Fictional Somethings Quizzes

Take a Random Fictional Somethings Quiz
Expanded! Guess the last names of each Harry Potter character.
Step into the "Magic Kingdom"! How many Disney characters can you name?
Can you name the Harry Potter characters who are mentioned the most times in the books?
Some of these characters whistled while they worked.
Name the movies or series that featured these famous characters.
Name the cartoons that featured these famous villains.
How many Simpsons characters can you name?
One of these characters has a Jamaican accent.
Can you guess these superheroes based on the name of their human alter-ego?
Can you name the Disney and Pixar animated movies that featured these villains?
Name these characters from Mario video games.
869,697 Harry Potter Last Names
566,349 Disney Animated Characters
337,105 Top 100 Harry Potter Characters by Mention
261,637 Disney Feature Films by Characters
202,504 Movie Characters Quiz #1
194,977 Cartoon Villains Quiz
147,078 Simpsons Characters Quiz
146,452 Star Wars Characters
143,067 Superhero Alter Egos
135,416 Video Game Characters #1
135,054 Disney Villains
117,559 Mario Characters Quiz
103,160 Lord of the Rings Characters
102,769 Sidekicks Quiz
99,077 Pixar Characters by Picture
94,187 Star Wars Characters by Screen Time
91,741 Memorable American TV Characters #1
88,953 Movie Villains #1
88,523 Movie Characters Quiz #2
84,818 American TV Couples Quiz
82,147 Disney Animated Characters Quiz #2
80,610 Movie Characters Quiz #3
80,431 Mythical Lands
76,270 Fictional Characters by Picture - M
76,016 Fictional Characters by Picture - A
75,765 Game of Thrones Characters by Screen Time
74,498 Fictional Characters by Picture - T
74,248 Horror Movie Villains
73,869 Characters from Books #2
73,691 Movie Couples Quiz
73,403 Fictional Characters by Picture - G
69,867 Characters from Books #1
69,397 Fictional Characters by Picture - L
69,239 Movie Character to Actor #1
68,418 Famous Villains #1
68,417 Fictional Characters by Picture - C
66,897 Fictional Characters by Picture - W
66,488 Click Timeline: Fictional Characters #1
64,375 Fictional Characters by Picture - B
63,574 Fictional Characters by Picture - R
61,844 SpongeBob Characters
61,833 Lord of the Rings Characters by Screen Time
61,625 Fictional Characters by Picture - D
61,508 Fictional Characters by Picture - J
58,201 Fictional Characters by Picture - H
57,290 Fictional Characters by Country #1
57,308 Fictional Characters by Picture - S
56,731 Family Guy Characters
56,163 American Television Siblings
55,194 Fictional Characters by Picture - F
54,404 Fictional Characters by Picture - P
53,477 Fictional Couples
53,098 Movie Character to Actor #2
52,851 Clue Board Game - Rooms, Weapons, and Characters
51,857 Famous Villains #3
51,836 Famous Villains #2
50,818 People - Real or Fictional?
48,469 Video Game Characters #2
46,692 Fictional Cities Quiz
46,436 Fictional Characters by Picture - E
46,116 Movie Character to Actor #3
45,643 Character Catchphrases Quiz
45,595 Main Characters of American TV Shows
45,560 Fairy Tale Characters
45,455 Professions of American TV Characters
45,110 Fictional Animals Quiz #1
45,054 Famous Robots and Aliens
44,927 Movie Characters A-Z
44,505 Places - Real or Fictional?
