Taken | Quiz |
500'>706,711 | Original 151 Pokémon |
20'>197,011 | Pokémon Types |
115,471 | All the Pokémon (#0001 to #1025) |
20'>104,945 | Element... or Pokémon? |
96,548 | All The Pokémon (#0001 - #1025) Quiz (No Types) |
30'>84,349 | Pokémon Theme Tune Lyrics |
30'>71,042 | Pokémon Real-Life Resemblances |
30'>62,418 | Pokémon Evolutions - 1st Generation |
20'>48,065 | Pokemon Moves Quiz |
20'>43,721 | Pokémon by Picture |
100'>32,723 | Generation II Pokémon |
20'>27,448 | Word Scramble - Pokémon |
100'>26,193 | List of All Ash Ketchum's Pokémon |
24,592 | All Pokémon Moves Quiz |
10'>22,447 | Pokémon with King in Their Name |
500'>22,106 | Pokémon by Picture: Generation I |
20'>14,778 | Pokemon Types |
500'>14,276 | Pokemon-Generation 1-4 |
30'>11,921 | 30 Difficult Pokemon Trivia |
100'>11,716 | Pokémon Type Weaknesses |
500'>10,522 | Generation 3 Pokemon |
50'>8,603 | Pokemon Games (Handheld Devices) |
500'>8,568 | Generation 4 Pokemon |
50'>8,444 | Pokémon that Start with A |
20'>8,308 | Pokémon: Which is the Shiny? |
500'>8,222 | All Ultra Beasts, Legendary Pokémon and Mythical Pokémon |
10'>7,002 | Pokemon Regions |
500'>6,780 | Generation 5 Pokemon |
100'>6,558 | Pokemon Gym Leaders |
500'>6,426 | Pokémon that Start with S |
100'>6,267 | Pokémon that Start with B |
100'>6,233 | Pokémon that Start with C |
20'>6,030 | Pokemon based on Pokedex entries |
20'>5,832 | Pokemon Type Effectiveness |
30'>5,827 | Poké Balls (Pokemon) |
50'>5,660 | Dragon type Pokemon |
100'>5,627 | Generation 2 Pokemon |
500'>5,254 | Generation 1 Pokemon |
20'>5,134 | Random Original Pokémon by Picture |
100'>5,077 | Pokémon that Start with D |
100'>4,991 | Pokémon that Start with M |
100'>4,682 | Pokémon that Start with G |
20'>4,679 | Name That Pokémon! |
500'>4,458 | Generation III Pokémon (Hoenn) |
100'>4,438 | Pokémon by Picture: Generation II |
100'>4,250 | Pokémon that Start with P |
10'>4,180 | Eeveelutions Pokemon Quiz |
50'>4,042 | Pokémon that Start with H |
50'>4,010 | Pokémon that Start with F |
30'>3,844 | Pokémon that Start with E |
50'>3,817 | Electric type Pokemon |
20'>3,775 | Most Powerful Pokémon Moves By Type |
50'>3,775 | Pokémon that Start with L |
20'>3,626 | Medication... or Pokémon? |
500'>3,609 | Pokemon: 001 - 151 |
100'>3,516 | Pokémon that Start with T |
50'>3,513 | Pokémon that Start with R |
20'>3,478 | The 16 Fastest Pokémon Quiz |
10'>3,474 | Who's That Pokémon? - Silhouette Quiz |
500'>3,449 | Pokémon by Picture: Generation III |
50'>3,424 | Ghost Type Pokemon |
50'>3,413 | Pokémon that Start with K |
10'>3,317 | Pokémon that Start with J |
500'>3,248 | All Pokémon Abilities |
100'>3,156 | Pokemon Gym Leaders Based on Signature Pokemon |
100'>3,072 | Fire Type Pokemon |
500'>3,010 | Generation IV Pokémon (Sinnoh) |
30'>2,950 | Pokémon that Start with N |
500'>2,882 | All Pokémon Used By Main Characters |
500'>2,871 | Perfect pokemon |
20'>2,812 | Pokémon that Start with O |
20'>2,742 | Pokémon that Start with I |
30'>2,698 | Pokémon that Start with W |
20'>2,675 | Pokemon with only 4 letter in their name |
30'>2,642 | Pokémon that Start with V |
10'>2,633 | Pokémon that Start with Y |
20'>2,567 | Pokémon that Start with Z |
500'>2,560 | Water Type Pokemon |
10'>2,458 | Pokémon that Start with X |
10'>2,429 | Pokémon that Start with Q |
500'>2,425 | Pokémon by Picture: Generation IV |
20'>2,307 | All Pokemon Types in 30 Seconds |
50'>2,210 | Dark Type Pokemon |
20'>2,173 | Pokemon Types in Alphabetical Order |
50'>2,171 | Ice type Pokemon |
10'>2,166 | Pokémon that Start with U |
50'>2,125 | Mega Evolutions |
20'>2,117 | Name the 18 Pokemon types! All Hints are Gen. 1 |
500'>2,096 | Pokémon names that contains Double Letters |
20'>2,061 | Pokémon Record Breakers Quiz |
500'>2,015 | Monotype Pokemon |
50'>2,007 | Pokemon Evolutions By Stones |
500'>1,993 | Pokémon by Picture: Generation V |
100'>1,968 | Genderless Pokemon |
500'>1,957 | Generation V Pokémon (Unova) |
