Top 20 Countries Quizzes

Take a Random Top 20 Countries Quiz
How many of the world's 24 most populous countries can you name?
This is a list of the 20 countries with the largest surface area. How many can you name in 4 minutes?
We compiled a list of the 20 countries with the longest coastlines. How many can you name?
These countries have land borders with 7 or more other countries. That's a lot of neighbors!
Try to name the world's smallest countries by population and land area.
Name the world's 20 northernmost countries.
Name the countries that have the most citizens with a net worth of at least $1 billion. 💰💰💰
We made a list of the 20 countries that have the largest economies. How many can you name?
Name the countries with the highest per-capita income.
Name the world's 20 southernmost countries.
Remember the Beatles song "When I'm Sixty-Four"? That used to be considered old.
1,257,597 Biggest Countries by Population
893,601 Biggest Countries by Area
381,420 Countries with the Longest Coastlines
339,817 Countries with the Most Borders
326,131 Smallest Countries by Population and Area
319,067 Northernmost Countries
271,280 Countries with the Most Billionaires
263,120 Countries with the Biggest Economies by GDP
231,323 Richest Countries by Per-Capita GDP
191,134 Southernmost Countries of the World
189,495 Countries with the Highest Life Expectancy
188,030 Countries by Alcohol Consumption
184,324 Most Populous Countries in 2050
174,265 Countries that Produce the Most Wine
170,948 Countries with the Highest Obesity Rate
164,837 Countries With the Most Languages
158,552 Countries with the Highest Maximum Elevation
157,078 Most Populous Countries in 1900
153,930 Largest Countries by Area or Population
152,795 Countries with the Most Winter Olympics Medals
152,088 Top Crude Oil Producing Countries
139,180 Countries with the Highest Population Density
135,364 Countries with the Lowest Population Density
130,848 Countries With the Most Islands of at Least 10 Km²
126,927 Countries with the Most Muslims
119,735 Coldest Countries
118,858 Countries with the Most Exports
115,805 Widest Countries East to West
114,040 Largest Countries as a Percent of Continent
109,085 Countries by Oil Consumption
107,729 Most Expensive Countries
107,398 Tallest Countries North to South
107,098 Countries with the Most Murders
103,532 Top 20 Motor Vehicle Producing Countries
101,799 Countries with the Most Desert
97,737 Countries with Most Tourists with Exceptions
97,112 Countries that Catch the Most Fish
95,935 Largest Economies in 2050
94,436 Poorest Countries with Exceptions
92,458 Most Populous Countries with Exceptions
90,621 Countries with the Most Area in the Southern Hemisphere
88,178 Most Populous Countries by Year
87,783 Countries by Inland Surface Water
85,152 Countries with the Highest Population Under Age 15
82,234 Countries with the Most Prisoners
82,225 Most Populous Countries as a Percent of Their Continent
80,669 Countries with the Most Nobel Prizes
79,233 Countries with the Most Millionaires
78,598 Countries with the Shortest Total Borders
76,026 Lowest Fertility Countries
75,000 Countries with the Most People in Extreme Poverty
73,771 Countries With the Tallest People
73,703 Top Olive Oil Producing Countries
70,906 Countries with the Highest Murder Rate
69,603 Countries With Highest GDP as a Percent of Continent
69,395 Countries with the Longest Perimeter
69,316 Countries with the Most Billionaires per Capita
68,859 Countries with the Highest Population 65 and Older
68,544 Most Populous Countries in 1950
66,104 Countries with the Least Precipitation
66,005 Countries with the Lowest Murder Rate
65,468 Countries by Contribution to UN Budget
61,913 Countries by Net Migration
60,544 Countries with the Most Total Precipitation
59,330 Countries with the Highest Average Elevation
58,398 Countries with the Highest GDP per Square Kilometer
57,338 Worst Plastic Polluting Countries
56,153 Countries with the Highest Elevation with Exceptions
55,843 Countries with the Most Skyscrapers per Capita
55,819 Most Fragile Countries not in Africa
55,671 Countries by Wealth per Capita
50,873 Countries Whose Center is Closest to the Equator
48,997 Countries With the Shortest People
48,207 Countries with the Most Precipitation
47,809 Countries by Carbon Dioxide Emissions per Capita
47,467 Countries by Airline Passengers
46,853 Countries by Change in Carbon Dioxide Emissions
44,040 Most Densely Populated Countries with Exceptions
42,758 Best Countries To Be Born In
41,153 Countries with the Most Domestic Camels
40,838 Countries that Eat the Most Meat
38,251 Countries That Produce the Most Spices
36,630 Most Populous Countries in 1800
35,872 Countries with the Most Area in the Tropics
35,846Top Movie Producing Countries
34,374 Countries with the Highest Percentage of Forest
