India Quizzes

Take a Random India Quiz
Can you name the 6 countries that share a land border with India?
There are 36 states and union territories in India. How many can you name?
Name the sixteen countries that have the largest Hindu populations.
Can you guess these facts about the country of India?
Can you name the twenty countries that are geographically closest to India?
Can you name the countries bordering the Bay of Bengal?
Huge cities you've probably never heard of.
Click the name of each highlighted Indian city.
For each selected category, name any of the countries that ranks higher than India.
How many of India's state capital cities can you name?
Can you name all of the countries that bordered the British Raj, or British India, in 1937?
153,019 Countries Bordering India
143,289 States of India
113,499 India Country Quiz
109,091 Countries with the Most Hindus
91,382 Countries Closest to India
69,209 Bay of Bengal Countries With an Empty Map
60,570 Biggest Cities in India
54,854 Countries that Beat India
54,607 India Cities Map Quiz
53,403 India State Capitals Quiz
50,435 Countries that Bordered British India with an Empty Map
49,819 Countries of the Indian Diaspora
41,468 China... or India?
39,240 Countries that Visit India the Most
38,830 All Cities in India with Population of 1 Million
31,033 Hindu Countries
30,237 India A-Z
26,953 Officially Recognized Languages of India
21,658 20 Indian Cities Everyone Should Know
18,607 History of India
18,526100 Biggest Cities in India on a Map
16,495States of India Map Quiz
14,258Modern Day Countries of the Mughal Empire on a Map
13,935Countries Bordering India
12,892Modern Day Countries of the Mauryan Empire on a Map
12,443 The Life of Gandhi
6,497Indian States by Official Language with a Map
4,995Indian Geography on a Map
4,81220 Biggest Cities in India on a Map
4,536Pakistan...or India?
4,125Top 20 Hindu Countries
4,114Indian States by Borders in 30 Seconds
3,875Flags of Countries That Border India
3,759Top 20 Most Hindu Countries
3,648Languages of India
3,369Its all about India
3,107Indian Food and Drink (by Picture)
3,101Guess the Bollywood Movie from the Description
2,944Countries Closest to India (with a map)
2,677Scheduled Languages of India Map Quiz
2,599Districts of Maharashtra Map Quiz
2,588Common Indian Last Names Quiz
2,543India True or False?
2,276Capitals of Indian States
2,261Which City in India?
2,246Top 20 Bollywood Actresses of All Time
2,237India... or Indonesia?
2,204A Quiz About Hinduism
2,136Indian Cities over 1 Million Population
2,087Bollywood Heroines by Song
2,044States of India on an Empty Map
2,010Indian Cricketers Who Have Played 80 Tests
1,969Top 100 Biggest Cities in Indiana
1,954Word Chain - India
1,948Quiz on Hinduism - Multiple Choice
1,937Districts of Tamil Nadu (with map)
1,898China or India? - Multiple Choice Quiz
1,800Mega Hard Bollywood quiz
1,763Country Quiz on a Map - India
1,730Indian Premier League (IPL) Cricket Team Captains 2012
1,722Countries mentioned in the Wikipedia Page of India
1,715World Capitals Closest to New Delhi
1,675Click to Translate - Hindi
1,632States of India by First Two Letters in 30 Seconds
1,621Word Scramble - Indian States
1,607All time India Cricket XI
1,592Bollywood Actresses by Songs
1,575South Asian Foods
1,510All Indian ODI Cricketers
1,455Hindu Gods
1,440Countries that are bigger than India
1,435Biggest Cities in the Indian Subcontinent on a Map
1,383Monuments of India
1,376Biggest Trading Partners - India
1,331India Immigration by Country
1,240Districts of Kerala on a Map
1,234Capitals of Indian States on a Map
1,208Top Languages of India
1,156India by Picture
1,136India's state and union territory capitals Quiz
1,124Indian History A-Z
1,1201M Cities on the Map of India, with hints appearing on dots
