Mexico Quizzes

Take a Random Mexico Quiz
Mexico has 31 states. How many can you name?
Fill in the map by clicking the name of each highlighted Mexican state.
Can you guess these facts about the country of Mexico?
Can you guess whether these statements about Mexico are true or false?
Name the capitals of U.S. states that are geographically closest to Mexico.
Click the name of each highlighted Mexican city.
Try to guess the most populous municipalities in Mexico according to the 2020 census.
Try to answer these questions about the history of Mexico.
Name these foods and beverages associated with Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisine.
Guess these famous people with Mexico heritage.
131,033 States of Mexico
86,687 Mexico States Map Quiz
64,479 Mexico Country Quiz
40,966 Mexico True or False?
34,023 U.S. State Capitals Closest to Mexico
30,215 Mexico Cities Map Quiz
26,956 Biggest Cities in Mexico
13,498 History of Mexico
13,143 Mexican Foods
11,417 Famous Mexicans Quiz
8,176100 Biggest cities in Mexico on a map
4,016Modern-Day Countries of the First Mexican Empire on a Map
3,504Countries that Beat Mexico
2,977Liga MX Teams (Mexican Soccer League)
2,659Mexico State Capitals Quiz
2,273Biggest metro areas in Mexico
2,106States of Mexico with an Empty Map
2,035Subdivisions of Canada, Mexico and the U.S. on a Map
2,006American and Mexican States on the U.S./Mexico border With an Empty Map
1,707Mexico by Picture
1,690Provinces of the First Mexican Empire on a Map
1,642Countries Closest to Mexico
1,624Mexican Geography on the Map
1,48320 Biggest Cities in Mexico on a Map
1,425Mexican States
1,354Mexican State Capitals
1,338Mexico State Capitals
1,304Mexican Liga MX Football Clubs by Badge
1,253Mexico Immigration by Country
1,236All 100k+ Cities in Mexico on a Map
1,198Country Quiz on a Map - Mexico
1,142Biggest Metro areas in Mexico (UPDATED 2023)
1,108All 50k+ Cities in Mexico with a Map
1,073American, Canadian and Mexican States/Provinces on the Border with Empty Map
948Mexico 2022 FIFA World Cup Squad
930Mexico multiple choice quiz
926Presidents of Mexico
919US States With the Most Mexican Immigrants
901Random Mexican States on a Map
865Mexican States A - Z
842200 Biggest Cities in Mexico
811Mexico Football Team World Cup Starting XI
764US States bordering Mexico
717Mexico World Cup 2014 squad
637Mexico City (MEX) Airport Destinations
637Biggest Trading Partners - Mexico
618Geography of Mexico
609Win the Mexican Presidential Election
565Mexico A-Z
550Top 100 Baby Boy Names in 2019 - Mexico
534hard mexico soccer quiz
528Top 100 Baby Girl Names in 2019 - Mexico
524Mexico-US Border Cities on the Map
521Countries that Visit Mexico the Most
493US States Closest to Mexico
481Which City in Mexico?
467Mexico 2018 FIFA World Cup Squad
456Flags of the States of Mexico
448Former Mexican Territory
430World Capitals Closest to Mexico City
419US States Once Part of Mexico
413A Quiz About Mexico
388Top 10 Most Mexican U.S. States
366Countries that have Been at War with Mexico
362Biggest Cities in Mexico on a Map
333U.S. States with the Most Mexican Americans
321Mexico City Trivia
308100 Questions about Mexico
299Countries Closest to Mexico
273Countries Closest to Mexico by first two letters
270Countries Bordering Mexico
181Historical Timeline of Mexico
180Every 250K+ City In Mexico On A Map
1745 Biggest Cities : Mexico
174Mexicans - Sudden Death
172Airlines at Mexico City Airport
163Indigenous Languages in Mexico
160Football Clubs in Mexico City
157U.S. States that Trade the most with Mexico
153General Knowledge: Mexico
15225 Biggest Cities in Mexico
1482022 FIFA World Cup Group C - Argentina - Mexico
146Features of Mexico on a map
145Countries Closest to Mexico - One Minute Sprint
134Most Capped Footballers for Mexico
13210 Biggest Cities: Mexico
130Mexico City Movies by Picture
125Biggest Cities on the Gulf of Mexico on a Map
124All 1M+ Cities in Mexico
121100 Largest Cities in Mexico
120Countries closest to Mexico
115U.S. States Closest to Mexico Without Bordering Mexico
112Mexico Trivia
110US President who have visited Mexico
108States that Border States that Border Mexico
108Club América Best Scorer By Year
104Largest Cities In Mexico
102Municipalities of Mexico City
98Similar-sized countries #1 - Mexico
94Countries that Visit Mexico the Most
93Cities on the United States Border
90Countries Closest to Mexico City
872022 FIFA World Cup Group C - Mexico - Poland
86Mexico State Capitals (exact)
83Biggest Cities in Mexico • A-Z
83World Capitals at Mexico City's Latitude
83Random Mexico Map Quiz
82Mexico Quiz
79Municipalities of Mexico City
7610 Closest US state capitals to Mexico City
71Mexico or New Mexico?
69Mexican Celebrations
68Largest Cities in Mexico: Sudden Death
67U. S. Cities closest to Mexico City
6610 Biggest Cities in Order: Mexico
66Famous Mexicans by Picture
65Footballers by Picture - Mexico
56States of Mexico By Most Populous City
55Countries that Border Mexico
532022 FIFA World Cup Group C - Saudi Arabia - Mexico
51State Quiz - Baja California
51Agricultural Products of which Mexico is Top Exporter
50World Capitals Closest to Mexico City - One Minute Sprint
485 Biggest Cities In Mexico
48Biggest urban areas in Mexico
46Biggest Cities In Mexico
45Mexican Geography-Map Quiz
44Most Appearances & Goals at the FIFA World Cup for Mexico
44World Capitals Closest to Mexico City - 30 Second Sprint
43Common Nahuatl loanwords
42Top 25 Trading Partners - Mexico
39A-Z Mexico
38United States - Mexico Border States
36Top 10 Largest States of Mexico by Area
33Subdivisions bordering the United States
33US - Mexico Border crossings
32Highest Goalscorers in International Football for Mexico
32Mexican States on the U.S Border
31Countries that have win territory against Mexico
29Top Cities In Mexico
29The largest cities in the states:states bordering Mexico# 2
21130 Most Famous Cities in Mexico on a Map
18All Teams Ever Managed and Played For By Javier Aguirre
14EVERY City in Mexico Starting with X
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