JetPunk Quizzes

Take a Random JetPunk Quiz
Name the countries that have been guessed at least 85% of the time on the Countries of the World Quiz.
Can you name the five most guessed countries by continent, based on the JetPunk countries of the world quiz?
Name the 20 countries which have the most users on JetPunk.
Try to name the five most well-known cities on each continent, based on JetPunk stats.
For each JetPunk quiz, name the answer that is guessed the highest percentage of the time.
Name the most well-known American cities, based on JetPunk stats.
Can you name the world capitals that are most often guessed on the JetPunk world capitals quiz?
Name the countries that have been guessed most frequently on our Countries of Asia quiz.
Try to name the most well-known cities in the world, based on JetPunk stats.
For each continent, can you name the five capital cities that are most frequently guessed on the World Capitals Quiz?
Name the ten countries that have been guessed most frequently on our Countries of Africa Quiz.
147,219 Most Guessed Countries on JetPunk
146,860 Five Most Guessed Countries by Continent
119,588 Countries with the Most JetPunk Users
107,031 Most-Guessed JetPunk Answers #1
100,827 Five Most Guessed Cities by Continent
86,958 Most Guessed Asian Countries on JetPunk
86,570 Most Guessed U.S. Cities
85,678 Most Guessed Capitals on JetPunk
85,090 Most Guessed World Cities
82,868 Most Guessed African Countries on JetPunk
81,915 Five Most Guessed Capital Cities by Continent
76,576 Most Guessed Cities in Europe - Not Capitals
75,322 Five Least Guessed Countries by Continent
74,032 Most Guessed European Capitals
73,087 Most Visited Countries by JetPunkers
69,942 Most Common JetPunk Answers - Countries
64,255 Most Guessed Cities by Country #1
63,471 Most-Guessed JetPunk Answers #3
61,846 Countries in a Blue JetPunk Fish of the World Map
61,632 Most Guessed Asian Capitals
52,380 Least Visited U.S. States by JetPunkers
51,717 Countries in a JetPunk Fish of the World Map
51,546 Most-Guessed JetPunk Answers #2
49,695 Most Guessed Cities by Country #2
47,057 Most Guessed Non-Capital Cities
46,142 Most Guessed North American Teams by Sport
46,082 Most Guessed Elements on JetPunk
45,438 Most Common Words in JetPunk Quiz Titles
42,264 Terrible City Spellings Accepted by JetPunk
39,933 Most Visited U.S. States by JetPunkers
39,559 Most Common JetPunk Answers - Cities
39,510 Five Most Guessed World Leaders by Country
38,428 Jeppy in Disguise #2
37,328 Jeppy in Disguise #1
35,263 JetPunk Word Ladder
33,965 Five Most Guessed Country Flags by Continent
30,502 Country Initialisms Accepted On JetPunk
27,228 Most Common JetPunk Answers - People
26,245 Most Guessed Cities in Asia - Not Capitals
22,603 Most Guessed US State Capitals
22,385 Jeppy in Disguise #3
21,423 Name a Valid Answer Starting with JETPUNK
19,387 The Billion Quiz
18,314 Jeppy Brand Logos #1
15,433 Most Common JetPunk Answers - Fictional Characters
14,093 Jeppy on Flags #2
14,083 Jeppy on Flags #1
9,998Most Guessed Cities by Country #3
9,352Most Guessed NBA Teams
7,782Terrible Capital Spellings Accepted by JetPunk #1
7,095Terrible Country Spellings Accepted by JetPunk #1
6,963Countries Beginning with the Letters of JETPUNK
5,791Five Countries with the Most JetPunk Users by Continent
4,524Five Least Guessed Country Flags by Continent
4,425Most Guessed Countries on JetPunk by Language
4,330Most Guessed Countries Bordering Each Other
3,706Terrible Country Spellings Accepted by JetPunk #2
3,409Countries of the World Quiz - 20 Less Guessed Countries
3,307Least Guessed Countries by Letter
3,201Terrible Capital Spellings Accepted by JetPunk #2
3,040Quizmaster Word Ladder Puzzle
3,023Least Guessed Countries Bordering Each Other
2,941JetPunk Family Feud - Round 1
2,807Jetpunk comments that cause a storm
2,733Five Most Guessed Country Shapes by Continent
2,379Most Guessed Subdivision by Country
2,316Easiest and Hardest Answers on Jetpunk's Map Quizzes
2,217Countries of Top 100 JetPunk Users
2,172Most Guessed Country by Continent
2,139Countries with Acceptable Abbreviations
2,016Top Countries by JetPunk Users Per Capita
1,924Most Guessed Oceanian Countries on JetPunk
1,901Countries Beginning with the Letters of JETPUNK - With a Map
1,871Least Guessed European Countries on JetPunk
1,817European Countries Beginning with the Letters of JETPUNK
1,754Name EVERY Country Type-In
1,711Most Guessed South American Countries on JetPunk
1,638Cities with the Most JetPunk Users
1,635Languages with the Most JetPunk Users
1,625Biggest JetPunk Countries as a Percent of Their Continent
1,621European Countries and Capitals Beginning with the Letters of JETPUNK
1,579Top 20 Most Guessed Countries
1,566Most Guessed Common English Words A-Z
1,509JetPunk Family Feud - Round 2
1,496Biggest and Most Guessed Countries by Rank
1,463Three Most Guessed Countries by Category #1
1,398Five Most Guessed Subdivisions by Country #1
1,384Smallest and Least Guessed Countries by Rank
1,380Top 10 Least Famous Countries
1,275U.S. Cities with the Most JetPunk Users