100'>1,954 | Pokemon Gym Types |
500'>1,909 | Generation 1 Pokémon by First Two Letters in 90 Seconds |
500'>1,888 | All Water Type Pokémon |
100'>1,837 | All Fire Type Pokémon |
30'>1,816 | Pokemon Elite Four Quiz |
500'>1,805 | Pokemon Quiz: Kanto and Jhoto |
100'>1,796 | All Dragon Type Pokémon |
10'>1,794 | Pokemon that end with eon |
20'>1,731 | Pokemon Go - Quiz |
30'>1,722 | Fossil Pokemon |
100'>1,713 | Flying Type Pokemon |
100'>1,689 | Steel Type Pokemon |
30'>1,689 | Pokémon Word Scramble |
100'>1,671 | All Fighting Type Pokémon |
100'>1,651 | All Dark Type Pokémon |
50'>1,641 | Pokemon Mega Evolutions |
100'>1,628 | Bug Type Pokemon |
500'>1,623 | All Grass Type Pokémon |
20'>1,621 | Cities in the Pokémon Kanto Region on a Map |
50'>1,616 | Pokemon with X in their name |
100'>1,612 | Generation VIII Pokémon (Galar) |
100'>1,610 | Pokemon Generation 6 |
500'>1,611 | Name all gen 1 Pokémon |
100'>1,610 | All Electric Type Pokémon |
100'>1,607 | All Ghost Type Pokémon |
500'>1,587 | Pokemon Quiz (First 3 generations) |
30'>1,587 | Fire-Type Pokemon Moves |
100'>1,581 | Fighting Type Pokemon |
100'>1,569 | Psychic Pokemon |
500'>1,564 | Pokemon 1-386 |
100'>1,543 | 2nd Generation Pokemon |
500'>1,536 | Grass Type Pokemon |
500'>1,528 | All Normal Type Pokémon |
100'>1,494 | All Fairy Type Pokémon |
100'>1,491 | All Ice Type Pokémon |
100'>1,478 | All Bug Type Pokémon |
100'>1,471 | Generation 6 Pokemon |
30'>1,462 | Water-Type Pokemon Moves |
500'>1,451 | All Psychic Type Pokémon |
500'>1,438 | Kanto Pokedex Quiz |
100'>1,418 | All Poison Type Pokémon |
500'>1,406 | All Flying Type Pokémon |
100'>1,406 | Poison Type Pokemon |
20'>1,401 | Random Pokemon Move Type Effectiveness |
100'>1,400 | All Steel Type Pokémon |
20'>1,385 | Pokemon Types |
100'>1,373 | All Gen VII Pokémon (722-809) (Alola) |
500'>1,364 | Generation 9 Pokémon |
500'>1,359 | Pokémon that Start with the Same Letter as Their Type |
50'>1,339 | Main Series Pokémon Games |
50'>1,329 | Pokémon with only 5 letter in their name |
20'>1,316 | Dragon-Type Pokemon Moves |
100'>1,317 | All Ground Type Pokémon |
100'>1,311 | Pokémon by Picture: Generation VI |
20'>1,295 | Pokémon With the Shortest Names |
100'>1,294 | Rock Type Pokemon |
100'>1,279 | Normal Type Pokemon |
100'>1,264 | Generation VI Pokémon (Kalos) |
100'>1,258 | All Rock Type Pokémon |
30'>1,256 | Pokemon Category Elimination |
500'>1,256 | Pokémon by Picture: Generation IX |
100'>1,249 | Pokémon names ending with letter A |
30'>1,228 | Pokemon - Unique Dual Types |
500'>1,210 | original 151 pokemon |
100'>1,209 | Pokémon by Picture: Generation VII |
100'>1,189 | Ground Type Pokemon |
100'>1,187 | Pokemon Original Theme Song Lyrics |
500'>1,185 | Tallest Pokémon |
20'>1,179 | Who's that Pokémon? Gen. 9 Paldea |
500'>1,177 | Unova Pokémon |
500'>1,149 | Pokémon used by Gym Leaders |
50'>1,149 | Grass-Type Pokemon Moves |
100'>1,142 | Dragon Type Pokemon |
500'>1,116 | Name 251 Pokemon |
500'>1,095 | Name the Pokemon Quiz - One minute Sprint |
20'>1,095 | Pokemon Games |
100'>1,091 | Pokemon that change types through evolution |
30'>1,074 | Electric-Type Pokemon Moves |
50'>1,065 | Pokemon Super Effectiveness |
30'>1,063 | Intimidating Pokemon |
500'>1,063 | Kalos Pokedex (Pokemon) |
100'>1,055 | Pokémon by Picture: Generation VIII |
30'>1,044 | Ice-Type Pokemon Moves |
100'>1,042 | 7th Generation Pokémon (Alola) |
20'>1,026 | Pokemon Quiz: Species |
50'>1,019 | Ice Type Pokemon |
20'>1,016 | Pokemon Trivia |
500'>1,006 | Pokémon that END with E |
500'>1,005 | Pokémon that END with P, R & S |
500'>1,007 | Pokemon Masters EX - All Sync Pairs |
500'>1,001 | Pokémon names ending with letter E |
500'>996 | All Pokemon Abilities |
500'>984 | Pokémon that END with N & O |
50'>977 | Baby/Egg Pokemon |
20'>972 | Pokémon by the Anime Pokédex entries |
20'>958 | All Pokemon Starters |
100'>958 | Starter Pokemon |
50'>957 | Splash Pokemon |