Nickname Quizzes

Take a Random Nickname Quiz
Based on a nickname, guess the real names of these current and former basketball players.
It's not called the Windy City because of the weather - look it up!
For each selected nickname, name the U.S. state!
We give you the birth name. You give us the name they are more commonly known by.
It may surprise you to learn that Quizmaster is not my real name.
Based on the nickname, guess the superhero.
Based on a nickname, guess the real names of these current and former basketball players.
Try to guess the official nicknames of the U.S. states, according to Wikipedia.
Can you guess each state based on two unofficial or prior nicknames?
City nicknames are more of an American thing, but let's give it a shot.
Guess the people, places and things that have these nicknames.
136,560 NBA Basketball Nicknames Quiz #1
94,766 Country Nicknames
88,365 U.S. City Nicknames
86,673 NFL Team Nicknames
64,302 U.S. States by Nickname
60,299 Rappers Real Names
58,955 Birth Names
55,944 Superhero Nicknames
51,122 NBA Basketball Nicknames Quiz #2
40,839 U.S. States by Alternate Nicknames
38,836 U.S. State Nicknames Quiz
33,222 World City Nicknames Quiz
33,057 Random Nicknames #1
29,757 Nicknames in U.S. History
28,068 Also Known As #3
27,646 Musician Nicknames Quiz
26,945 Baseball Player Nicknames #1
24,760 Random Nicknames #2 (US Centric)
23,062 Nicknames in World History
23,007 Pro Wrestler Nicknames
21,645 NFL Football Player Nicknames Quiz
17,879 Also Known As #1
16,616 Also Known As #2
16,116WWE Nicknames Quiz
15,150 Baseball Player Nicknames #2
7,712 American TV and Movie Nicknames
4,679NHL Player Nicknames
4,417Soccer player and manager nicknames
4,406NBA Player Nicknames
3,340NBA Basketball Nicknames #3
3,006New York Yankees Nicknames
2,427Nascar Nicknames
1,986US Presidential Nicknames (Complete)
1,896ALL TIME NBA-players nicknames
1,805Boston Red Sox Nicknames
1,746Geography Nicknames
1,742Hall of Famer Baseball Nicknames
1,742National Football Teams by Nickname
1,612St. Louis Cardinals Nicknames
1,610NBA Nicknames
1,467Atlanta Braves Nicknames
1,454Chicago Cubs Nicknames
1,394Philadelphia Phillies Nicknames
1,332New York Mets Nicknames
1,323NFL Nicknames
1,084Houston Rockets Nicknames
937Cincinnati Reds Nicknames
934Country Nicknames
848San Francisco Giants Nicknames
832Nicknames of U.S. States Map Quiz
825NBA Nicknames
796Detroit Tigers Nicknames
792Present basketball players nicknames
790NFL Players Nicknames
774Epithets of Famous Historical Figures
772MLB Player Nicknames
755Seattle Mariners Nicknames
723Toronto Blue Jays Nicknames
714NBA Monikers
697NBA players by there nicknames
695Superhero Nicknames #2
668Minnesota Twins Nicknames
624Baltimore Orioles Nicknames
616Houston Astros Nicknames
606English football nicknames
597Los Angeles Dodgers Nicknames
575Milwaukee Brewers Nicknames
550Cities and Their Nicknames
534Texas Rangers Nicknames
522Country nicknames
499Chicago White Sox Nicknames
463Kansas City Royals Nicknames
449Indian City Nicknames Quiz
439Colorado Rockies Nicknames
426Baseball Greats by Nickname
417Scottish Football Clubs by Nickname
393Tampa Bay Rays Nicknames
381Real Names of Historical Figures
365Oakland Athletics Nicknames
344San Diego Padres Nicknames
323Famous People with Nicknames
323Baseball Greats by Nickname #2
318Cleveland Indians Player Nicknames
297Los Angeles Angels Nicknames
281Miami Marlins Nicknames
256music trivia: the "kings" of music
238MLB Franchise by Nickname
195Country Nicknames
181NBA Player by Nicknames
137Random U.S State to Nickname
121AFL Player Nicknames - Current
111NHL Player Nicknames
99Footballer's Nicknames
99City Nicknames
98Match the U.S City to it's Nickname - Click Quiz
84US States Without a "(Something) State" Nickname
83Aston Villa Player Nicknames 🦁⚽️
72States and their nicknames!
70Indian Cities and Nick names
53Footballers' Nicknames #2
44National Football Team's Nicknames
37Match the U.S State to it's Nickname
31Nicknames of Australian National Sports Teams
31Match the Wrestling Nickname to the Wrestler
21Music Trivia: Blues Artists' Nick-Names/Stage Names
15Nicknames for the former guy
Child Directories
Parent Directories