31,345 Countries with the Most Mangroves
31,094 Countries with Most Nobel Laureates per Capita
31,077 Top 10 Diamond Producing Countries
30,745 Countries Producing the Most Oranges
30,339 Biggest Countries on the Mercator Projection
28,408 Recipients of U.S. Foreign Aid
20,775 Countries by Milk Production
20,077 Countries with the Least Air Pollution
18,823 Top 20 Countries Wider than Tall
16,333 Countries that Produce the Most Palm Oil
14,078Top 20 Most Jewish Countries
11,142 Highest Fertility Countries with Exceptions
10,280Least Visited Countries
6,574Top 20 Most Islamic Countries
6,135Countries with the Most Muslims
5,582Most Democratic Countries
5,541Countries with the Highest Jewish Population
5,376Most Generous Countries
5,236Top 20 Most Christian Countries
4,991Top 20 Most Buddhist Countries
4,979Countries with the Least Murders
4,861Countries with the most Nobel Prize Winners
4,73920 Biggest Countries by Population (with a map)
4,649Highest Life Satisfaction Countries
4,615Least Democratic Countries
4,36520 Most Generous Countries
4,338World's Biggest Importing Countries
3,844Most Peaceful Countries
3,742Top 20 Most Hindu Countries
3,729Countries with the Most Arid Desert
3,424Top Internet Using Countries
2,780Countries with the Most Cities as a Percent of Continent
2,655Biggest Tea Drinking Countries
2,638Top coal producing countries
2,606TOP 20 Countries in Beer Consumption
2,506Countries with Tallest Women
2,484Most Urbanized Countries (population)
2,325Top 20 Least Forested Countries
2,264Countries that have had their current flag for the longest
2,092Top 20 FIFA Men's Rankings of Countries (2019)
2,073Countries with the Worst Drivers
2,069Top 20 Most Populated Countries That Aren't Big (with a map)
1,919Best Countries to Live In (Prosperity Index)
1,898Lowest Countries
1,854Richest Countries with Exceptions
1,797Countries by Oldest Ever Citizen
1,742The 20 Best Countries to Visit
1,736Top 20 countries by vodka consumption
1,687Countries With the Largest Debt to GDP Ratios
1,681Top 20 Countries by Number of Languages
1,616🍇 Top 20 Grape producing countries
1,613Countries with Highest Inland Surface Water Percentage
1,552Countries with Two or More Time Zones
1,535Top 20 largest countries in Europe
1,527Countries with Highest Lowest Points
1,521Countries With the Most Persian Speakers
1,451Top 20 Healthiest Countries
1,377Top 20 Biggest Countries That Aren't Populated (with a map)
1,30320 Of The World's Richest Countries
1,296Largest and smallest EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone)
1,295Most Popular Destinations for American Citizens
1,28820 Countries With the Highest Rate of Cancer
1,260Countries With The Most Railroad Track Length
1,23320 Poorest Countries in the World
1,232Most Populous Countries in 1700
1,211Top 20 Largest Landlocked Countries
1,209World Goat Population
1,184Top 20 Countries with Khan as Surname
1,157Countries Producing the Most Blueberries (2016)
1,154Countries with Lowest Highest Points
1,131Countries that have had their current flag for the shortest time
1,121Countries with the Highest Male to Female Ratio
1,102Best and Worst Countries to Live In
1,085Countries With the Highest Rate of Immigration
1,051Countries with the Highest Education
1,042Top 20 countries by alcohol related deaths
1,009Countries Producing the Most Tobacco (2012)
96830 Most Charitable Countries by Government Donation
961Top 20 Richest Countries by GDP per capita.
938Highest-Ranked Countries by Area and Population
934Top 20 countries with highest population in 2050
893Top 20 weapon exporting Countries
877Countries with the Most Long Rivers
875Top FIFA Men's Country Rankings with Exceptions
838Top 20 Most Democratic Countries
827Top 20 most peaceful countries
824Top 20 Countries With Most Economic Freedom
816Countries with the Highest City Population
764Top 20 countries by sugar consumption
76120 Countries with the most published books per year
743Top 20 Least Corrupt Countries
736Countries Producing the Most Asparagus (2012)
733The 20 "Goodest" Countries
727Countries Producing the Most Wool (2012)
719Countries With the Most Serial Killers
716The 20 Countries with the Lowest 'Road Vehicle Death Rate'
71220 Biggest Countries by Land Area (with a map)
712Most HIV/AIDS Deaths by Country
689Countries with highest rate of smokers
662Top 20 Least Densely Populated Countries
662Top 20 Electricity Consuming Countries
649Countries Producing the Most Almonds (2012)
627Top 20 Wind Power Countries
602Countries with the Lowest Human Poverty Index
590Countries Producing the Most Natural Rubber (2012)
586Countries with the Most Total Land Borders
586Top 20 Countries by highest elevation
57820 Most Restrictive Countries
564Countries taking up most refugees (percentage of population)
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