Lake Quizzes

Take a Random Lake Quiz
How many of the world's 20 biggest lakes can you name?
With the help of an empty map, can you name the ten countries that touch the African Great Lakes?
Name the Great Lakes of Africa. (with a map)
Can you name the 5 Great Lakes of North America?
Can you guess these rivers and lakes who share their name with a country?
Can you guess these cities that are located on the shores of the Great Lakes of North America?
Can you name the US states and the Canadian province that touch the Great Lakes of North America?
Try to name the countries which have the most lakes over 100 square kilometers in size.
Can you name the 32 largest lakes in the United States with the help of a map?
Based on the clues, name these famous lakes.
Try to guess the 10 U.S. state capitals which lie closest to the Great Lakes.
81,495 Biggest Lakes in the World
55,420 African Great Lake Countries with an Empty Map
49,260 African Great Lakes
44,921 Great Lakes Quiz
39,934 Cities on a Map of the Great Lakes
39,517 Rivers and Lakes whose Names are Countries
27,841 States and Provinces that Touch the Great Lakes
22,571 Famous Lakes Quiz
22,385 Countries with the Most Lakes Over 100 Km²
20,891 Largest Lakes in the United States on a Map
19,275 U.S. State Capitals Closest to the Great Lakes
16,771 U.S. States Bordering the Great Lakes
13,415 Lakes in the United States Quiz
5,258Great Lakes - Map Quiz
2,326100 Biggest Natural Lakes in Europe with a Map
1,928Famous Lakes on a World Map
1,82050 Largest Lakes in the World Quiz
1,342Three Real and One Fake - Friends
1,306Biggest World Cities on Lakes
1,11340 Lakes on the World Map
980Lakes A-Z
914Ultimate "Lake" Geography Quiz
87310 Largest Lakes in North America
780Lakes on World Map
716Answers Contain Lake Quiz
713Great Lakes States and Provinces With an Empty Map
691Top 10 Deepest Lakes In The World
682Caspian Sea General Knowledge
668Lakes by Shape
568Canadian Lakes on a Map
413English Lake District:16 Largest (with map)
357Scottish Lochs Map (easier version)
340Countries by Lake
333Cities on the Great Lakes by a Clue
320Scottish Lochs Map (extreme)
290Lakes by Country
279Lakes in Europe Quiz
249Lakes - Multiple Choice
238Countries of the Biggest Lakes That Border Several Countries
220Great Lakes Quiz
193Countries with the Largest Lakes
185Biggest Country by Lake
180Biggest City by Lake
1575 Closest U.S. States to Every Great Lake
152Lakes on Borders
149Lakes in Africa Quiz
146Bodies of Water from Chicago to the Ocean
142Closest Capitals by Lake Quiz
140Random Lakes by Clue
136Lake Superlatives Quiz
128Bodies of Water from Port Said to the Ocean
123Ultimate English Lake District (with map)
114The Italian Lakes on a Map
106Click the Country - Lake
96Malawi Lake Bordering Countries
96U.S. States Closest To The Great Lakes Without Bordering
94Biggest New Zealand Lakes on a Map
88Biggest Lakes of Ontario
87Countries with the Largest Lakes - With Hints
84Largest lakes of Canada by surface area
80Largest Lakes by Country
7825 largest lakes in Europe
71Largest Lakes in Sweden and Finland
70Biggest Lakes in Finland
6410 Biggest Lakes in the World
64Name a Valid U.S. State - Lakes and Reservoirs
6410 largest lakes in Norway
61Lakes by Satellite Image #1
60Top Ten Lakes: Trifecta
54Countries with the most lakes
53Largest Lakes in Manitoba Quiz
51Largest Lakes In Finland
41Largest Lakes in New Zealand
39Lake Constance Cities on a Map
38Lakes of Ohio
36Largest Lakes in Uganda
34The Finger Lakes Quiz
32Biggest Lakes in Malawi
28Lakes by City
26Great Lakes Trivia
25Lakes by Satellite Image #2
16Largest lakes in Denmark
16Lakes by Satellite Image #4
14Lakes by State Quiz
13Largest Islands in the Great Lakes Quiz
1220 largest nordic lakes
820 deepest nordic lakes
6Lakes by Satellite Image #3
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