Italy on a Map
60,306 Most-Visited Countries by Popes
60,161 European Capital Superlatives - Top 2
59,900 European Geography By Letter - B #2
59,824 Biggest Trading Partners - Germany
59,784 Countries Closest to Iceland
59,672 Count to 10 in Europe: Pro
59,575 Random Point on Land to European Country
59,550 British History Quiz for Dummies
59,395 Top 10 European Countries by English Proficiency
59,299 Countries that Visit the UK the Most
59,115 Least Forested Countries in Asia
59,081 Biggest Nordic Cities
59,061 Countries of Europe in 1848
59,060 Countries That Use the Euro
59,063 All 45 European Countries Being Drawn
58,886 Europe Geography Quiz #3
58,570 Top 100 UK Baby Boys' Names in 1850
58,068 Most-Visited Countries by the British
57,893 Greece Country Quiz
57,201 Regions of Italy
56,838 Europe Geography Quiz #5
56,814 Countries that Beat the United Kingdom
56,577 European Geography By Letter - O
56,551 2025 La Liga Clubs
56,433UEFA Euro 2020 Countries
55,559 Every Country of Europe Since 1815 With a Map
55,473 English Cities With Multiple Football Teams
55,463 Harry Potter Creatures
55,311 Switzerland Country Quiz
55,039 Countries Closest to the Aegean Sea
54,958 Biggest Trading Partners - UK
54,906 Norway Country Quiz
54,792 London Geography
54,751 Word Scramble - Harry Potter Characters
54,428 Invasions of Great Britain
54,260 Roman History Vocabulary
54,216 English Football Stadiums
54,211 British Cities with the Most Tourists
54,188 Scotland Trivia
54,152 Countries that Beat Spain
54,148 British Citizenship Test
53,967 Lord of the Rings - Races
53,871 Poland Country Quiz
53,737 Countries Mentioned in the Wikipedia Page of Germany
53,689 100 Longest Rivers in Europe - with a Map
53,552 The Only Remaining European Country . . .
53,532 British Bands - Sudden Death
53,443 Countries With the Most Russian Speakers
53,411 The UK for Americans - True or False
53,366 Random Europe Capitals Mystery Route
53,201 European Countries Ending in "IA"
53,182London Underground Stations
53,150 Most-Visited Cities in Europe
53,064 All Slavic Languages With a Map
52,997 Greek Mythology General Knowledge #2
52,900 Which City in France?
52,685 British Football Team Logos
52,515 Austria Country Quiz
52,434 Biggest Countries in Europe in 1700
52,107 James Bond Countries Visited Map
51,905 Countries Bordering the EU
51,855 States of the Holy Roman Empire in 1356
51,244 Top 100 UK Baby Girls' Names in 1850
51,102 Finland Country Quiz
50,977 European Cities by Map #1
50,586 All Germanic Languages With a Map
50,527 Houses of British Monarchs
50,465 Biggest French Empire Countries
50,406 Spanish Immigration by Country
50,049 Countries that Beat Russia
49,996 British to American Food Translation.
49,889 England Football Most International Caps
49,866 Europe Flag Map - Find the Errors
49,841 Name a City - European Countries
49,724 Biggest Cities once in the Spanish Empire
49,676 European Countries with the Lowest Average Elevation
49,318 All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by French People
49,203 Biggest Trading Partners - Spain
49,163 Least Forested European Countries
49,159 Countries With the Most German Speakers
49,051 Most-Visited Countries by Swedes
49,048 Serie A Champions
48,918 Word Chain - Greek and Roman Mythology