Geography Multiple Choice Quizzes

Take a Random Geography Multiple Choice Quiz
Try to guess the answer that doesn't belong in each group of four.
Given these 15 countries, can you select which of the 3 presented flags is their flag?
Simply put, we give you a place, you give us the hemisphere in which it is located.
In each group, guess the thing that is biggest.
For each group, guess the only answer that fits.
Can you guess the correct shape of each state?
Can you answer these multiple choice questions about the geography of the British Isles?
Can you click on the continent that each of these mountain tops belongs to ?
Can you answer these multiple choice questions about the geography of the United States?
Can you guess the answers to these multiple choice questions about world geography?
121,933 Multiple Choice Geography #1
108,391 Country Flags Multiple Choice
95,849 Northern Hemisphere... or Southern Hemisphere?
81,559 Multiple Choice Geography #2
65,721 Multiple Choice Geography #3
43,177 U.S. State Shapes Multiple Choice
40,092 British Geography Multiple Choice
25,056 Mountain Peaks by Continent - Click Quiz
21,703 U.S. Geography - Multiple Choice
13,117 Multiple Choice Geography #4
2,886Multiple Choice Geography Trivia #1
2,147Geography - Multiple Picture Choice
2,046Multiple Choice - World Geography 1
1,270Geography Multiple Choice - VERY HARD
1,261Multiple Choice - World Geography 2
1,094Geography by Letters - Multiple Choice
926Multiple Choice Geography Quiz
916Multiple Choice - World Geography 3
873Multiple Choice UK Geography - 1
847Multiple Choice World Geography 4
715Canal Knowledge
607U.S. Geography Multiple Choice #1
561Multiple Choice Geography Questions
529World Geography Multiple Choice Quiz
525Geography General Knowledge-Multiple Choice
521Multiple Choice Geography Quiz
508geography general knowledge multiple choice
483Asian Geography Multiple Choice
416Multiple Choice UK Geography - 2
375Geography of France - Multiple Choice
363Multiple Choice UK Geography - 3
363Geography Multiple Choice
344Canadian geography -multiple choice
308Top Trumps - G7 Countries
272Arctic... or Antarctic?
228Indian Geography Multiple Choice
152Basic Geography Multiple Choice
142Geography facts #1
100European Geography Multiple Choice #1
93Easy Geography Multiple Choice #1
80European Geography Multiple Choice #2
76Extreme Geography Multiple Choice Quiz
74Geography Multiple Choice #1
70Geography Multiple Choice
65Multiple Choices Geography Quiz
58Easy Geography Multiple Choice #3
54Easy Geography Multiple Choice #2
26US States Latitude Test
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