Taken | Quiz |
30'>1,257,597 | Biggest Countries by Population |
20'>893,601 | Biggest Countries by Area |
20'>381,420 | Countries with the Longest Coastlines |
20'>339,817 | Countries with the Most Borders |
30'>326,131 | Smallest Countries by Population and Area |
20'>319,067 | Northernmost Countries |
30'>271,280 | Countries with the Most Billionaires |
20'>263,120 | Countries with the Biggest Economies by GDP |
20'>231,323 | Richest Countries by Per-Capita GDP |
20'>191,134 | Southernmost Countries of the World |
30'>189,495 | Countries with the Highest Life Expectancy |
30'>188,030 | Countries by Alcohol Consumption |
30'>184,324 | Most Populous Countries in 2050 |
20'>174,265 | Countries that Produce the Most Wine |
20'>170,948 | Countries with the Highest Obesity Rate |
20'>164,837 | Countries With the Most Languages |
20'>158,552 | Countries with the Highest Maximum Elevation |
30'>157,078 | Most Populous Countries in 1900 |
50'>153,930 | Largest Countries by Area or Population |
20'>152,795 | Countries with the Most Winter Olympics Medals |
20'>152,088 | Top Crude Oil Producing Countries |
30'>139,180 | Countries with the Highest Population Density |
30'>135,364 | Countries with the Lowest Population Density |
20'>130,848 | Countries With the Most Islands of at Least 10 Km² |
20'>126,927 | Countries with the Most Muslims |
20'>119,735 | Coldest Countries |
20'>118,858 | Countries with the Most Exports |
20'>115,805 | Widest Countries East to West |
20'>114,040 | Largest Countries as a Percent of Continent |
30'>109,085 | Countries by Oil Consumption |
30'>107,729 | Most Expensive Countries |
20'>107,398 | Tallest Countries North to South |
20'>107,098 | Countries with the Most Murders |
20'>103,532 | Top 20 Motor Vehicle Producing Countries |
30'>101,799 | Countries with the Most Desert |
20'>97,737 | Countries with Most Tourists with Exceptions |
20'>97,112 | Countries that Catch the Most Fish |
20'>95,935 | Largest Economies in 2050 |
20'>94,436 | Poorest Countries with Exceptions |
20'>92,458 | Most Populous Countries with Exceptions |
20'>90,621 | Countries with the Most Area in the Southern Hemisphere |
30'>88,178 | Most Populous Countries by Year |
20'>87,783 | Countries by Inland Surface Water |
20'>85,152 | Countries with the Highest Population Under Age 15 |
20'>82,234 | Countries with the Most Prisoners |
20'>82,225 | Most Populous Countries as a Percent of Their Continent |
20'>80,669 | Countries with the Most Nobel Prizes |
20'>79,233 | Countries with the Most Millionaires |
20'>78,598 | Countries with the Shortest Total Borders |
30'>76,026 | Lowest Fertility Countries |
20'>75,000 | Countries with the Most People in Extreme Poverty |
20'>73,771 | Countries With the Tallest People |
20'>73,703 | Top Olive Oil Producing Countries |
20'>70,906 | Countries with the Highest Murder Rate |
30'>69,603 | Countries With Highest GDP as a Percent of Continent |
30'>69,395 | Countries with the Longest Perimeter |
30'>69,316 | Countries with the Most Billionaires per Capita |
30'>68,859 | Countries with the Highest Population 65 and Older |
20'>68,544 | Most Populous Countries in 1950 |
20'>66,104 | Countries with the Least Precipitation |
20'>66,005 | Countries with the Lowest Murder Rate |
20'>65,468 | Countries by Contribution to UN Budget |
30'>61,913 | Countries by Net Migration |
20'>60,544 | Countries with the Most Total Precipitation |
20'>59,330 | Countries with the Highest Average Elevation |
