Muslim Quizzes

Take a Random Muslim Quiz
Name the countries where at least 50% of residents are Islamic.
Try to name the countries which have the highest Muslim populations.
Name the 10 European countries that have the highest percentage of Islamic residents.
Name the world's most populous urban areas where more than 50% of the population are Islamic.
Name the countries of Africa that have the greatest number of Muslims.
Name the eleven countries that use Islamic law for both criminal proceedings and family law.
For each letter A-Z, guess the answer that pertains to the religion of Islam.
303,976 Majority Muslim Countries
132,672 Top 10 Most Islamic European Countries
126,745 Countries with the Most Muslims
95,676 Biggest Cities with a Muslim Majority
77,711 African Countries with the Most Muslims
56,571 Sharia Law Countries
19,822 Islam A-Z
14,936 Famous Muslims
6,813The Islam Quiz
6,568Top 20 Most Islamic Countries
3,624Prophets of Islam
2,765Muslim Countries - Sudden Death
2,437List each Surah of the Quran
2,282Sharia Law Countries
1,809Most Mentioned Quran Characters
1,764Countries with a Majority Shia Muslim Population
1,020Countries With Most Muslims With Exceptions
996Countries with the Largest Muslim Minority
925Quran multiple choice
836Majority Muslim Countries on a Map
800Biggest Muslim Cities by Century
764All Caliphs
695Countries with the Most Shia Muslims
674Countries with the largest Muslim Population
633Islam by Picture
620Biggest Cities in the Umayyad Caliphate in 725 AD with a Map
614Asian Countries with the Most Muslims
59720 Biggest Muslim cities on map
593History of Islam
549Most Democratic Muslim Countries
348name of the islam prophets
328Islamic Golden Age History Quiz
274Countries with the least number of Muslims
265Countries with the Most Muslims with Exceptions
266Islamic Republics
218Top 10 Most Islamic Countries
203Richest Muslim Countries
168Ottoman Caliphs
125Countries Not In Africa or Asia With Highest % of Muslims
113Majority Muslim Countries by First Letter
97Countries With Highest Muslim Population by Continent
75Umayyad Caliphs
73Rashidun Caliphs
70Cities by Mosques - Picture Quiz
68Majority Muslim Countries with a Women's National Football Team
64Flags of Muslim Countries
53Click a Valid Muslim Country #1
45A Quiz About Sufism
37Click a Valid Muslim Country Flag #1
30Umayyad Caliphs of Cordoba
29Sovereign State of the Bektashi Order Country Quiz
27All Caliphs in Order
27Click a Valid Muslim Country Shape #1
23Abbasid Caliphs
22Click a Valid Muslim Country Flag Shape #1
13Fatimid Caliphs
5Abbasid Caliphs of Mamluk Cairo
5Almohad Caliphs
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