Taken | Quiz |
30'>771,612 | Countries in World War II |
30'>563,389 | Letters of the Greek Alphabet |
50'>446,261 | Olympian Gods Quiz |
20'>430,225 | English Monarchs Quiz |
20'>385,831 | Roman Numeral Decoding Quiz |
50'>336,372 | Shakespeare's Plays Quiz |
30'>286,181 | Name that Greek Letter |
100'>217,161 | Commonwealth of Nations Countries |
30'>202,931 | Countries in World War I |
100'>200,207 | Axis Occupied Countries of WWII |
20'>164,440 | Figures from Greek Mythology |
50'>163,383 | Countries of Europe After World War II |
30'>141,775 | WWII Trivia #1 |
30'>132,193 | Countries of Europe Before World War I |
30'>131,385 | Ye Olde Professions |
10'>125,472 | Neutral European Countries of WWII |
20'>118,650 | Modern Day Countries of Nazi Germany on a Map |
20'>114,714 | WWI... or WWII? |
20'>110,070 | Roman to Greek God |
30'>108,477 | Countries Settled by Vikings |
20'>108,173 | Countries the UK Declared War On |
50'>106,535 | Modern-Day Countries of the Roman Empire on a Map |
20'>98,263 | Modern Countries Conquered by Alexander the Great |
20'>96,160 | Biggest English Cities by Century |
30'>95,989 | WWII Geography |
30'>92,400 | Ancient Greek Words |
20'>91,841 | World War II Multiple Choice |
100'>90,685 | Roman Emperors |
30'>90,117 | WWII A-Z #1 |
30'>89,224 | World War I Quiz |
20'>86,102 | WWII for Dummies |
500'>85,265 | 101 Figures from Greek Mythology |
30'>84,967 | Countries of the Japanese Empire |
20'>82,270 | WWII Trivia #2 |
30'>80,451 | Important Cities in WWII |
20'>80,016 | Things with Names from Classical Mythology |
20'>79,830 | Greek Mythology General Knowledge #1 |
20'>79,733 | Biggest Roman Empire Countries |
20'>79,461 | Countries "Ruled" by King Charles III |
30'>77,954 | Notable People of WWII |
20'>72,749 | Famous Ancient Romans |
30'>70,076 | Ancient Roman Trivia #1 |
100'>68,130 | Modern-Day Axis-Occupied Countries of WWII on a Map |
50'>66,651 | Count in Roman Numerals - 30 Second Sprint |
50'>64,591 | Countries in the Byzantine Empire |
30'>63,281 | Biggest Cities once in the Roman Empire |
20'>62,133 | Ancient Greek Trivia |
20'>61,463 | European History for Dummies |
20'>59,289 | British History Quiz for Dummies |
20'>56,350 | Which Country in WWII? |
20'>55,422 | The Dictator Files: Adolf Hitler |
20'>54,154 | Roman History Vocabulary |
20'>52,647 | Greek Mythology General Knowledge #2 |
500'>51,191 | States of the Holy Roman Empire in 1356 |
100'>50,944 | Top 100 UK Baby Girls' Names in 1850 |
20'>50,330 | Houses of British Monarchs |
500'>49,061 | All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by French People |
30'>48,627 | Word Chain - Greek and Roman Mythology |
20'>48,424 | WWII True or False? |
30'>48,396 | WWII A-Z #2 |
30'>47,285 | WWII Decoder |
20'>47,115 | Geography of the Roman Empire |
20'>45,911 | Countries Most-Visited By Queen Elizabeth II |
50'>45,861 | Two Letter Roman Numerals |
20'>45,223 | Name a Valid Answer - World War II |
20'>45,068 | Countries Settled by the Ancient Greeks |
20'>44,654 | The 11th and 12th Century |
20'>44,213 | English First Names of the Middle Ages |
10'>44,085 | Wives of King Henry VIII |
20'>43,878 | All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by Prussia |
20'>42,194 | British History Multiple Choice #1 |
20'>41,326 | Holy Roman Empire Countries |
100'>40,873 | Languages of the Roman Empire with a Map |
20'>40,837 | The 15th Century |
30'>39,964 | Medieval English History |
30'>39,856 | Roman Names for Places |
20'>39,308 | History of Germany Quiz |
20'>38,906 | The 14th Century |
20'>38,709 | History of France Quiz |
20'>38,536 | Modern-Day Countries of the Holy Roman Empire on a Map |
50'>38,410 | Territory Changes in World War I |
20'>38,131 | The Dictator Files: Joseph Stalin |
20'>38,000 | Largest Cities in Alexander's Empire |
20'>37,606 | Ancient Greece - Multiple Choice |
30'>37,546 | WWII First Names |
20'>36,936 | WWII Figures by Picture |
10'>35,609 | Normandy D-Day Beaches |
20'>35,241 | Trace the Route of Marco Polo on a Map |
20'>35,140 | The Reign of Napoleon |
30'>34,691 | Ancient Roman Trivia #2 |
30'>34,218 | WWI A-Z |
30'>33,695 | English Royal Consorts |
30'>33,403 | World Leaders of the World Wars |
50'>33,162 | Biggest Axis-Controlled Cities |
20'>33,021 | The 13th Century |
20'>32,992 | The Reign of Queen Elizabeth II |
30'>32,876 | Mythology A-Z |
20'>32,762 | British History True or False #1 |
30'>31,853 | Countries of the German Empire |
20'>31,614 | The Life of Julius Caesar |
20'>31,215 | Dark Ages History |
30'>30,324 | British History A-Z |
