Pokémon Quizzes

Gotta catch 'em all. Check out our huge selection of amazing Pokémon quizzes on JetPunk.com. For example, try to name the 151 Pokémon in the first generation.
Take a Random Pokémon Quiz
Try to name the Pokémon characters in the first generation.
There are 18 different types of Pokémon. How many can you name?
Gotta remember 'em all! So far, 1025 Pokémon have been discovered. How many can you name?
Can you guess which of these items are Pokémon and which are elements of the Periodic Table?
Can you fill in the missing lyrics to the Pokémon theme song?
For each Pokémon character, name the real-life thing they most resemble.
Name the evolutions of these Pokémon. It's science!
Can you guess these 16 different Pokémon based on a picture?
Can you remember all of the new Pokémon introduced in Generation II?
Beat the clock to unscramble the names of these Pokémon. The answer change every time you play!
Can you name every Pokemon that has "King" in its name?
706,711 Original 151 Pokémon
197,011 Pokémon Types
115,471 All the Pokémon (#0001 to #1025)
104,945 Element... or Pokémon?
96,548All The Pokémon (#0001 - #1025) Quiz (No Types)
84,349 Pokémon Theme Tune Lyrics
71,042 Pokémon Real-Life Resemblances
62,418 Pokémon Evolutions - 1st Generation
48,065 Pokemon Moves Quiz
43,721 Pokémon by Picture
32,723 Generation II Pokémon
27,448 Word Scramble - Pokémon
26,193 List of All Ash Ketchum's Pokémon
24,592All Pokémon Moves Quiz
22,447 Pokémon with King in Their Name
22,106Pokémon by Picture: Generation I
14,778Pokemon Types
14,276Pokemon-Generation 1-4
11,92130 Difficult Pokemon Trivia
11,716Pokémon Type Weaknesses
10,522Generation 3 Pokemon
8,603Pokemon Games (Handheld Devices)
8,568Generation 4 Pokemon
8,444Pokémon that Start with A
8,308Pokémon: Which is the Shiny?
8,222All Ultra Beasts, Legendary Pokémon and Mythical Pokémon
7,002Pokemon Regions
6,780Generation 5 Pokemon
6,558Pokemon Gym Leaders
6,426Pokémon that Start with S
6,267Pokémon that Start with B
6,233Pokémon that Start with C
6,030Pokemon based on Pokedex entries
5,832Pokemon Type Effectiveness
5,827Poké Balls (Pokemon)
5,660Dragon type Pokemon
5,627Generation 2 Pokemon
5,254Generation 1 Pokemon
5,134Random Original Pokémon by Picture
5,077Pokémon that Start with D
4,991Pokémon that Start with M
4,682Pokémon that Start with G
4,679Name That Pokémon!
4,458Generation III Pokémon (Hoenn)
4,438Pokémon by Picture: Generation II
4,250Pokémon that Start with P
4,180Eeveelutions Pokemon Quiz
4,042Pokémon that Start with H
4,010Pokémon that Start with F
3,844Pokémon that Start with E
3,817Electric type Pokemon
3,775Most Powerful Pokémon Moves By Type
3,775Pokémon that Start with L
3,626Medication... or Pokémon?
