Modern History Quizzes - Page 2

Take a Random Modern History Quiz
1,239Country's Nazi Germany Occupied During WW2
1,215Every Country in World War Two (2.0)
1,226World War II Countries - Sudden Death
1,210World War II Trivia
1,209Biggest lost and gained cities by Poland after WW2
1,148World War 2 Countries Quiz
1,129All Communist-Ruled Countries, Current and Former
1,125WWII Tanks - Germany
1,116Cities in World War II
1,085WWII Tanks - Soviet Union
1,078Famous WW2 Generals
1,070100 Biggest Cities in the WWII Axis Countries
1,065Which countries used to have colonies but lost them before the beginning of WW2
1,056WW1 Countries - Allies
1,050Leaders during WW2
1,046Civil Rights Movement Quiz
1,043Major terrorist attacks since 2000
1,037Chernobyl Quiz
1,029Countries in WWI
1,021Events of 1959
1,005Concentration Camps of the Holocaust
1,001Walking across European Borders (Cold War Edition): Portugal to Albania
986Names of WWII Operations
983Biggest Cities in Modern-Day Soviet Union with an Exception
958All Countries Involved in WW2
954Heavy ships of WW2
942World War II Events on the Map
940Nazi Germany, 1933-1945
937German Tanks of World War 2
936World War II Battles
932US Navy and USAAF Aircraft of WWII
931Biggest Axis-Occupied Cities of Europe in WWII on a Map
930Axis conquest in WW2 (in order)- Hard
927Countries in World War I
908Former Soviet Republics
892WWI: Central Power... or Allied Power?
875Languages Spoken By Ho Chi Minh
870History of the Atomic Age
869World War II Quotes
863USSR/Unified Team/Russian Olympic Gymnastics Teams
864WWII Tanks Multiple Choice
84550 WWII figures
842Famous Disasters on the Map
838WW2 British planes.
832Former countries of the USSR, in order of independence
824Events of 1962
814Hero Cities of Soviet Union
805Cold War Leaders
799communist countries during the cold war
786Countries with the Largest Amount of Troops in WW1
782Impossible WW2 trivia
781The Big Nazi Quiz
776Name the 9 Battleships of the U.S. Pacific Fleet on December 7th, 1941
771Russian Tanks | During WW2
745Officially Atheist Countries
734All Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) Aircraft Carriers
73419th or 20th century?
719The First World War by year - 1914
714Famous People who were Gangsters and Outlaws
678Territorial Changes After WW2
677East Germany Country Quiz
676WW2 Battleships and Battlecruisers
671History of the 1940s
668Cuban Missile Crisis
666Former Soviet Republics By Size
654British WW2 Aircraft by Picture
649Countries of the USSR - 1 minute challenge
648Countries with Legal Recreational Marijuana
646Countries with Deaths from Nuclear and Radiation Incidents
643Ww2 weapons
641Biggest Cities once in the Japanese Empire
638Leaders of the Soviet Union
635Famous WWII Generals
634Name the Years of the 20th Century Quiz
620Figures from the 20th Century
613World War II Movies
612Who Declared war on eachother WW2
607US WW2 Aircraft by Picture
600battle of WW2
596Russian Empire or USSR?
585Biggest Cities in East Germany (with map)
583World War II Battleships of the Imperial Japanese Navy
582Flags of Axis puppet states in WWII
580British Warships of WW2
571Cities that were Stops on the Orient Express
567Cold War Military Aircraft - Picture Quiz #1
56610 deadliest battles in WW2(European)
566All Countries to Experience Hyperinflation
560Countries in WW2
559Countries Founded by Former/Freed Slaves
554Countries that Controlled Former Nazi Germany
547Flags of WWI
542Capital Ships Sunk During WWII With Map
526The Dictator Files: Nikita Khrushchev
520Countries involved in WWII
507Former Soviet Union Countries - Sudden Death
505Countries that lost territory after WWII
499Cold War Quiz
497Ww2 events
495Countries Where Female Genital Mutilation is Common
494History of the Soviet Union
493Hard WW2 questions for the discerning historian - Aircraft
491WWI Countries
488Geography Questions #13: Countries That Separated From Other Countries Part 2 USSR
48820th Century Leaders by Pictures
473Ex USSR Countries
467Walking Across European Borders (WW2): Portugal to Liechtenstein
464Main Battles of WWII
461World War II Basic Knowledge #1
458US Navy Ships at Pearl Harbor
458Cops and Robbers
457Famous Battles of World War II # 1
447Countries part of The USSR
446The Socialist Republics of the USSR
439Soviet Union Leaders By Picture
434Countries of Oceania in 1921
422World War 2 Word Chain
419Countries in World War I
413Countries with the Most Attempted Coups
399countries that fought in the WW2
397World War 2 General Knowledge Quiz
395Religions of Vietnam
395Countries that stayed neutral in WWI
391Former USSR Soviet Countries by Current Population
387Diseases that are Eradicated or Eradicable
384Republics of the Soviet Union
382Ex-Soviet Union Countries
376World War II Events Map Quiz
376Countries Where Holocaust Denial is Illegal
372Battles of World War Two
369Flags of Former Soviet Republics
368WWII expert quiz
365The Grand Fleet
356Acting US Presidents
351WWII Country Entrance Order
349WW2 german tank quiz
348New Countries after WWI
346WW2 planes review
344Warsaw Pact : Countries and Capitals
341Countries that were part of the Soviet Union
338Countries Most Affected by the Spanish Flu
336Countries that Preceded Nazi Germany
333Leaders of Europe Quiz
330Mark Antony's Funeral Oration Quiz
327World War 1: Nature of Trench Warfare
326WWII General Knowledge
325World War 1 Casualties
324WWI Central Powers
323Countries with Decreasing GDP
318World War 2 Trivia
319History of the 21st Century
317Countries That Japan Invaded In WWII
315Battle of Midway 1942 - Aircraft Carriers
307Present Day Countries Within Warsaw Pact Borders
299Royal Navy Cruisers of World War II
297World War 2 Facts
296Eastern Front WW2 - Key Battles
292Wars Named for Their Duration
283The Five Sports Played in Every Modern Olympics
281Diseases Eliminated from the US
280Battles in WWI
278Wars by Treaty
269World War II Heavy Cruisers of the Imperial Japanese Navy
269WWII German Leaders/Commanders
268WWII War Movies Quiz
267The Soviet Union- Early 20th Century
265Countries that Got the Most Aid from the Marshall Plan
265Songs "Banned" by Clear Channel after 9/11
264Normandy D-Day Beaches with a Map
264Central Powers-Occupied Countries of WWI
259Highest-Grossing Films Ever (at the Time)
259Allies of World War I
258American Weapons of WWII
257WWI General Knowledge
257Countries with Highest GDP Growth Rate
254Capitals of Former Soviet Countries
252WWI Quiz *hard*
251European Countries with Monarchs Regularly Participating in Government
251World War I Decoder
250Airplane Recognition - WWII
248Tallest Buildings of the World - Timeline
247Countries Party to the Antarctic Treaty System
242Countries with Decreasing HDI Score (2017-18)
241Balkan Countries - 1900