20'>58,398 | Countries with the Highest GDP per Square Kilometer |
20'>57,338 | Worst Plastic Polluting Countries |
20'>56,153 | Countries with the Highest Elevation with Exceptions |
20'>55,843 | Countries with the Most Skyscrapers per Capita |
30'>55,819 | Most Fragile Countries not in Africa |
20'>55,671 | Countries by Wealth per Capita |
20'>50,873 | Countries Whose Center is Closest to the Equator |
20'>48,997 | Countries With the Shortest People |
20'>48,207 | Countries with the Most Precipitation |
20'>47,809 | Countries by Carbon Dioxide Emissions per Capita |
20'>47,467 | Countries by Airline Passengers |
20'>46,853 | Countries by Change in Carbon Dioxide Emissions |
20'>44,040 | Most Densely Populated Countries with Exceptions |
20'>42,758 | Best Countries To Be Born In |
20'>41,153 | Countries with the Most Domestic Camels |
20'>40,838 | Countries that Eat the Most Meat |
20'>38,251 | Countries That Produce the Most Spices |
20'>36,630 | Most Populous Countries in 1800 |
20'>35,872 | Countries with the Most Area in the Tropics |
20'>35,846 | Top Movie Producing Countries |
30'>34,374 | Countries with the Highest Percentage of Forest |
20'>31,345 | Countries with the Most Mangroves |
20'>31,094 | Countries with Most Nobel Laureates per Capita |
10'>31,077 | Top 10 Diamond Producing Countries |
20'>30,745 | Countries Producing the Most Oranges |
30'>30,339 | Biggest Countries on the Mercator Projection |
20'>28,408 | Recipients of U.S. Foreign Aid |
20'>20,775 | Countries by Milk Production |
30'>20,077 | Countries with the Least Air Pollution |
20'>18,823 | Top 20 Countries Wider than Tall |
20'>16,333 | Countries that Produce the Most Palm Oil |
20'>14,078 | Top 20 Most Jewish Countries |
30'>11,142 | Highest Fertility Countries with Exceptions |
30'>10,280 | Least Visited Countries |
20'>6,574 | Top 20 Most Islamic Countries |
20'>6,135 | Countries with the Most Muslims |
20'>5,582 | Most Democratic Countries |
20'>5,541 | Countries with the Highest Jewish Population |
30'>5,376 | Most Generous Countries |
20'>5,236 | Top 20 Most Christian Countries |
20'>4,991 | Top 20 Most Buddhist Countries |
20'>4,979 | Countries with the Least Murders |
20'>4,861 | Countries with the most Nobel Prize Winners |
20'>4,739 | 20 Biggest Countries by Population (with a map) |
50'>4,649 | Highest Life Satisfaction Countries |
20'>4,615 | Least Democratic Countries |
20'>4,365 | 20 Most Generous Countries |
30'>4,338 | World's Biggest Importing Countries |
20'>3,844 | Most Peaceful Countries |
20'>3,742 | Top 20 Most Hindu Countries |
30'>3,729 | Countries with the Most Arid Desert |
20'>3,424 | Top Internet Using Countries |
30'>2,780 | Countries with the Most Cities as a Percent of Continent |
20'>2,655 | Biggest Tea Drinking Countries |
20'>2,638 | Top coal producing countries |
20'>2,606 | TOP 20 Countries in Beer Consumption |
20'>2,506 | Countries with Tallest Women |
30'>2,484 | Most Urbanized Countries (population) |
20'>2,325 | Top 20 Least Forested Countries |
20'>2,264 | Countries that have had their current flag for the longest |
20'>2,092 | Top 20 FIFA Men's Rankings of Countries (2019) |
20'>2,073 | Countries with the Worst Drivers |
20'>2,069 | Top 20 Most Populated Countries That Aren't Big (with a map) |
20'>1,919 | Best Countries to Live In (Prosperity Index) |
20'>1,898 | Lowest Countries |
20'>1,854 | Richest Countries with Exceptions |
20'>1,797 | Countries by Oldest Ever Citizen |
