Historical Population Quizzes

Take a Random Historical Population Quiz
Name the most populous countries and empires in the year 1900.
Try to name the modern-day countries whose current territory reached a population of 5 million people at the earliest date.
Name the modern-day countries whose current territory had the highest population in each listed century.
Name the modern-day countries whose current territory had the highest population in the year 1 A.D.
Name the modern-day countries whose current territory had the highest population in the year 1500.
Name the modern-day countries whose current territory had the highest population in the year 1000.
Name the modern-day countries whose current territory had the highest population in the year 1800.
Name the most populous countries and empires in the year 1800.
Name every city that has ever been the most populous of the U.S. state in which it is located.
Can you name the cities in North and South America which reached a population of 100,000 before 1900 AD?
Only 84 cities reached a population of 100,000 people before the year 1500. How many can you name?
158,719 Most Populous Countries in 1900
106,815 First Countries to Reach 5 Million People
84,602 Most Populous Modern-Day Countries by Century
74,368 Most Populous Modern-Day Countries in 1 AD
67,149 Most Populous Modern-Day Countries in 1000 AD
65,487 Most Populous Modern-Day Countries in 1500 AD
52,445 Most Populous Modern-Day Countries in 1800 AD
37,374 Most Populous Countries in 1800
16,656 First American Cities in History to Reach 100,000 People
16,009 Every U.S. City that Has Ever Been the Largest In Its State
11,859 First Cities in History to Reach 100,000 People
8,204 100 U.S. Cities that Have Lost the Most People
4,079Five Most Populated Countries in 1950 by Continent
4,038100 Biggest Cities of Europe in 1000 AD with a Map
3,818Biggest Cities in the World by Century
3,535100 Biggest Cities of the World in 1900 with a Map
2,929Largest Cities in the United States by Decade on a Map
2,250100 Biggest Cities of the United States in 1900 with a Map
2,04215 Biggest Cities in the USA in 1900 (map quiz)
1,938Most Populous Countries in 1500
1,842Modern Countries with a Population over 5M Throughout History
1,768100 Biggest US Cities in 1860
1,766Biggest City in Each U.S. State by Decade
1,711100 Biggest Cities of the World in 1000 AD with a Map
1,705Every City That's Ever Been Second Largest in the US
1,47650 Biggest Cities of the Americas in 1800 with a Map
1,471Biggest Cities of the United States in 1840 with a Map
1,24520 Most Populated States in the USA in 1875
1,243Most Populous Countries in 1700
1,207Biggest cities in the world throughout history-EXTREME
1,14710 Most Populated States in 1900
1,144Biggest Cities of the World in 800 AD with a Map
1,082100 Biggest Cities in the Napoleonic French Empire with a Map
1,051U.S. Cities That Have Lost 20% of its Population
1,023Countries by Population in 1800
1,000Countries by Population in 1800
988Biggest Cities Of British India
936US States by Population-1850
907Biggest Cities of Italy in 1000 AD with a Map
894Biggest Indian Cities by Decade
802Biggest Cities in the Holy Roman Empire in 1648 with a Map
762First Chinese Cities in History to Reach 100,000 People
716US States by Population-1800
704U.S. Cities Which Have Cut their Population in Half
702Most Populous Countries in 1600
651US States by Population-1900
633First German Cities in History to Reach 100,000 People
623100 Biggest U.S. Cities in 1950 on a Map
619Flags of the Most Populous Countries in 1700
617Most Populated Countries an Empires in 1500
612Biggest Cities of Europe in 800 AD with a Map
590Top 10 Most Populous Countries in 1989
553Five Most Populous Countries by Continent - 1500
511Most Populous Countries in 400 AD
483Historically Large US Cities
290Most Populous Cities in 1600
272Most Populated Countries in 1600
229100 Biggest U.S. Cities by Peak Population
221Biggest 20 Countries by Population 1600
202Most Populous U.S States in 1900
190U.S. States With the Most People When They Were Admitted
159Biggest 20 Countries by Population 1900
156Biggest Present day countries in 1700 by Population
150Fastest Growing U.S. State Capitals
148Biggest 20 Countries by Population 1500
138Biggest Present Day Countries in 1600 by Population
127Biggest Present Day Countries in 1500 by population
108U.S. States in 1790
97Slowest Growing U.S. State Capitals
93Slowest Growing Landlocked U.S. States
91Fastest Growing Landlocked U.S. States
70Countries With 100 Million People in 2100
50Countries With Less Than 100,000 People
49Countries With 100 Million People...But Not 200 Million
33US Capitals - 1790
29Years When the World Population is the Highest
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