Nintendo Quizzes

Take a Random Nintendo Quiz
Try to name the Pokémon characters in the first generation.
There are 18 different types of Pokémon. How many can you name?
Gotta remember 'em all! So far, 1025 Pokémon have been discovered. How many can you name?
Name these characters from Mario video games.
Can you guess which of these items are Pokémon and which are elements of the Periodic Table?
Name the playable characters from Nintendo's Super Smash brothers series.
Can you fill in the missing lyrics to the Pokémon theme song?
Try to name every Mario Kart character that appears in every game.
For each Pokémon character, name the real-life thing they most resemble.
Name the evolutions of these Pokémon. It's science!
Can you guess these 16 different Pokémon based on a picture?
705,904 Original 151 Pokémon
196,801 Pokémon Types
117,376 Mario Characters Quiz
115,310 All the Pokémon (#0001 to #1025)
112,335 Super Smash Brothers Characters
104,560 Element... or Pokémon?
96,371All The Pokémon (#0001 - #1025) Quiz (No Types)
84,281 Pokémon Theme Tune Lyrics
80,996 Mario Kart Characters
70,961 Pokémon Real-Life Resemblances
62,333 Pokémon Evolutions - 1st Generation
48,033 Pokemon Moves Quiz
43,494 Pokémon by Picture
36,884 Legend of Zelda Games
32,674 Generation II Pokémon
27,567 Nintendo Consoles
27,384 Word Scramble - Pokémon
26,183 List of All Ash Ketchum's Pokémon
24,557All Pokémon Moves Quiz
22,374 Pokémon with King in Their Name
21,904Pokémon by Picture: Generation I
18,543 Legend of Zelda Trivia
17,418 Classic NES Games by Screenshot
14,767Pokemon Types
14,265Pokemon-Generation 1-4
13,501Super Smash Bros Ultimate All Characters
11,91230 Difficult Pokemon Trivia
11,695Pokémon Type Weaknesses
10,513Generation 3 Pokemon
8,590Pokemon Games (Handheld Devices)
8,551Generation 4 Pokemon
8,410Pokémon that Start with A
8,261Pokémon: Which is the Shiny?
8,209All Ultra Beasts, Legendary Pokémon and Mythical Pokémon
7,917Super Mario Games
7,753 Top 100 Super Nintendo Games
6,989Pokemon Regions
6,773Generation 5 Pokemon
6,582 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Tracks
6,555Pokemon Gym Leaders
6,401Pokémon that Start with S
6,243Pokémon that Start with B
6,209Pokémon that Start with C
6,025Pokemon based on Pokedex entries
5,821Poké Balls (Pokemon)
5,821Pokemon Type Effectiveness
5,654Dragon type Pokemon
5,617Generation 2 Pokemon
5,540Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Monsters Quiz
5,508Category Elimination - Super Smash Bros. Characters
5,253Generation 1 Pokemon
5,114Random Original Pokémon by Picture
5,060Pokémon that Start with D
4,967Mario Kart Wii Characters
4,971Pokémon that Start with M
4,670Name That Pokémon!
4,666Pokémon that Start with G
4,451Franchises in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
4,445Generation III Pokémon (Hoenn)
4,406Pokémon by Picture: Generation II
4,386Mario Kart Wii Tracks - Map Quiz
4,235Pokémon that Start with P
4,172Eeveelutions Pokemon Quiz
4,027Pokémon that Start with H
3,996Pokémon that Start with F
3,828Pokémon that Start with E
3,816Electric type Pokemon
3,771Most Powerful Pokémon Moves By Type
3,759Pokémon that Start with L
3,753Ocarina songs from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
3,696The Legend of Zelda Trivia
3,670Name one of the best Smash Ultimate player for every character
3,609Pokemon: 001 - 151
3,604Medication... or Pokémon?
