Population Quizzes

Population trivia for the demographics nerd. Can you name the countries that have the largest population? What about the biggest cities in the United States? If that's too easy, then try to name the biggest cities in China!
Take a Random Population Quiz
How many of the world's 24 most populous countries can you name?
Can you guess the 50 most populous cities in the United States according to 2022 U.S. Census estimates?
How many of the world's 50 most populous urban areas can you name?
Guess every major city in the world by guessing any city within 1,000 kilometers. With a map!
Try to name the 50 most populous urban areas in Europe.
Name the world's 100 most populous urban areas - with the help of a map!
Try to name the world's smallest countries by population and land area.
Try to name the 100 most populous metro areas in the U.S.
Can you name the 100 most populous urban areas in Europe with the help of a map?
Thinking of meaty sandwiches might get you a couple.
Can you guess the five most populated countries in each continent?
1,271,605 Biggest Countries by Population
784,319 Biggest Cities in the United States
635,193 Biggest Cities in the World Quiz
494,785 All 1M Cities by Proximity
439,414 Biggest Cities in Europe
356,954 100 Biggest Cities on a World Map
327,901 Smallest Countries by Population and Area
314,116 Biggest Metro Areas in the USA
292,863 100 Biggest Cities in Europe with a Map
252,968 Biggest Cities in Germany
239,252 Five Most Populated Countries by Continent
238,699 Top 50 Countries by Population - In Order
214,491 Megacities on a World Map
209,235 Biggest Cities in Italy
208,422 Biggest Cities by Language
199,944 Most Populous Countries in 2050
198,310 Top 10 Most Populous European Countries
192,121 15 Largest Cities in Europe With a Map
189,323 Countries with Megacities
180,587 Biggest Cities in France
180,003 Biggest World Cities A-Z
164,383 Biggest Urban Areas in the UK
164,093 Countries With More than 50 Million People
161,070 Five Most Populated Cities by Continent
158,436 Most Populous Countries in 1900
156,655 Top 10 Least Populous U.S. States
154,451 Top 10 Most Populous Asian Countries
152,240 Top 10 Most Populous African Countries
150,748 Biggest US Cities by Decade
147,914 Biggest Cities in Spain
147,760 Five Biggest Cities by Country
146,280 Biggest City in Each U.S. State
144,615 Top 10 Most Populous U.S. States
143,338 Biggest Cities Starting With B
141,224 Flags of Countries With More Than 100 Million People
140,059 Countries with the Highest Population Density
136,426 Countries with the Lowest Population Density
136,291 Most Populous World Capitals
133,763 Biggest English-Speaking Cities
133,201 Countries With More Than 100 Million People
131,932 Biggest Cities in China
127,811 Biggest Cities in the U.S. - Extreme
127,597 Biggest Cities in California
124,183 Biggest Cities Starting With M
120,437 Countries More Populous Than Their Neighbors
120,356 Countries of Europe by Population
119,436 Biggest U.S. Cities A-Z
117,098 Biggest Cities in Canada
116,281 Biggest European Cities by Letter
115,270 Biggest European Cities by Century
114,252 Capitals of the Most Populated Countries
112,466 Biggest Cities Starting With T
111,094 Biggest Cities Starting With S
110,647 Biggest Cities Starting With P
109,666 Most Populous Islands
108,962 Biggest Cities in Texas
108,578 Biggest Cities Starting With A
106,593 First Countries to Reach 5 Million People
106,489 Biggest Cities Starting With L
106,045 Five Most Populated Countries by Hemisphere
105,977 Biggest Spanish-Speaking Cities
105,840 Most Populous Countries with Exceptions
105,117 15 Largest Cities in Asia With a Map
104,247 Biggest Cities Starting With D
101,190 Biggest Cities in 4 Random Countries on a Map
96,446 Biggest Cities with a Muslim Majority
96,326 Biggest Two-Word U.S. Cities
96,318 Biggest English Cities by Century
94,528 Countries with the Most Population Growth by Decade
94,550 Biggest Cities Starting With C
94,027 Biggest Cities Starting With H
93,308 Most Populous Countries Bordering Each Other
92,738 Biggest Cities in Asia
92,557 250 Biggest Cities in Europe With a Map
92,106 500 Biggest Cities in the World on a Map
91,381 500 Biggest US Cities
90,682 Top 15 Most Populous Countries Ending in "IA"
90,537 Countries With More than 200 Million People
90,520 10 Biggest Cities That Aren't World Capitals
90,359 Populous Countries Bordering Smaller Countries
90,181Five Most Populated Countries in 2050 by Continent
90,189 Biggest Cities in Africa Quiz
89,601 Most Populous Countries by Year
89,295 Biggest Cities in the UK
88,204 Biggest Cities in the World - Extreme
88,171 Top 10 Most Densely-Populated Countries in Europe
88,112 15 Largest Cities in South America With a Map
86,361 Every 100k+ City in the United States on a Map
84,658 Megacities on an Empty Map
84,442 Most Populous Modern-Day Countries by Century
84,194 Countries with a Population Under 1 Million by Clue
83,228 100 Biggest U.S. Cities on a Map
81,997 Top 10 Asian Countries by Population Increase
