Norway Quizzes

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Can you guess these facts about the country of Norway?
54,905 Norway Country Quiz
9,275Counties of Norway (with map)
7,767Biggest Cities in Norway
5,319Countries Closest to Norway
4,924Denmark.... or Norway
4,817Country Flags Hidden in the Norwegian Flag
4,805All Municipalities of Norway on a Map
3,671Click to Translate - Norwegian
2,928All 50k+ Cities in Norway with a Map
2,689100 biggest cities in Norway
2,508History of Norway
2,295Countries that have been/is part of Norway
2,137Norway Immigration by Country
1,629Norway True or False?
1,428Biggest Cities in Norway on a Map
1,257regions of norway
1,235Urban areas in Norway with more than 20,000 inhabitants / Tettsteder i Norge med mer enn 20,000 innbyggere
1,161Norwegian Baby Girl Names by Year
1,046All Norwegian Cities
986Faroe Islands Map Quiz
82025 Biggest Cities in Norway
741Countries Visiting Norway the Most
735Biggest Trading Partners - Norway
710Famous Norwegians
688Norway A-Z
660Countries Closest to Norway - distance order
644Teams that Erling Haaland Has Played For
609Norwegian Eliteserien Champions
608Norwegian Baby Boy Names by Year
529Countries bordering Norway
460Geography of Norway
443Countries and territories with Direct Scheduled Flights to/from Norway
436Norwegian Top Division Teams 2012 (European Football)
426Countries Once Held by Norway
415Norway or Sweden
407Languages of Norway
399Norway Multiple Choice
368Norway... Or Sweden?
367Most popular boy names Norway
356Biggest cities once in the Norwegian Empire
338Norwegian Prime Ministers since 1814
335Flags Visible Within the Flag of Norway
332Ja, vi elsker dette landet (Anthem of Norway) Lyrics Quiz
331Overseas Territories of Norway
279Languages Most Similar to Norwegian
275Countries Closest to Norway - One Minute Sprint
265Largest Cities of Norway on a Map
250Top 10 largest immigrant groups in Norway
244Groups of Things - Norway
243Towns in Norway
220Historical Timeline of Norway
215Countries Closest to Norway - 15 Second Sprint
207Former provinces of Norway on a Map
189Norske spillere i Premier League/Norwegian players in Premier League
178Which City in Norway?
175Countries Norway have played against in Football
166Norway A-Z
165Biggest Cities in Norway Quiz
159Norwegian Prime Ministers after WWII
158Norway Quiz(HARD)
133Norway at the Eurovision Song Contest
133Largest Cities in Norway with a Map
129Monarchs and their Descendants - Norway
127Countries closest to Norway
124City by Picture 17 (Norway)
112Counties of Norway
107Largest Cities in Norway
98Modern countries the Scandinavians had settlements in
94Famous Norwegian People
90Norway Trivia
89Biggest Cities in Norway • A-Å
87Largest Municipalities in NORWAY by First Letter
83Norway A-Z
74Regions of Norway
74Islands belonging to Norway
71Communes in Norway with more than 20,000 inhabitants
6410 largest lakes in Norway
63Famous Norwegians by Picture
62Norway in the Eurovision Song Contest
61Norwegian football league champions
55Top 25 Trading Partners - Norway
54Country of the Day #8-Norway
46Municipalities in Telemark, Norway
44Every Time Norway Have Finished 1st In Vinter-Olympics
39Counties of Norway
37Municipalities in Sogn og Fjordane, Norway
37Biggest towns in Telemark, Norway
36Norwegian football cup champions
31Prime ministers of Norway
28Municipalities in Møre og Romsdal, Norway
27Winners of Norway Chess
19Norwegian Prime Ministers before WWII
1810 most common last names in Norway
16Cities in Norway
1650 Most Famous Cities in Norway on a Map
Parent Directories