Movies by Time Period Quizzes - Page 2

Take a Random Movies by Time Period Quiz
12370s Movie Franchises by Picture
122Complete the Movie Title (1998)
121Complete the Movie Title (1995)
1172000s Best Picture Oscar Nominees - Multiple Choice
113Complete the Movie Title (1992)
112Complete the Movie Title (1994)
112Fight Club the Novel Multiple Choice
1102010s Oscar Original Score Nominees
108Famous Actors in "Magnolia"
107Complete the Movie Title (1991)
103Complete the Movie Title (1989)
102All 2010's Disney Films
96Back to the Future Quiz
94Complete the Movie Title (1985)
92Complete the Movie Title (1987)
912000's British Films Screenshots (Part 1: 2000-2004)
912010s Best Picture Oscar Nominees - Multiple Choice
89Complete the Movie Title (1988)
85Complete the Movie Title (1986)
842010s Oscar Best Animated Pictures Nominees
83Complete the Movie Title (1984)
83Complete the Movie Title (1982)
74The Wizard of Oz A-Z
73Complete the Movie Title (1983)
72Despicable Me/Minions Movies by IMDb Description
70Years Marty Travels to in Back to the Future 🗓️
612017 Oscar Nominees
57The 2000s Movies Picture Quiz
53Complete the Movie Title (1981)
53The 1990s Movies Picture Quiz
532016 Oscar Nominees
46The 2010s Movies Picture Quiz
43Complete the Movie Title (1979)
41The 1980s Movies Picture Quiz
40Complete the Movie Title (1980)
35Songs from the First Line(s) - 1989
33Movie Trivia: 1999
322010s Oscar Best International Feature Film Nominees
312010s Oscar Visual Effects Nominees
312000's British Films Screenshots (Part 2: 2005-2009)
30The 1970s Movies Picture Quiz
29Complete the Movie Title (1978)
26All 1990's Disney Animated Movies
25Countries in Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine
25All 2000's Disney Movies (HARD!)
28Complete the Movie Title (1977)
17Artists Who Feature on the School of Rock Soundtrack
13Home Alone - Somewhere in My Memory Lyrics