20'>29,609 | Embarrassing Chapters in British History |
20'>29,342 | German Inventions |
30'>29,326 | Kings of France Quiz |
20'>29,136 | The Trojan War |
20'>28,967 | Geography of Ancient Greece |
20'>28,948 | The Reign of Queen Elizabeth I |
20'>28,797 | Flags of WW1 |
20'>28,662 | French History Multiple Choice |
20'>27,598 | British History Multiple Choice #2 |
20'>27,546 | Ancient Rome - True or False? |
20'>27,262 | Geography of the British Empire |
10'>26,024 | Cities Bombed During WWII |
20'>25,712 | The Reign of Henry VIII |
20'>25,635 | Byzantine History |
20'>25,239 | WWII Movies |
20'>24,619 | Countries by Percent WWII Deaths |
10'>24,496 | Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms of England |
20'>24,074 | Countries of the Italian Empire |
20'>23,904 | People in Pictures with Queen Elizabeth II |
20'>23,825 | Roman History by Picture |
20'>23,703 | History of London |
30'>23,563 | Click Quiz: Roman to Greek Gods |
20'>22,953 | Elizabeth I... or Elizabeth II? |
20'>22,720 | Animals in British History |
10'>22,229 | Former Dominions of the British Empire |
30'>21,795 | The Reign of Queen Victoria |
20'>21,528 | Oldest Cities in the United Kingdom |
20'>20,940 | Before WWII... or After? |
20'>20,245 | British History - How Did They Die? |
20'>19,147 | History of Scotland |
20'>18,886 | Embarrassing Chapters in French History |
100'>18,633 | Giant Great Britain Millennium Quiz |
20'>18,436 | Three Real and One Fake - British History |
30'>18,118 | Most-Mentioned Characters in the Iliad |
30'>18,034 | Greek Gods and Goddesses |
10'>17,957 | British Royal Titles |
500'>17,585 | World War 2 Tanks Quiz (Difficult) |
20'>17,509 | Largest Cities once part of the Byzantine Empire |
20'>17,162 | The Life of Alexander the Great |
20'>15,293 | Ancient Greek Inventions |
30'>15,204 | Greek Gods |
20'>14,806 | Famous Ancient Greek People |
20'>14,789 | The Dictator Files: Benito Mussolini |
20'>14,243 | United Kingdom Overseas Territories |
10'>13,465 | Places Where Winston Churchill Said We Would Fight the Nazis |
20'>13,043 | Name a Valid Answer - British History |
30'>13,002 | German History A-Z |
20'>12,882 | People Buried at Westminster Abbey |
20'>12,683 | Countries of Napoleonic France (With Map!) |
20'>12,192 | WW2 COUNTRY FLAGS |
30'>12,185 | French History A-Z |
20'>11,684 | World War II Trivia |
20'>11,626 | British History True or False #2 |
20'>11,425 | Embarrassing Chapters in German History |
20'>11,391 | Territorial Losses of Germany after WWI with Disappearing Map |
30'>11,169 | The Life of Winston Churchill |
20'>10,682 | German WW2 tanks by pictures |
20'>10,173 | WW2 quiz |
500'>9,962 | Count in Roman Numerals - One Minute Sprint |
20'>9,376 | Did You Even Watch - The Crown? |
100'>9,024 | Kings and Queens of England and the United Kingdom |
20'>9,008 | Anglo-Saxon and Viking Kings of England |
10'>8,350 | Seven Hills of Rome |
100'>8,234 | Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Emperors |
50'>8,210 | Greek And Roman Gods |
100'>8,202 | Countries Of The British Empire |
20'>8,069 | Famous In WW2 |
100'>8,038 | Administrative Divisions of Nazi Germany (with a Map) |
30'>7,864 | Flags of WW2 |
20'>7,506 | British Prime Ministers by Clue |
30'>7,330 | WW2 Deaths By Countries |
30'>7,117 | World War 2 Quiz |
100'>6,762 | Greek, Roman and Norse Gods |
30'>6,687 | The Napoleonic Wars |
10'>6,601 | WW1 Or WW2? |
20'>6,467 | History of British Monarchs |
100'>6,295 | 100 Biggest Cities in the Roman Empire with a Map |
50'>6,250 | Modern-Day Countries of the Byzantine Empire with a Map |
20'>6,078 | Gods and Goddesses of Greek Mythology |
30'>5,990 | German Tanks of World War 2 |
20'>5,923 | European countries that were not occupied in World War II |
10'>5,858 | Random Letters of the Greek Alphabet |
20'>5,849 | (In)famous Nazis |
50'>5,737 | Languages of Alexander the Great's Empire with a Map |
50'>5,735 | Ancient Greek States in 300 B.C. with a Map |
30'>5,638 | Modern-Day Countries of the Frankish Empire on a Map |
500'>5,597 | Countries that Declared War in WW1 |
20'>5,556 | Trace the Route of Francis Drake on a Map |
20'>5,275 | Greek mythology multiple choice |
500'>5,186 | Royal Air Force and Royal Navy Aircraft of WW2 |
100'>5,096 | Countries of the Roman Empire |
20'>4,999 | WW2 Planes Quiz - With Pictures |
50'>4,872 | British Dominions and Commonwealth Realms with a Map |
20'>4,695 | Countries visited by Adolf Hitler |
50'>4,686 | Big Tudor Quiz |
50'>4,647 | World War II Casualties |
50'>4,586 | Geography - The Roman Empire today |