Shakespeare Quizzes

Take a Random Shakespeare Quiz
Do you have what it takes to name all 34 of Shakespeare's plays?
You might not remember them all, but you've probably at least heard them.
Can you guess whether these quotes come from the works of William Shakespeare or from the Bible?
Can you name these characters from the plays of William Shakespeare?
Away, thou knave, so empty in the field of the master's arts! .. Only click Shakespeare plays, dudes.
Can you fill the blanks in these phrases that were invented or popularized by Shakespeare?
Probably not. But, even so, try to answer these multiple choice questions about William Shakespeare and his many plays.
337,556 Shakespeare's Plays Quiz
61,282 Shakespeare Quotes Quiz
37,168 Shakespeare... or the Bible?
35,288 Shakespearean Characters
33,088 Shakespearean Phrases
31,953 Shakespeare Plays - Sudden Death
31,044 Do You Even Know Anything About Shakespeare?
5,036Shakespeare by Characters
3,616Shakespeare's Plays by Plot
2,530Shakespeare Characters from 'Romeo and Juliet'
2,288Name a Shakespeare Play A-Z
1,184Phrases coined/popularized by Shakespeare
1,165Romeo and Juliet Quiz
1,096Macbeth: A little quiz
1,046Shakespeare Characters from 'Hamlet'
977Shakespearean Decoder
962Shakespeare Quotes by Play
901Finish Shakespeare's famous Macbeth quotes
852Shakespeare Characters from 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'
838Hamlet Quotes
838Name All Shakespeare Characters
822Shakespeare Quotes Quiz
710Shakespeare or the Bible?
637Shakespeare Characters from 'King Lear'
599Countries Explicitly Mentioned in Shakespeare's Plays
563Jerry Seinfeld or William Shakespeare?
554Shakespeare... or Bart Simpson?
480Countries where Shakespeare's Plays are Set
433Romeo and Juliet Quiz
430Shakespeare Decoder
428Romeo and Juliet Prologue
406Romeo and Juliet General Quiz
383Shakespeare Characters from 'The Tempest'
371One-Word Shakespeare Play Titles
317Shakespeare Plays
307Shakespeare Plays by Wikipedia Description
301Romeo and Juliet Quiz
169Shakespeare Plays Tragedy/Comedy/History
131Shakespeare Characters from 'The Taming of the Shrew'
82Romeo and Juliet Quotes
54Romeo and Juliet Quiz
29Romeo and Juliet Franchise
26Romeo and Juliet - page 129 - prince -196-207
20Romeo & Juliet - Romeo and Fate
16Romeo & Juliet - Theme: Conflict and the Feud
16Romeo & Juliet - Tybalt and Benvolio
9Romeo and Juliet Movie Songs
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