European History Quizzes

Take a Random European History Quiz
Name the countries that had at least 10,000 military deaths during WWII.
Try to name all 24 Greek letters.
Guess the Greek and Roman names of the Olympian gods.
Can you guess the names of the kings and queens who have ruled England since the time of the Norman conquest?
Beat the clock to decode these randomly-generated Roman Numerals.
Do you have what it takes to name all 34 of Shakespeare's plays?
Guess the name of each selected Greek letter.
There are 56 member states in the Commonwealth of Nations, sometimes known as the British Commonwealth. How many can you name?
The Axis powers controlled parts of 69 modern-day countries. How many can you name?
Name the countries that had at least 1,000 military deaths during WWI.
Name all the countries of Europe that existed in 1946, after the end of the Second World War.
771,612 Countries in World War II
563,389 Letters of the Greek Alphabet
446,261 Olympian Gods Quiz
430,225 English Monarchs Quiz
385,831 Roman Numeral Decoding Quiz
336,372 Shakespeare's Plays Quiz
286,181 Name that Greek Letter
217,161 Commonwealth of Nations Countries
202,931 Countries in World War I
200,207 Axis Occupied Countries of WWII
164,440 Figures from Greek Mythology
163,383 Countries of Europe After World War II
141,775 WWII Trivia #1
132,193 Countries of Europe Before World War I
131,385 Ye Olde Professions
125,472 Neutral European Countries of WWII
118,650 Modern Day Countries of Nazi Germany on a Map
114,714 WWI... or WWII?
110,070 Roman to Greek God
108,477 Countries Settled by Vikings
108,173 Countries the UK Declared War On
106,535 Modern-Day Countries of the Roman Empire on a Map
98,263 Modern Countries Conquered by Alexander the Great
96,160 Biggest English Cities by Century
95,989 WWII Geography
92,400 Ancient Greek Words
91,841 World War II Multiple Choice
90,685 Roman Emperors
90,117 WWII A-Z #1
89,224 World War I Quiz
86,102 WWII for Dummies
85,265 101 Figures from Greek Mythology
84,967 Countries of the Japanese Empire
82,270 WWII Trivia #2
80,451 Important Cities in WWII
80,016 Things with Names from Classical Mythology
79,830 Greek Mythology General Knowledge #1
79,733 Biggest Roman Empire Countries
79,461 Countries "Ruled" by King Charles III
77,954 Notable People of WWII
72,749 Famous Ancient Romans
70,076 Ancient Roman Trivia #1
68,130 Modern-Day Axis-Occupied Countries of WWII on a Map
66,651 Count in Roman Numerals - 30 Second Sprint
64,591 Countries in the Byzantine Empire
63,281 Biggest Cities once in the Roman Empire
62,133 Ancient Greek Trivia
61,463 European History for Dummies
59,289 British History Quiz for Dummies
56,350 Which Country in WWII?
55,422 The Dictator Files: Adolf Hitler
54,154 Roman History Vocabulary
52,647 Greek Mythology General Knowledge #2
51,191 States of the Holy Roman Empire in 1356
50,944 Top 100 UK Baby Girls' Names in 1850
50,330 Houses of British Monarchs
49,061 All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by French People
48,627 Word Chain - Greek and Roman Mythology
48,424 WWII True or False?
48,396 WWII A-Z #2
47,285 WWII Decoder
47,115 Geography of the Roman Empire
45,911 Countries Most-Visited By Queen Elizabeth II
45,861 Two Letter Roman Numerals
45,223 Name a Valid Answer - World War II
45,068 Countries Settled by the Ancient Greeks
44,654 The 11th and 12th Century
44,213 English First Names of the Middle Ages
44,085 Wives of King Henry VIII
43,878 All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Prussia
42,194 British History Multiple Choice #1
41,326 Holy Roman Empire Countries
40,873 Languages of the Roman Empire with a Map
40,837 The 15th Century
39,964 Medieval English History
39,856 Roman Names for Places
39,308 History of Germany Quiz
38,906 The 14th Century
38,709 History of France Quiz
38,536 Modern-Day Countries of the Holy Roman Empire on a Map
38,410 Territory Changes in World War I
38,131 The Dictator Files: Joseph Stalin
38,000 Largest Cities in Alexander's Empire
37,606 Ancient Greece - Multiple Choice
37,546 WWII First Names
36,936 WWII Figures by Picture
35,609 Normandy D-Day Beaches
35,241 Trace the Route of Marco Polo on a Map
35,140 The Reign of Napoleon
34,691 Ancient Roman Trivia #2
34,218 WWI A-Z
33,695 English Royal Consorts
33,403 World Leaders of the World Wars
33,162 Biggest Axis-Controlled Cities
33,021 The 13th Century
32,992 The Reign of Queen Elizabeth II
32,876 Mythology A-Z
32,762 British History True or False #1
31,853 Countries of the German Empire
31,614 The Life of Julius Caesar
31,215 Dark Ages History
30,324 British History A-Z
29,609 Embarrassing Chapters in British History
29,342 German Inventions
29,326 Kings of France Quiz
29,136 The Trojan War
28,967 Geography of Ancient Greece
28,948 The Reign of Queen Elizabeth I
28,797 Flags of WW1
28,662 French History Multiple Choice
27,598 British History Multiple Choice #2
27,546 Ancient Rome - True or False?