1,112India-National Symbols Quiz
1,105Bollywood Films 2013
1,067Union Territories of India
1,060Prime Ministers of India
1,033Geography of India
1,007Indian states by first 2 letters in 45 seconds
995Biggest Indian Cities A to Z
994T20 Cricket Captains of India
966North East India Map Quiz
957Bollywood Actresses
951Indian Languages
934Indian Prime Ministers Quiz
934Districts of Uttar Pradesh Map Quiz
914Bollywood King - 1
905Districts of Rajasthan on a Map
892Bollywood Actors / Actresses by Picture
892Indian Cities Map Quiz
891Biggest Indian Cities by Decade
884Famous Indians
869Provinces (Subahs) of the Mughal Empire with a Map
865Five Countries with Most Hindus by Continent
860Languages of Indian States
83925 Indians that Everyone Should Know
828Indian Cricket - 20 or more test centuries
827Indian Cricket Teams
805Identify the Hindu deity (picture quiz)
793The 32 districts of Tamil Nadu
780All-Time Indian Premier League Cricket XI
739Win the Indian Presidential Election
730All 100k+ Cities in India on a Map
722Sidewinder's Bollywood Quiz I
717Districts of Kerala , India
713Delhi Metro Stations by Map Quiz
704Click to Translate - Tamil
698Districts of Gujarat on a Map
680cricket players in india
678Capitals of India
645Sidewinder's Bollywood Quiz II
644Dravidian Languages
639Countries Closest to India A-Z
637Landmarks of India by Picture Quiz
632100 Largest Cities in India
622Provinces and Territories of British India on a Map
609IPL Winners
596Click to Translate - Bengali
596Famous Indian and Pakistani People
580Sidewinder's Hindu Mythology Quiz I - Mahabharata
579Airlines at Delhi Airport (DEL)
578Indian Geography A-Z
574Indian State Map Shape
570Hinduism Review Quiz (World History I)
56538 Districts of Tamil Nadu (Map)
560Mumbai City Trivia
553Bollywood Bacon Quiz
544Indian General Knowledge
544Biggest Cities in the Indian subcontinent
530Indian Premier League Cricket - Team Nicknames
503Delhi Airport (DEL) Destinations
491Countries with the Greatest Proportion of Hindus
484State Quiz - Tamil Nadu
484Indian states and their official languages
478Countries Bordering India - Map Quiz
472Bollywood Actors / Actresses by Picture - #2
464Click to Translate - Gujarati
460States of India
454Indian City Nicknames Quiz
453Indian Modern History
445States of India By Borders in 15 Seconds
440IPL 2024 Cricket Trivia
439Click to Translate - Sanskrit
430Religions in India by Number
429Indian Cricket Captains Since World War II
413Guess the Bollywood Movie... 2!
411Indian cities by a clue
399Biggest Airports in India (By Passengers)
399Click to Translate - Telugu
395Countries Closest to India A-Z (5 minute version)
394State Quiz - Gujarat
393India General Geography
391India's International Cricket Grounds
386Cricket: Leading Indian Test Batsman A-Z
384Countries Closest to India - One Minute Sprint
383Cricket World Cup 2016 india team
373Most Guessed Indian cities
365Indian States by Religious Population
365Indian Mythology Quiz
363Cricket Stadium to City (India)
361Biggest City in Each Indian State
359Most Spoken Languages of India
359Indian Batsmen with a test average over 50
354Most Indian Countries in the World Quiz (with map)
354Bollywood Movies by Picture
351Facts about India
346Click to Translate - Marathi
344Geography of the Indian Subcontinent
342Indian States : Punjab
332Most spoken languages in India
328State Quiz - Kerala
326Click to Translate - Kannada
322India - General
317Shopping List- Indian & Southeast Asian
314Countries with largest population of Indians
314UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India
31320 Renamed Indian Cities
310Indian Inventions
309Mumbai by picture
309Bollywood King - 4
Child Directories
Parent Directories
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