Top 5 Countries by Continent Quizzes

Take a Random Top 5 Countries by Continent Quiz
Can you guess the five most populated countries in each continent?
For each continent, which five countries have the largest amount of area within that continent?
For each continent, name the 5 countries whose names are alphabetically first.
For each continent, name the five richest countries by per-capita income.
For each continent, try to guess the five countries that have the largest economies.
For each continent, name the five poorest countries by per-capita income.
Can you name the five most guessed countries by continent, based on the JetPunk countries of the world quiz?
Can you name the five countries that come last in the alphabet in each continent?
Can you name the five smallest countries by area in each continent?
For each continent, can you name the five countries that have won the most Olympic medals ?
For each continent, can you name the 5 countries that are closest to the United States?
239,554 Five Most Populated Countries by Continent
201,807 Five Biggest Countries by Continent
188,497 First Five Countries Alphabetically by Continent
186,443 Five Richest Countries by Continent
156,736 Five Biggest Economies by Continent
154,235 Five Poorest Countries by Continent
148,724 Five Most Guessed Countries by Continent
137,615 Last Five Countries Alphabetically by Continent
129,226 Five Smallest Countries by Continent
122,483 Five Top Olympic Medal-Winning Countries by Continent
120,928 Countries Closest to United States by Continent
113,673 Five Least Populated Countries by Continent
102,121 Five Countries with the Longest Coastline by Continent
94,508 Five Countries with Most Christians by Continent
94,258 Five Most Elevated Countries by Continent
90,221Five Most Populated Countries in 2050 by Continent
85,758 Five Countries With the Most Tourists by Continent
76,459 Five Least Guessed Countries by Continent
64,640 Five Northernmost Capital Cities by Continent
63,726 Five Most Densely Populated Countries by Continent
62,942 Five Least Densely Populated Countries by Continent
62,073 Five Countries by a Single Word by Continent
56,673 Five Coldest Countries by Continent
54,865 Countries with Most Nobel Prizes by Continent
51,622 Five Highest HDI Countries by Continent
46,850 Five Lowest HDI Countries by Continent
15,522Five Languages with the Most Total Speakers by Continent
11,080Category Elimination - Five Countries by Continent
10,679First Five Countries Alphabetically by Continent with Exceptions
9,936Five Biggest Island Countries by Continent
9,615First Five World Capitals Alphabetically by Continent
9,354Five Best Summer Olympic Nations by Continent
8,853Five Biggest Countries by Area and Population by Continent
8,592Five Most Murderous Countries by Continent
8,214Five Shortest Country Names by Continent
7,002Solve Five Secret Countries by Continent
6,768Five Most Islamic Countries by Continent
6,343Five Countries in Their Native Language by Continent
6,123Five Biggest Countries by Continent - advanced version
6,011Five Newest Countries by Continent
5,951Five Most Visited Countries by Continent
5,721Five Least Peaceful Countries by Continent
5,512First Five World Cities Alphabetically by Continent
5,394Five Closest Countries to New York City by Continent
5,340Five Northernmost Countries by Continent
5,304Five Countries with Most Jews by Continent
5,241Five Most Powerful Militaries by Continent
5,202Five Busiest Airport Cities by Continent
5,197Five Least Bordered Countries by Continent
4,991Five Countries by First Two Letters by Continent #1
4,888Five Biggest Countries Containing Letter 'A' by Continent
4,874Five Biggest Countries by Continent (with a map)
4,841Five Southernmost Capital Cities by Continent
4,6635 Largest Military Countries by Continent
4,594Five Most Bordered Countries by Continent
4,560Five Countries with the Shortest Coastline by Continent
4,453Five Biggest Cities by Continent (with Exceptions)
4,306Five Countries by First Two Letters by Continent #2
4,306Five Smallest Island Countries by Continent
4,176Solve Five Secret Countries by Continent #2
4,079Last Five World Capitals Alphabetically by Continent
4,076Five Most Populated Countries in 1950 by Continent
4,014Five Countries with the Tallest Building by Continent
4,008Five Biggest Countries by Continent - One Minute Sprint
3,919Five Most Populated Countries in 2100 by Continent
3,917Five Closest Countries by Continent
3,824Five Countries with the Most Traffic-Related Deaths by Continent
3,626Five Biggest Non-Capital Cities by Continent
3,523Five Biggest Countries Containing Letter 'I' by Continent
3,519Five Biggest First Cities by Continent
3,425Five Biggest Islands by Continent
3,367Five Biggest Oil Producing Countries by Continent
3,297Five Southernmost Countries by Continent
3,215Five Country Shapes in the World Map by Continent #1
3,165Five Countries with Highest Education by Continent
3,054Five Driest Countries by Continent
3,019Five Countries with Longest Total Borders by Continent
2,957Five Biggest Second Cities by Continent
2,941Five Least Elevated Countries by Continent
2,899Five Countries with the Most Immigrants by Continent
2,836Five Country Superlatives by Continent
2,800Five Most Populated Cities in 2100 by Continent
2,779Five Countries with the Strongest Passports by Continent
2,731Five Highest Life Expectancy Countries by Continent
2,689Five Closest Countries by Country by Continent