3,609Pokemon: 001 - 151
3,516Pokémon that Start with T
3,513Pokémon that Start with R
3,478The 16 Fastest Pokémon Quiz
3,474Who's That Pokémon? - Silhouette Quiz
3,449Pokémon by Picture: Generation III
3,424Ghost Type Pokemon
3,413Pokémon that Start with K
3,317Pokémon that Start with J
3,248All Pokémon Abilities
3,156Pokemon Gym Leaders Based on Signature Pokemon
3,072Fire Type Pokemon
3,010Generation IV Pokémon (Sinnoh)
2,950Pokémon that Start with N
2,882All Pokémon Used By Main Characters
2,871Perfect pokemon
2,812Pokémon that Start with O
2,742Pokémon that Start with I
2,698Pokémon that Start with W
2,675Pokemon with only 4 letter in their name
2,642Pokémon that Start with V
2,633Pokémon that Start with Y
2,567Pokémon that Start with Z
2,560Water Type Pokemon
2,458Pokémon that Start with X
2,429Pokémon that Start with Q
2,425Pokémon by Picture: Generation IV
2,307All Pokemon Types in 30 Seconds
2,210Dark Type Pokemon
2,173Pokemon Types in Alphabetical Order
2,171Ice type Pokemon
2,166Pokémon that Start with U
2,125Mega Evolutions
2,117Name the 18 Pokemon types! All Hints are Gen. 1
2,096Pokémon names that contains Double Letters
2,061Pokémon Record Breakers Quiz
2,015Monotype Pokemon
2,007Pokemon Evolutions By Stones
1,993Pokémon by Picture: Generation V
1,968Genderless Pokemon
1,957Generation V Pokémon (Unova)
1,954Pokemon Gym Types
1,909Generation 1 Pokémon by First Two Letters in 90 Seconds
1,888All Water Type Pokémon
1,837All Fire Type Pokémon
1,816Pokemon Elite Four Quiz
1,805Pokemon Quiz: Kanto and Jhoto
1,796All Dragon Type Pokémon
1,794Pokemon that end with eon
1,731Pokemon Go - Quiz
1,722Fossil Pokemon
1,713Flying Type Pokemon
1,689Steel Type Pokemon
1,689Pokémon Word Scramble
1,671All Fighting Type Pokémon
1,651All Dark Type Pokémon
1,641Pokemon Mega Evolutions
1,628Bug Type Pokemon
1,623All Grass Type Pokémon
1,621Cities in the Pokémon Kanto Region on a Map
1,616Pokemon with X in their name
1,612Generation VIII Pokémon (Galar)
1,610Pokemon Generation 6
1,611Name all gen 1 Pokémon
1,610All Electric Type Pokémon
1,607All Ghost Type Pokémon
1,587Pokemon Quiz (First 3 generations)
1,587Fire-Type Pokemon Moves
1,581Fighting Type Pokemon
1,569Psychic Pokemon
1,564Pokemon 1-386
1,5432nd Generation Pokemon
1,536Grass Type Pokemon
1,528All Normal Type Pokémon
1,494All Fairy Type Pokémon
1,491All Ice Type Pokémon
1,478All Bug Type Pokémon
1,471Generation 6 Pokemon
1,462Water-Type Pokemon Moves
1,451All Psychic Type Pokémon
1,438Kanto Pokedex Quiz
1,418All Poison Type Pokémon
1,406All Flying Type Pokémon
1,406Poison Type Pokemon
1,401Random Pokemon Move Type Effectiveness
1,400All Steel Type Pokémon
1,385Pokemon Types
1,373All Gen VII Pokémon (722-809) (Alola)
1,364Generation 9 Pokémon
1,359Pokémon that Start with the Same Letter as Their Type
1,339Main Series Pokémon Games
1,329Pokémon with only 5 letter in their name
1,316Dragon-Type Pokemon Moves
1,317All Ground Type Pokémon
1,311Pokémon by Picture: Generation VI
1,295Pokémon With the Shortest Names
1,294Rock Type Pokemon
1,279Normal Type Pokemon
1,264Generation VI Pokémon (Kalos)
1,258All Rock Type Pokémon
1,256Pokemon Category Elimination
1,256Pokémon by Picture: Generation IX
1,249Pokémon names ending with letter A
1,228Pokemon - Unique Dual Types
1,210original 151 pokemon
1,209Pokémon by Picture: Generation VII
1,189Ground Type Pokemon
1,187Pokemon Original Theme Song Lyrics
1,185Tallest Pokémon
1,179Who's that Pokémon? Gen. 9 Paldea
1,177Unova Pokémon
1,149Pokémon used by Gym Leaders
1,149Grass-Type Pokemon Moves
1,142Dragon Type Pokemon
1,116Name 251 Pokemon
1,095Name the Pokemon Quiz - One minute Sprint
1,095Pokemon Games
1,091Pokemon that change types through evolution
1,074Electric-Type Pokemon Moves
1,065Pokemon Super Effectiveness
1,063Intimidating Pokemon
1,063Kalos Pokedex (Pokemon)
1,055Pokémon by Picture: Generation VIII
1,044Ice-Type Pokemon Moves
1,0427th Generation Pokémon (Alola)
1,026Pokemon Quiz: Species
1,019Ice Type Pokemon
1,016Pokemon Trivia
1,006Pokémon that END with E
1,005Pokémon that END with P, R & S
1,007Pokemon Masters EX - All Sync Pairs
1,001Pokémon names ending with letter E
996All Pokemon Abilities
984Pokémon that END with N & O
977Baby/Egg Pokemon
972Pokémon by the Anime Pokédex entries
958All Pokemon Starters
958Starter Pokemon
957Splash Pokemon
Child Directories
Parent Directories
All Pages