World Leader Quizzes - Page 4

Take a Random World Leader Quiz
115Prime Ministers of India
112Countries that were blocked by Donald Trump
111Prime Ministers of Pakistan Quiz
110US President who have visited Mexico
110The George Washington Quiz
110World Leaders of Latin America Quiz
109Last Five Holders of the UK Great Offices of State
106US President who have visited a Nordic country
106Most Populous Countries Never Visited by a U.S. President
105U.S. Presidents From West of the Mississippi River
105Supreme Leaders of North Korea
105Presidents of Singapore
106Name these Female World Leaders
104South African Prime Ministers & Presidents
103European Country Leaders by Country
103John F. Kennedy Presidential Cabinet
101Donald Trump International Presidential Trips
101True or False: Has a Woman Ever Been the Leader?
100All the Leaders of Asia
100Presidents of Nigeria Quiz
99Mt Rushmore Presidential Trivia
99Presidents Who Attended Ivy League Universities
98Name Dropping #5: U.S. Presidents
95Name all Albanian Prime Ministers since 1992
95Living British Prime Ministers
94Donald Trump quiz
93US Presidents Depicted in Movies
92George W. Bush Presidential Cabinet
92US President who have visited France
92The Holy See Quiz
90Most Republican and Democrat US States in the 1856 Election
90Queen Elizabeth II's Prime Ministers
87Most Famous U.S. Vice Presidents With Exceptions
86Estonian Prime Ministers
86US Presidents by Published Books
85Prime Ministers of Sweden by Picture
85Portuguese Monarchs Quiz
85Longest Serving World Leaders
84Jeppy Dictators #1
83Presidents of Costa Rica
81U.S. Presidents That Were Secretary of State
81Which Historical Figures Are on U.S. Money?
81UK Great Offices of State
81U.S. Governors Quiz #2
81Presidents Who Were Former Members of the House
80British Prime Ministers
80Portuguese Presidents Quiz
80First Lady First Names - Sudden Death
78Countries Pope Benedict XVI has visited
78US Wars by Presidents
78Countries with a Female Majority in Parliament
77Presidents of Taiwan
77British Prime Ministers (Basics)
77U.S. Presidents Random Quiz #3
77Birthplaces of UK Prime Ministers
73Countries Pope Paul visited
72World Leaders by Letter - J
71U.S. Presidents With the Most Translated Wikipedia Articles
71U.S. Presidents by Birth Place Quiz - with Map
69US Election 2022 Highlights
70Countries Whose Leaders Have a Beard
68Joe Biden quiz
68U.S. Presidents Without the Letter J - One Minute Sprint
67Presidential Tile Select #2
67Donald Trump's Failed Businesses
66Who was U.S. President when _____
65New Zealand Prime Ministers - Picture Quiz
64US presidents with no repeating vowels in surname
63Can You Name These Wartime U.S. Vice Presidents?
63Interesting Facts About U.S. Presidents
62Countries with the Richest Monarchs
62Name Dropping #6: British Prime Ministers
61U.S. Presidential Line of Succession
61US Presidents that Lost Their Home States
60World leader to country
60The Only Two U.S. Presidents
58Countries Visited During the World Tour of Ulysses S. Grant
58US Presidents from their First Name
58Don't Get Whammied by the Presidents
56World Leaders by Letter - A
55First Leader by Country Quiz
55U.S. Presidents by Consonants
55US Presidential Articles of Impeachment
54True or False: Has a Sitting US President Ever Met Them?
54Prime Ministers of Thailand
52True or False: Has a Sitting US President Visited There?
52U.S. Attorneys General Quiz
52Which U.S. President Was Older Going Into Office?
51States George Washington won in 1789
50Political Families
50Presidents who Coined or Popularized Words
49Parliamentary Constituencies Held by British PMs
48Current Holders of the UK Great Offices of State
47Prime Ministers of the UK by length of tenure
47Presidents of Iran Quiz
46U.S. Presidents by Historian Rank
45Guess the President by Scandal
45Longest Serving Female Heads of Government
42Interesting Facts About Every US President
42Presidents with Airports Named After Them 🛫
41Prime Ministers of Bangladesh Quiz
41Presidents of Afghanistan Quiz
40Cardinal Electors of the Last Papal Conclave
4120th Century U.S Presidents - Sudden Death
39George Washington Cabinet
39Forbes' Most Powerful People 2009-2018
37The Cabinet of Donald Trump Quiz
37World Leaders Wearing Funny Hats
37Countries with Greens in Government 🌱🌎
36World Leaders by Letter - G
35British Prime Ministers by their first name
34World Leaders Shaking Hands
33Jeppy Dictators #2
33Countries that had a UN Secretary General
33Alliterative Presidents
32Swingiest U.S. States
31U.S. Presidents Random Quiz #2
31Countries with Mustachioed Leaders
31Presidents with Political Bases Not in Their Birth States
31U.S. Presidents That Had Dogs Quiz
30Leaders of Peru
30World Leaders by AI Political Satire
29Counties That Voted For Biden and Trump The Most
27One Question About Every US President
28Obama's Favorite Artists
27Longest Republican States
27Who was U.S. President when _____ #2
27U.S. Presidents Random Quiz #1
27Presidential Nominees that got Cheated
26Countries with a President and a Prime Minister
25Guess All Countries by Leader
24Don't Get Whammied by the Popes
21World Leaders of 2022
21UN Secretary Generals
20Conclave Year to Pope
19Norwegian Prime Ministers before WWII
19States Where Harris Outperformed Clinton
18Presidential Lifespans
17Every U.S. Senator Ever
16Heads of Government of Myanmar
14Most Influential Figures
13Prime Ministers of Prussia 1848-1945 - with picture
13Counties That Voted For Trump and Clinton The Most
12Every World Leader
11Pope to Conclave Year
8Presidents of Greece-3rd Hellenic Republic
7President by Medal of Freedom Recipients
5Conclave Years
5Counties That Voted For Trump and Harris The Most
4International Trips by U.S Presidents
3U.S. Presidents Quiz - April Fools Edition
2Counties That Voted For Obama and Romney The Most
2Prime Ministers of the UK in Alphabetical Order
2Titles of the head of State of Burkina Faso