44,171 Fictional Geography
43,648 Fictional Characters by Picture - O
42,861 American Sitcom Families Quiz
42,060 Archnemesis Quiz
40,270 Fictional Characters by Picture - N
39,902 Character to Author #1
39,263 Original Mortal Kombat Characters
38,541 Bogeymen Quiz
38,082 Movie Characters by Last Name #1
38,075 Planets and Moons - Real and Fictional
35,853 Fictional Characters with Alliterative Names #1
35,471 Fictional Animals Quiz #2
35,447 American TV Shows by Characters
34,992 South Park Characters
33,890 Characters Played by Multiple Actors
33,639 Movies by Pictures of the Villains #1
32,490 Magical Things
32,001 Movie Character to Actor #4
31,802 Memorable American TV Characters #2
31,333 Cartoon Characters #1
30,977 Fictional Characters from Great Britain
30,414 Characters from Books #3
30,352 Memorable American TV Characters #4
30,281 Fictional Characters by Country #2
29,996 TV Characters A-Z
29,584 Movie Characters by Clue
29,522 Memorable American TV Characters #3
29,119 Muppet Characters
29,094 Memorable American TV Characters #5
28,311 Character to Author #2
28,130 Looney Tunes Characters
28,081 Saved by the Bell Characters Quiz
26,585 Cartoon Characters #2
26,087 Batman Characters by Screen Time
26,074 Fictional Characters by Hat - Picture Quiz
24,570 Sci-Fi Characters
24,494 Literary Characters by Last Name
23,794 Fictional Characters with Alliterative Names #2
23,775 Fictional Organizations Quiz
23,441 Fictional Characters by Picture - K
23,301 Fictional Billionaires by Picture
22,990 Noble Answers Quiz
22,635 Movie Characters by Last Name #2
22,114 Fictional Characters by Mustache - Picture Quiz
21,842 Fictional Birds by Picture
21,448 Actors by Role #1
21,166 Cartoon Characters #3
20,997 Fictional Characters from California
20,700 Fictional Characters from New York
20,289 TV and Movie Character Creators
20,226 Street Fighter 2 Characters Quiz
20,216 Fictional Characters by Picture - I
19,617 Actors by Role #2
19,367 Fictional Leaders
18,726 Fictional Military Characters Quiz
18,639 Fictional Characters by Glasses - Picture Quiz
18,611 Fictional Places in Songs
18,205 Most-Mentioned Characters in the Iliad
18,064 Fictional Characters from the Midwest by Picture
17,421 Movies by Pictures of the Villains #2
17,249 Famous Trees in Nature and Fiction
16,773 Famous Cats
16,756 Fictional Siblings
16,694 Movie Villains #2
16,386 Most Common JetPunk Answers - Fictional Characters
16,153 Songs Sung by Fictional Characters
14,965 Lost Character Names Quiz
14,196 Looney Tunes Characters by Picture
13,995Disney Films by Character
13,691 Fictional People Named John
13,508 SNL Recurring Characters Quiz
13,032 Fictional Characters Merged with British Celebrities
13,019 Characters Played by Multiple Actors #2
12,915 Breakfast Cereal Mascots Picture Quiz
12,616 Fictional Characters Merged with American Celebrities
12,412Marvel Characters by Picture #1
12,418All Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Operators (by Logo)
11,439 Actors by Role #3
11,415 Fictional Characters by U.S. State
11,171 South Park Character Picture Quiz
10,396 Characters Played by Multiple Actors #3
10,171 American TV Characters by Last Name #1
10,152Disney Characters
10,085Batman Villains
10,016The Big Bang Theory Character's
9,360 American TV Moms
9,228 TV Character to Actor #1
8,984 Fictional Business Owners
8,123 American TV Characters by Last Name #2
8,005Modern Family Characters
7,930 Robin Hood Quiz
7,893Name that F*R*I*E*N*D*S character...
7,783 American TV and Movie Nicknames
7,743100 Greatest Movie Characters
7,352 Animal Sidekicks
7,322Teen Wolf Characters
7,116 TV Character to Actor #2
6,894 Fresh Prince of Bel Air Characters
6,729What video games do these characters star in?
6,652Spider-Man Villains
6,517Play Scrabble by Guessing Harry Potter Characters
6,472Top 100 Marvel Super Villains
6,193 Fictional Schools
5,969Once Upon A Time Character's Names
5,629The Lord Of The Rings Characters
5,381Click the Famous Partners
5,3101980s Movie Characters by Picture
5,311150 Gilmore Girls Characters
5,217Harry Potter Characters - Sudden Death
5,070South Park Characters Quiz
5,036Shakespeare by Characters
5,019Guess all of the characters from Henry Danger
4,970Mario Kart Wii Characters
4,778Complete Toy Story Characters Quiz
4,580Transformers Movie Characters
4,550 Mayors – Fictional and Real
4,507Random Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Operators (by Logo)
4,501Bad Guys and Their Video Games
4,389Batman Villains
4,389Marvel Characters by Picture #3
4,371How I Met Your Mother Character Quiz
4,183Downton Abbey Characters
4,046Lion King Characters
3,926Video Game Heroes
3,854All Mortal Kombat Characters
3,838Disney Villains and Antagonists
3,828Breaking Bad Characters by Picture
3,795One Tree Hill Characters
3,765Jason Bourne Countries Visited Map
3,744Random Disney Animated Characters by Picture
3,725Victorious Characters Quiz
Child Directories
Parent Directories
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