81,526 Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with D
81,386 Islands by Largest City #1
81,067 Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with A
80,909 15 Largest Cities in the Middle East With a Map
79,342 U.S. States with the Lowest Population Density
78,358 Top 10 Most Densely-Populated Countries in Asia
77,393 Most Populated Countries Bordering the Pacific Ocean
77,216 Biggest Cities in History
77,100 Biggest Cities in the World - 2100
76,656 Biggest Cities Starting With K
75,813 Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with C
75,781 Every 1,000,000+ City on a Map
74,875 All 100k+ Cities in Europe on a Map
74,542 Biggest Cities in Russia
74,369 Biggest City in Every Country
74,238 Most Populous Modern-Day Countries in 1 AD
73,339 Biggest Mediterranean Cities
73,187 Biggest Cities in Japan
72,887 First U.S. States to Reach 1 Million People
72,615 Countries with the Most People Bordering Them
70,472 100 Biggest Cities in Germany on a Map
69,278 Most Populous Countries in 1950
69,070 Fastest Growing U.S. Cities
68,386 25 Biggest Cities of the Soviet Union
67,779 Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with B
67,229 Biggest Cities in Each U.S. State - Extreme
67,385 Countries With 100 Million People - Sudden Death
67,031 Most Populous Modern-Day Countries in 1000 AD
66,995 Biggest Cities in Europe - Extreme
66,614 Top 10 World Cities Through History
66,132 Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with S
65,872 Biggest Cities in Florida
65,726 U.S. States with the Highest Population Density
65,460 Five Biggest World Cities by Letter #1
65,382 Most Populous Modern-Day Countries in 1500 AD
65,071 Most Populous Country by First Two Letters
64,911 Countries Losing the Most Population by 2070
64,786 Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with M
63,612 Fastest Growing U.S. States Since 1960
63,608 Biggest Cities in Europe, 1700 A.D.
63,589 Five Most Densely Populated Countries by Continent
63,355 Biggest Cities once in the Roman Empire
63,340 Biggest World Cities in 1850
63,070 50 Biggest Cities in 1920 on a World Map
62,832 Five Least Densely Populated Countries by Continent
62,784 Densest Countries Bordering Each Other
62,056 Five Most Populated Countries on a Multicolored World Map
62,029 Biggest Cities in the Commonwealth of Nations
61,598 Five Biggest World Cities by Letter #2
61,553 Ten Biggest Cities by Hemisphere
60,949 Two Largest Cities by First Two Letters
60,759 All 3M Cities on the World Map
60,594 Countries Less Populous Than Their Neighbors
60,592 Biggest Cities in India
60,544 Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with N
60,278 100 Biggest US Cities in 1900
60,002 100 Biggest Cities in Italy on a Map
59,024 Biggest Nordic Cities
58,884 Biggest Cities in Latin America Quiz
58,789 Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with L
58,549 Jewish Cities Quiz
58,140 2,000 Biggest World Cities Furthest from a Larger City
57,184 Three Most Populous Countries By Each Letter
57,088 Most Populous Cities as a Percent of Their Continent
55,145 Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with P
55,058 First U.S. Cities to Reach 100,000 People
54,686 Biggest Cities in New York State
54,186 U.S. Cities With Population > 1 Million
53,931 Colour in the Flag Map by Guessing Cities
53,272 Most "Overpopulated" Countries
52,412 Biggest City by Time Zone
52,360 Most Populous Modern-Day Countries in 1800 AD
52,263 Biggest Cities in the Southern Hemisphere
52,170 100 Biggest Cities in the World with Exceptions
51,863 Most Populous 2nd Cities
50,673 Top 10 Most Populous U.S. State Capitals
49,992 100 Biggest Cities in North America on a Map
49,749 Largest World Capitals with Exceptions
49,639 Biggest Cities once in the Spanish Empire
49,294 Biggest Countries by Population - Shape Quiz
48,514 Countries by Population Range - Tile Select
48,055 Biggest Cities in The Netherlands
47,524 Countries Gaining the Most Population by 2070
47,292 Countries Similar to U.S. States by Population
46,937 Biggest Cities in Brazil
46,840 Biggest Cities with Exceptions
46,211 Ten Northernmost Megacities
46,122 Biggest Cities in Poland
45,571 Countries by Population Decrease
45,242 Ten Southernmost Megacities
45,051 Biggest City by Island
44,750 Biggest Cities in Ohio
44,525 Countries With a Population Under 1 Million - Sudden Death
42,910 Biggest Cities in Germany - Extreme
42,460 Largest World Cities With Four Letters
42,389 Biggest Cities in Switzerland
42,337 Biggest Cities by Trait #1
41,976 Biggest Cities once in the Ottoman Empire
41,869 Colour in the Flag Map by Guessing Cities #2
41,838 Biggest Cities in Pennsylvania
41,627 Biggest Cities in Asia - Extreme
41,524 Most "Underpopulated" Countries
41,343All countries by Population - as you proceed you are given starting letter as hint
40,879 Biggest Cities in Deserts
40,448 Biggest Cities in France - Extreme
39,548 Most Populous Second Cities in the U.S.
39,518 African Cities in the Top 200 Worldwide
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