20'>1,742 | The 20 Best Countries to Visit |
30'>1,736 | Top 20 countries by vodka consumption |
30'>1,687 | Countries With the Largest Debt to GDP Ratios |
20'>1,681 | Top 20 Countries by Number of Languages |
20'>1,616 | 🍇 Top 20 Grape producing countries |
20'>1,613 | Countries with Highest Inland Surface Water Percentage |
30'>1,552 | Countries with Two or More Time Zones |
20'>1,535 | Top 20 largest countries in Europe |
20'>1,527 | Countries with Highest Lowest Points |
20'>1,521 | Countries With the Most Persian Speakers |
20'>1,451 | Top 20 Healthiest Countries |
20'>1,377 | Top 20 Biggest Countries That Aren't Populated (with a map) |
20'>1,303 | 20 Of The World's Richest Countries |
30'>1,296 | Largest and smallest EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) |
20'>1,295 | Most Popular Destinations for American Citizens |
20'>1,288 | 20 Countries With the Highest Rate of Cancer |
20'>1,260 | Countries With The Most Railroad Track Length |
20'>1,233 | 20 Poorest Countries in the World |
30'>1,232 | Most Populous Countries in 1700 |
20'>1,211 | Top 20 Largest Landlocked Countries |
30'>1,209 | World Goat Population |
20'>1,184 | Top 20 Countries with Khan as Surname |
20'>1,157 | Countries Producing the Most Blueberries (2016) |
20'>1,154 | Countries with Lowest Highest Points |
30'>1,131 | Countries that have had their current flag for the shortest time |
20'>1,121 | Countries with the Highest Male to Female Ratio |
20'>1,102 | Best and Worst Countries to Live In |
20'>1,085 | Countries With the Highest Rate of Immigration |
20'>1,051 | Countries with the Highest Education |
20'>1,042 | Top 20 countries by alcohol related deaths |
20'>1,009 | Countries Producing the Most Tobacco (2012) |
30'>968 | 30 Most Charitable Countries by Government Donation |
20'>961 | Top 20 Richest Countries by GDP per capita. |
20'>938 | Highest-Ranked Countries by Area and Population |
20'>934 | Top 20 countries with highest population in 2050 |
20'>893 | Top 20 weapon exporting Countries |
30'>877 | Countries with the Most Long Rivers |
30'>875 | Top FIFA Men's Country Rankings with Exceptions |
20'>838 | Top 20 Most Democratic Countries |
20'>827 | Top 20 most peaceful countries |
20'>824 | Top 20 Countries With Most Economic Freedom |
30'>816 | Countries with the Highest City Population |
20'>764 | Top 20 countries by sugar consumption |
20'>761 | 20 Countries with the most published books per year |
20'>743 | Top 20 Least Corrupt Countries |
20'>736 | Countries Producing the Most Asparagus (2012) |
20'>733 | The 20 "Goodest" Countries |
20'>727 | Countries Producing the Most Wool (2012) |
20'>719 | Countries With the Most Serial Killers |
20'>716 | The 20 Countries with the Lowest 'Road Vehicle Death Rate' |
20'>712 | 20 Biggest Countries by Land Area (with a map) |
20'>712 | Most HIV/AIDS Deaths by Country |
20'>689 | Countries with highest rate of smokers |
20'>662 | Top 20 Least Densely Populated Countries |
20'>662 | Top 20 Electricity Consuming Countries |
20'>649 | Countries Producing the Most Almonds (2012) |
20'>627 | Top 20 Wind Power Countries |
20'>602 | Countries with the Lowest Human Poverty Index |
20'>590 | Countries Producing the Most Natural Rubber (2012) |
20'>586 | Countries with the Most Total Land Borders |
20'>586 | Top 20 Countries by highest elevation |
20'>578 | 20 Most Restrictive Countries |
10'>564 | Countries taking up most refugees (percentage of population) |