3,504Pokémon that Start with T
3,501Pokémon that Start with R
3,478The 16 Fastest Pokémon Quiz
3,459Who's That Pokémon? - Silhouette Quiz
3,450Sonic vs Mario at the Olympic Games Characters
3,431Pokémon by Picture: Generation III
3,422Ghost Type Pokemon
3,407Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Characters Quiz
3,399Pokémon that Start with K
3,309Pokémon that Start with J
3,272Fire Emblem Heroes Units
3,240All Pokémon Abilities
3,219Mario Quiz
3,149Pokemon Gym Leaders Based on Signature Pokemon
3,072Fire Type Pokemon
3,045Best Selling Nintendo Switch Games
3,019Nintendo Series by Games
3,010Generation IV Pokémon (Sinnoh)
2,935Pokémon that Start with N
2,892EVERY Fire Emblem Playable Character
2,880All Pokémon Used By Main Characters
2,870Perfect pokemon
2,796Super Mario Odyssey Kingdoms
2,795Pokémon that Start with O
2,762Nintendo Punch-Out!! Opponents
2,734Pokémon that Start with I
2,687Pokémon that Start with W
2,673Pokemon with only 4 letter in their name
2,653The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Video Game Bosses
2,631Pokémon that Start with V
2,628Pokémon that Start with Y
2,561Pokémon that Start with Z
2,559Water Type Pokemon
2,483Super Smash Bros Ultimate characters by Number
2,452Pokémon that Start with X
2,422Pokémon that Start with Q
2,408Pokémon by Picture: Generation IV
2,318Zelda BOTW
2,306All Pokemon Types in 30 Seconds
2,298Super Smash Bros. Brawl Characters (Brawl Only)
2,232ALL Mario games
2,210Dark Type Pokemon
2,211Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Character Roster
2,171Ice type Pokemon
2,173Pokemon Types in Alphabetical Order
2,158Pokémon that Start with U
2,154Top 100 Nintendo Games of All Time
2,142Super Mario Characters
2,122Mega Evolutions
2,117Name the 18 Pokemon types! All Hints are Gen. 1
2,090Pokémon names that contains Double Letters
2,060Pokémon Record Breakers Quiz
2,058Peaches - Jack Black (The Super Mario Bros. Movie) Lyrics
2,013Monotype Pokemon
2,007Pokemon Evolutions By Stones
1,980Pokémon by Picture: Generation V
1,968Genderless Pokemon
1,954Generation V Pokémon (Unova)
1,949Pokemon Gym Types
1,901Generation 1 Pokémon by First Two Letters in 90 Seconds
1,881All Water Type Pokémon
1,847All Mario Kart Tracks
1,828All Fire Type Pokémon
1,814Pokemon Elite Four Quiz
1,805Pokemon Quiz: Kanto and Jhoto
1,789Pokemon that end with eon
1,791All Dragon Type Pokémon
1,770The Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time Quiz
1,732Nintendo Franchises
1,730Pokemon Go - Quiz
1,721Fossil Pokemon
1,712Flying Type Pokemon
1,688Steel Type Pokemon
1,671Kirby Copy Abilities Quiz
1,661All Fighting Type Pokémon
1,666Pokémon Word Scramble
1,643All Dark Type Pokémon
1,638Pokemon Mega Evolutions
1,630Mario Kart 7 items
1,628Bug Type Pokemon
1,616Cities in the Pokémon Kanto Region on a Map
1,614Pokemon with X in their name
1,614All Grass Type Pokémon
1,610Pokemon Generation 6
1,608Generation VIII Pokémon (Galar)
1,607Name all gen 1 Pokémon
1,605All Electric Type Pokémon
1,601Legend of Zelda - Link Design Click Quiz
1,598All Ghost Type Pokémon
1,597Who's that Mario character?
1,587Fire-Type Pokemon Moves
1,587Pokemon Quiz (First 3 generations)
1,580Fighting Type Pokemon
1,568Psychic Pokemon
1,564Pokemon 1-386
1,5432nd Generation Pokemon
1,535Grass Type Pokemon
1,522All Normal Type Pokémon
1,517Super Smash Bros. Character First Appearances
1,488All Fairy Type Pokémon
1,481All Ice Type Pokémon
1,472All Bug Type Pokémon
1,469Generation 6 Pokemon
1,467EVERY Fire Emblem Character
1,462Water-Type Pokemon Moves
1,442All Psychic Type Pokémon
1,436Kanto Pokedex Quiz
1,414All Poison Type Pokémon
1,405Poison Type Pokemon
1,400Random Pokemon Move Type Effectiveness
1,399All Flying Type Pokémon
1,390All Steel Type Pokémon
1,385Pokemon Types
1,372All Gen VII Pokémon (722-809) (Alola)
1,364Generation 9 Pokémon
1,359Pokémon that Start with the Same Letter as Their Type
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