1,222U.S. States with the Most JetPunk Users
1,18430 Most Correctly Guessed Countries on the Jetpunk Countries of the World Quiz
1,178Five Most Guessed World Cities by Letter #2
1,164Three Most Guessed Countries by Category #2
1,154Five Least Guessed Capital Cities by Continent
1,155Biggest and Least Guessed Countries by Rank
1,14920 Most-Least Guessed Capitals of the World
1,118Most Guessed US States
1,090Most Guessed Megacities
1,077Countries that DON'T contain any letter of JETPUNK
1,073Five Least Guessed Country Shapes by Continent
1,057Country shortcuts
1,046Countries where the top 200 most popular Jetpunk users live
1,039Most Guessed Countries and Capitals by Average Rank
1,030Non-JetPunk Countries Recognized by the CIA
1,023Cardinal Directions of Featured Languages
1,003First-Level Subdivisions with the Most JetPunk Users
996Most Guessed Country by Letter
97510 Least Guessed Capital Cities
967Smallest and Most Guessed Countries by Rank
846Most Guessed Countries and Capitals on JetPunk
830Top 20 Most Guessed Best Picture Oscar Winners
820Countries That JetPunk is Planting Trees In
799Five Most Guessed World Cities by Letter #1
781Asian Countries Beginning with the Letters of JETPUNK
781Countries More Guessed than their Capitals
781Most Common North-South JetPunk Answers
778Island Countries Beginning with the Letters of JETPUNK
769Least Guessed Countries on Each Pixelated Map
759Countries that Beat France - JetPunk Edition
750Countries Less Guessed than their Borders
739Countries More Guessed than their Borders
724Most Guessed British Prime Ministers
71730 Least Correctly Guessed Countries on the Jetpunk Countries of the World Quiz
669Countries Never Visited by JetPunker
649US States Beginning with the Letters of JETPUNK
649African Countries Beginning with the Letters of JETPUNK
614Countries Less Guessed than their Capitals
60510 Tips to Get Your Jetpunk Quiz Featured
577African Capitals Beginning with the Letters of JETPUNK
554Name The Game By Looking At Jeppy
539Oceania Countries Beginning with the Letters of JETPUNK
537Countries Guessed Over 80%
537Reasons Why Cyprus is in ______
534Most Guessed NFL Teams on JetPunk
529JetPunk comment arguments
522Top 10 Most Guessed US Presidents by French Speakers
511Most Guessed Countries of the World
501Five Most Guessed Non-Capital Cities By Continent
501Easiest & Hardest Jetpunk Answers
471Most Populated Country Beginning with the Letters of JETPUNK
468Top 10 Most Guessed US Cities by French Speakers
461JetPunk Spelling Bee
431European Capitals Beginning with the Letters of JETPUNK
412JetPunk's Most Guessed Answers - Sudden Death #1
404Most Guessed Most Guessed Countries on JetPunk
4005 Most Guessed Countries In... #1
398Five Most Guessed Countries by Language
390Word Chain - JetPunk
381American Countries Beginning with the Letters of JETPUNK
376JetPunk Languages
373Every Jetpunk Discord Member on a Map
373JetPunk Clock
3405 most mentioned Countries on the JetPunk Discord by Continent
311Most Guessed Missing Countries
306Elements Beginning with the Letters of JETPUNK
304Most Guessed Cities in the Americas
300US State Capitals Beginning with the Letters of JETPUNK
298Most Guessed - Animals by Letter
293Most Guessed Capitals on JetPunk (English, Spanish, French)
2755 Most Guessed Countries In... #2
268Most Guessed Countries in Every Language
267Spell JetPunk As Many Times As You Can Quiz
249JetPunk's Most Guessed Answers - Sudden Death #2
246Countries with More People Than Quizmaster Has Takes
230Top 5 Most Guessed Pokémon on JetPunk by Generation
226English Counties Beginning with the Letters of JETPUNK
220Word Scramble - JetPunk Users
196Most Guessed Cities in Africa - Not Capitals
195Top 10 Most Guessed US States by French Speakers
189Most Guessed City A-Z
186Most Guessed Countries of the World, Nordic Language edition
171Five Most Guessed World Capitals and their country by Continent
158Most Guessed Cities by State
155Most Mentioned Members of the JetPunk Discord
150Least Guessed Missing Countries
149Most Guessed Japanese Cities
148Five Most Guessed Subdivisions by Country #2
144JetPunk Featured Languages-Sudden Death
139Countries in a "JetPunk" of the World Map
138Least Guessed Countries of the World
131The Least Guessed Things on the Most Played Quizzes
125Five Most Guessed Cities by Continent - One Minute Sprint
124Most Guessed Countries In Popular Quizzes
123Channels in the JetPunk Discord Server
119The Most Guessed Things on the Most Played Quizzes
118"Country" In All Jetpunk Languages
117Most Guessed Countries by Borders
113Countries and States I (Gassu) have visited (1000th Quiz)
114Countries in Most Spoken JetPunk Languages
113Most Guessed Cities in Asia
113Most Guessed Cities in Africa - Not Capitals
113Least Guessed U.S. State Capitals
107Most Guessed - Video Games
104How Many Quizmakers Can You Name?
102Fast Typing "JetPunk" in 1 Minute!
101Jeppy Flags #1
100Most Common Answers in Country Quizzes
90Jeppy Around the World
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