2,646Furthest Inland Capital Cities by Continent
2,603Last Five World Cities Alphabetically by Continent
2,561Five Country Shapes in the World Map by Continent #2
2,483Five Countries With the Most Inland Water by Continent
2,455Five Biggest Countries by Continent with Exceptions
2,444Five Most Populated Countries by Continent - One Minute Sprint
2,436Five Countries with Longest Perimeter by Continent
2,425Five Biggest Oil Consuming Countries by Continent
2,401Five Random Cities by Continent (with a map)
2,259Five Southernmost Countries by Continent (with a map)
2,250Five Longest Rivers by Continent
2,246Five Longest International Borders by Continent
2,237Five Most Corrupt Countries by Continent
2,223Five Highest Ranking FIFA Countries by Continent
2,173Guess the Five Countries by an Unknown Category by Continent
2,036Five Wettest Countries by Continent
2,036Five Countries with Most World Cup Appearances by Continent
1,9565 Longest Country Names by Continent
1,926Five Countries with the Most Expatriates by Country
1,903Five Northernmost Countries by Continent (with a map)
1,881Five Countries Closest to Point Zero by Continent
1,849Five Biggest Hidden Cities by Country on a World Map
1,795Five Biggest English Speaking Countries by Continent
1,739Five Countries with Most Catholics by Continent
1,724Solve Five Secret Countries by Continent #3
1,710Five Least Corrupt Countries by Continent
1,710Five Countries with Most Press Freedom by Continent
1,674Continents by Picture
1,620Five biggest islands in every continent
1,618Five Smallest Countries by Continent - advanced version
1,587Five Shortest World Capital Names by Continent
1,584Five Most Populated Countries by Continent with Exceptions
1,491Five Most Democratic Countries by Continent
1,393Five Missing Countries by Continent
1,381Five Lowest Life Expectancy Countries by Continent
1,330Five Longest World Capital Names by Continent
1,213Five Longest One-Word Countries by Continent
1,195Five Least Populated Capital Cities by Continent
1,183Top 5 Most Stable Countries By Continent
1,177Five Least Guessed Capital Cities by Continent
1,149Guess Five Countries by an Unknown Category by Continent #2
1,133Five Most Peaceful Countries by Continent
1,100Five Fastest Growing Countries by Continent
1,078Five Countries with the Most Billionaires by Continent
1,072Five newest Countries that joined UN by Continent
1,029Five Countries With the Longest Coastline by Continent
1,012Five Most Elevated Capital Cities by Continent
984Five Westernmost Capital Cities by Continent
9765 Countries With the Most Exports by Continent
970Five Least Democratic Countries by Continent
944Five Most English Speaking Countries by Continent
938Top Five National Football Teams by Continent
921Five Least Elevated Capital Cities by Continent
913Five Least Populous Countries by Continent
900Five Least Populated Countries by Continent - advanced version
870Five Countries with Least Christians by Continent
867Five Countries with Most Hindus by Continent
866Five Most Suicidal Countries by Continent
852Largest Countries by Continent Throughout History
849Five Highest Cannabis Using Countries by Continent
771Top 5 Countries by English Proficiency by Continent
762Five Most Christian Countries by Continent
654Five Highest Murder Rate Countries by Continent
598Five Countries with Most Sikhs by Continent
588Seven Continents Quiz
563Five Most Forested Countries by Continent
553Five Most Populous Countries by Continent - 1500
5375 biggest countries by continent
465Five Closest Countries to 100 Million People by Continent
454Top 5 Least Known Countries by Continent
417Five Countries with Greatest Longitude Change by Continent, with a Map
411Five Most Buddhist Countries by Continent
396Top 5 Most Obese Countries by Continent
393Five Biggest Rice-Producing Countries by Continent
3915 most visited countries by continent
353Top 5 Most Well-known Countries by Continent
3395 most populated countries by continent
336Five Most Democratic Countries by Continent
289Five Least Christian Countries by Continent
281Five Least Forested Countries by Continent
277Top Five GDP Countries by Continent
2765 most alcoholic countries by continent.
242Five Top Winter Olympic Medal-Winning Countries by Continent
242Five Countries that have the biggest youtubers by Continent
2365 Countries With Most Refugees By Continent
226Five Countries With Longest Coastline Per Continent
218Top 5 Least Stable Countries By Continent
211Five Countries with the Most Coronavirus Cases by Continent
205Five Most Populous Countries without COVID-19 by Continent
2005 Most Protestant Countries by Continent
1955 Countries With the Most Imports by Continent
177Top 5 Countries by Continent by Combined Area of Neighbours
155Five biggest cities by continent
136Five cities furthest from a bigger in the same continent, with a map.
1285 Oldest Continuous Settlements of Every Continent
120Countries with the most precipitation by continent
108United States Immigration- Top 5 Countries per Continent
80Countries With the Most Catholics by Continent
76Countries with the least precipitation by continent
75Top Ranked Nations in Rugby by Continent
59Least Densely Populated Countries on Each Continent
58Countries With the Lowest Homicide Rate by Continent
50Five biggest cities in each cardinal direction by continent
44Five northernmost major cities by continent
40Five southernmost major cities by continent
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