27,262 Geography of the British Empire
26,024 Cities Bombed During WWII
25,712 The Reign of Henry VIII
25,635 Byzantine History
25,239 WWII Movies
24,619 Countries by Percent WWII Deaths
24,496 Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms of England
24,074 Countries of the Italian Empire
23,904 People in Pictures with Queen Elizabeth II
23,825 Roman History by Picture
23,703 History of London
23,563 Click Quiz: Roman to Greek Gods
22,953 Elizabeth I... or Elizabeth II?
22,720 Animals in British History
22,229 Former Dominions of the British Empire
21,795 The Reign of Queen Victoria
21,528 Oldest Cities in the United Kingdom
20,940 Before WWII... or After?
20,245 British History - How Did They Die?
19,147 History of Scotland
18,886 Embarrassing Chapters in French History
18,633 Giant Great Britain Millennium Quiz
18,436 Three Real and One Fake - British History
18,118 Most-Mentioned Characters in the Iliad
18,034Greek Gods and Goddesses
17,957 British Royal Titles
17,585World War 2 Tanks Quiz (Difficult)
17,509 Largest Cities once part of the Byzantine Empire
17,162 The Life of Alexander the Great
15,293 Ancient Greek Inventions
15,204Greek Gods
14,806 Famous Ancient Greek People
14,789 The Dictator Files: Benito Mussolini
14,243United Kingdom Overseas Territories
13,465 Places Where Winston Churchill Said We Would Fight the Nazis
13,043 Name a Valid Answer - British History
13,002 German History A-Z
12,882 People Buried at Westminster Abbey
12,683Countries of Napoleonic France (With Map!)
12,185 French History A-Z
11,684World War II Trivia
11,626 British History True or False #2
11,425 Embarrassing Chapters in German History
11,391Territorial Losses of Germany after WWI with Disappearing Map
11,169 The Life of Winston Churchill
10,682German WW2 tanks by pictures
10,173WW2 quiz
9,962Count in Roman Numerals - One Minute Sprint
9,376 Did You Even Watch - The Crown?
9,024Kings and Queens of England and the United Kingdom
9,008 Anglo-Saxon and Viking Kings of England
8,350 Seven Hills of Rome
8,234Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Emperors
8,210Greek And Roman Gods
8,202Countries Of The British Empire
8,069Famous In WW2
8,038Administrative Divisions of Nazi Germany (with a Map)
7,864Flags of WW2
7,506 British Prime Ministers by Clue
7,330WW2 Deaths By Countries
7,117World War 2 Quiz
6,762Greek, Roman and Norse Gods
6,687The Napoleonic Wars
6,601WW1 Or WW2?
6,467History of British Monarchs
6,295100 Biggest Cities in the Roman Empire with a Map
6,250Modern-Day Countries of the Byzantine Empire with a Map
6,078Gods and Goddesses of Greek Mythology
5,990German Tanks of World War 2
5,923European countries that were not occupied in World War II
5,858Random Letters of the Greek Alphabet
5,849(In)famous Nazis
5,737Languages of Alexander the Great's Empire with a Map
5,735Ancient Greek States in 300 B.C. with a Map
5,638Modern-Day Countries of the Frankish Empire on a Map
5,597Countries that Declared War in WW1
5,556Trace the Route of Francis Drake on a Map
5,275Greek mythology multiple choice
5,186Royal Air Force and Royal Navy Aircraft of WW2
5,096Countries of the Roman Empire
4,999WW2 Planes Quiz - With Pictures
4,872British Dominions and Commonwealth Realms with a Map
4,695Countries visited by Adolf Hitler
4,686Big Tudor Quiz
4,647World War II Casualties
4,586Geography - The Roman Empire today
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